力晶2024藝文饗宴 賽門.拉圖爵士與巴伐利亞廣播交響樂團
2024.8.8 (THU.) - 8.29 (THU.)早鳥85折

力晶2024藝文饗宴 賽門.拉圖爵士與巴伐利亞廣播交響樂團
2024.12.02 (一) 19:30
國家兩廳院-國家音樂廳 臺北市中正區中山南路21-1號
樂迷一生必聽的經典天團——巴伐利亞廣播交響樂團為世界最頂尖的管絃樂團之一,以精緻且深具內涵的音樂詮釋見長。自 2023/24 樂季起,由前柏林愛樂、倫敦交響樂團首席指揮賽門・拉圖爵士正式接任該團首席指揮。
Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks (BRSO) is one of the leading orchestras in the world, famed for its refined and intimate interpretation. Sir Simon Rattle, formerly chief conductor of the Berlin Philharmonic and music director of the London Symphony Orchestra, last year took the reins of the BRSO as their chief conductor.
With Sir Simon Rattle at its helm, the BRSO will present Austro-German, late-Romantic orchestral works, 20th century classics, and the profound Symphony No. 7 by Gustav Mahler. Seong-Jin Cho, praised by Sir Simon Rattle as a "poet at the piano," will jointly perform Johannes Brahms's Piano Concerto No. 2. Cho's thoughtful, poetic playing coupled with the orchestra's polished, intense interpretation under the direction of Sir Simon Rattle will likely make the concert the unforgettable highlight of the year.
指揮 Conductor|賽門.拉圖爵士 Sir Simon Rattle
鋼琴 Piano|趙成珍 Seong-Jin Cho
巴伐利亞廣播交響樂團 Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks
12.1 協奏曲之夜—
György Ligeti: "Atmosphères"
Richard Wagner: Prelude to "Lohengrin"
Anton Webern: Six pieces, op. 6 (Version from 1928)
Richard Wagner: Prelude and Liebestod from "Tristan and Isolde"
Johannes Brahms: Piano Concerto No. 2 in B-Flat Major, Op. 8312.2 夜之歌—
Gustav Mahler: Symphony No. 7 in E Minor力晶美學藝堂演前導聆
時間:12.1 (SUN.)、12.2 (MON.) 18:30 - 19:10
©BR-Astrid Ackermann
巴伐利亞廣播交響樂團 Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks
巴伐利亞廣播交響樂團於2024年慶祝其成立75週年。該樂團自1949年成立不久,便旋即發展成為國際知名的樂團。除了演繹古典浪漫派曲目之外,該樂團亦致力於卡爾.阿瑪迪斯.哈特曼 (Karl Amadeus Hartmann) 於1945年創立的「musica viva」音樂會系列,為當代音樂發聲。
該樂團的眾多錄音多次獲得國內外獎項,如2006年的葛萊美獎。最近,由賽門.拉圖爵士指揮的馬勒第九號交響曲錄音,獲得了2023年的「金音叉獎」。 Bachtrack 網站上的「全球最偉大樂團」排名中,巴伐利亞廣播交響樂團名列第三。
With the 2023/24 season, the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra welcomed its new principal conductor: Sir Simon Rattle. As the sixth chief conductor in the line of important orchestra leaders after Eugen Jochum, Rafael Kubelik, Colin Davis, Lorin Maazel and Mariss Jansons, who died on 1 December 2019, he is a conductor personality of great openness to new artistic paths.
The BRSO, which celebrates its 75th anniversary in 2024, developed into an internationally renowned orchestra soon after its founding in 1949. In addition to the interpretation of the classical-romantic repertoire, the orchestra's central concern from the beginning was to cultivate contemporary music within the framework of musica viva, founded by Karl Amadeus Hartmann in 1945.
Since its beginnings, many renowned guest conductors such as Erich and Carlos Kleiber, Otto Klemperer, Leonard Bernstein, Sir Georg Solti, Carlo Maria Giulini, Kurt Sanderling and Wolfgang Sawallisch have left their mark on the symphony orchestra. Today, Yannick Nézet-Séguin, Riccardo Muti, Herbert Blomstedt, Franz Welser-Möst, Daniel Harding and Iván Fischer are important partners.
Its numerous CD recordings have repeatedly won national and international awards, such as the Grammy (2006). Most recently the recording of Gustav Mahler's 9th Symphony under the baton of Sir Simon Rattle was awarded the "Diapason d'Or" (2023). In an orchestra ranking by "Bachtrack", the world's leading website for classical music events for which internationally renowned music critics were asked about "The world's greatest orchestras," the BRSO came in third place.
©BR-Astrid Ackermann
指揮 Conductor|賽門.拉圖爵士 Sir Simon Rattle
令人信服的領導魅力、熱愛實驗、投身當代音樂、致力參與社會與教育推廣,以及面對藝術坦率嚴謹的態度——這些特質使得現年 69 歲、出身英國利物浦的拉圖,成為當代最具魅力的指揮家。自 2023/24 樂季起,拉圖接任巴伐利亞廣播合唱團及交響樂團首席指揮。
出任伯明翰市立交響樂團指揮期間(1980-1998),拉圖逐漸獲得國際肯定,並帶領該樂團走向世界。2002-2018 年擔任柏林愛樂首席指揮,並於 2017-2023 年擔任倫敦交響樂團音樂總監。作為倫敦交響樂團的名譽指揮,他將持續與該樂團合作。拉圖也與啟蒙時代管絃樂團密切合作,為該團的首席藝術家。拉圖定期在歐洲和亞洲巡演,並與全球知名樂團長期合作,包括:維也納愛樂、柏林國立管絃樂團、柏林德意志交響樂團,以及捷克愛樂。拉圖廣受各大歌劇院邀約擔任客席指揮,包括:倫敦柯芬園皇家歌劇院、柏林國立歌劇院、維也納國立歌劇院、紐約大都會歌劇院等;近期參與普羅旺斯艾克斯音樂節,偕同倫敦交響樂團演出貝爾格《伍采克》的新製作。
擔任柏林愛樂首席指揮期間,拉圖定期客座於薩爾茲堡、巴登巴登、普羅旺斯艾克斯的復活節音樂節。他也致力於柏林愛樂名為「未來」的音樂推廣計畫,獲得許多獎項的肯定,並於 2019 年創立倫敦交響樂團東倫敦學院——倫敦交響樂團與東倫敦十個行政區的合作計畫,期望秉持有教無類的理念,培養傑出的音樂人才。
拉圖錄製的 70 張唱片全數獲得各項最高榮譽及獎項。目前拉圖與巴伐利亞廣播交響樂團已發行華格納《萊茵黃金》、《女武神》、《齊格飛》、馬勒的《大地之歌》與《第九號交響曲》,以及收錄了阿達梅克作品的講座音樂會專輯,其中《第九號交響曲》專輯榮獲法國金音叉獎、《撥弦》雜誌超音獎以及《留聲機》編輯精選。
Convincing charisma, great experimental spirit and enthusiasm, as well as an uncompromising artistic seriousness – all of this makes the Liverpool-native Simon Rattle one of the most fascinating conducting personalities of our time. In 2010, with Schumann's Das Paradies und die Peri, Sir Simon Rattle stood for the first time at the podium of the BRChor and BRSO. Since then, an intensive collaboration has developed, and his performances in Munich have always been highlights. In 2021, Simon Rattle and the BRSO solidified their deep mutual affection with the signing of a contract for Simon Rattle to take on the position of chief conductor starting in the 2023/2024 season. Thus, the 69-year-old Briton with a German passport assumed the leadership of the orchestra last September, an orchestra he has admired since his youth. As before his appointment, Simon Rattle presents a broad repertoire: from Rameau, Bach, Haydn, and Mozart to modern and contemporary music, from the classics of symphonic music to concertante opera. Under the label "hip – historically informed performance", he will also establish the playing of early music on original instruments at the BRSO. Additionally, Simon Rattle is passionately dedicated to music education. Ambitious projects with the BRSO Academy or the Bavarian State Youth Orchestra are as much a priority for him as the "Symphonic Hoagascht," where he brings together brass ensembles from Bavaria with the BRSO.
Simon Rattle's steep career began at the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra. Between 1980 and 1998, he led it to world renown. From 2002 to 2018 he was Chief Conductor of the Berliner Philharmoniker, and from 2017 to 2023 Music Director of the London Symphony Orchestra, with which he will remain associated as Conductor Emeritus. Moreover, Simon Rattle is the "Principal Artist" of the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, the First Guest Conductor of the Czech Philharmonic, and maintains long-standing relationships with other top orchestras such as the Vienna Philharmonic or the Berlin Staatskapelle, and with renowned opera houses including the Royal Opera House in London, the Berlin State Opera, the New York Met, and the Festival d'Aix-en-Provence. A recent collaboration led him to the Mahler Chamber Orchestra. Simon Rattle has received numerous high honors. Among the CDs released with the BRSO, Mahler's Ninth Symphony was awarded a Diapason d’or and a Gramophone Editor's Choice, while the Sixth Symphony received a Gramophone Editor's Choice and a Prize of the German Record Critics.
鋼琴 Piano|趙成珍 Seong-Jin Cho
趙成珍於 2015 年獲蕭邦大賽金獎,贏得全球關注,此後事業迅速起飛。2016 年初,與德意志留聲機公司簽訂專屬合約;2023 年獲頒三星荷馬藝術獎,表彰他對古典音樂的傑出貢獻。作為當代最炙手可熱的鋼琴家之一,趙成珍與許多全球頂尖樂團合作演出,包括:柏林愛樂、維也納愛樂、倫敦交響樂團、巴黎交響樂團、紐約愛樂,以及費城交響樂團,也經常與鄭明勳、杜達美、尼爾森斯、涅澤–賽金、諾謝達、拉圖、羅伐利、沙隆年,以及拉哈夫.沙尼等知名指揮合作。
趙成珍的第一張專輯《蕭邦:第一號鋼琴協奏曲、四首敘事曲》與倫敦交響樂團以及諾謝達合作,同樣的組合於 2021 年 8 月推出《蕭邦:第二號鋼琴協奏曲、四首詼諧曲》。個人專輯則有《流浪者》以及《韓德爾計劃》,前者於 2020 年 5 月發行,收錄舒伯特鋼琴幻想曲 《流浪者》、貝爾格鋼琴奏鳴曲作品,以及李斯特 B 小調鋼琴奏鳴曲,後者則於 2023 年 2 月發行。此外,他於 2017 年 11 月發行德布西獨奏專輯,隨後於 2018 年與聶澤–塞金以及歐洲室內樂團合作發行莫札特專輯。專輯均以德意志留聲機公司黃牌發行,廣獲國際盛讚。
Seong-Jin Cho has established himself worldwide as one of the leading pianists of his generation and most distinctive artists on the current music scene. With an innate musicality and consummate artistry, his thoughtful and poetic, virtuosic, and colourful playing can combine panache with purity and is driven by an impressive natural sense of balance. He is celebrated unanimously across the globe for his expressive magic and illuminative insights.
Seong-Jin Cho was brought to the world's attention in 2015 when he won First Prize at the Chopin International Competition in Warsaw, and his career has rapidly ascended since. In early 2016, he signed an exclusive contract with Deutsche Grammophon and, in 2023, Cho was awarded the prestigious Samsung Ho-Am Prize in the Arts in recognition of his exceptional contributions to the world of classical music. An artist high in demand, Cho works with the world's most prestigious orchestras including Berliner Philharmoniker, Wiener Philharmoniker, London Symphony Orchestra, Concertgebouworkest, and Boston Symphony Orchestra. Conductors he regularly collaborates with include Myung-Whun Chung, Gustavo Dudamel, Andris Nelsons, Yannick Nézet-Séguin, Gianandrea Noseda, Sir Antonio Pappano, Sir Simon Rattle, Santtu-Matias Rouvali, Esa-Pekka Salonen, and Lahav Shani.
In the 2024/25 season Seong-Jin Cho takes up the mantle of Artist in Residence with the Berliner Philharmoniker, a position which sees Cho work with the orchestra on multiple projects across the season including concerto performances, chamber music collaborations, on tour to the Osterfestspiele Baden-Baden, and in recital. Elsewhere, he notably returns to London's BBC Proms, to the Philadelphia Orchestra to open their season with Yannick Nézet-Séguin, to New York Philharmonic and Chicago Symphony Orchestra with Santtu-Matias Rouvali, and to The Cleveland Orchestra under Franz Welser-Möst. Cho embarks on several international tours, including his notable return to Wiener Philharmoniker with Andris Nelsons in Korea and to Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks with Sir Simon Rattle in Korea, Japan, and Taiwan, following a performance of Brahms Piano Concerto. No. 2 in Munich.
Highly sought after in recital, Seong-Jin Cho appears in the world's most prestigious concert halls including the main stage of the Concertgebouw Amsterdam, Musikverein Wien, Alte Oper Frankfurt, KKL Luzern, Sala Santa Cecilia, Théâtre des Champs-Elysées, Rudolfinum, Suntory Hall Tokyo, Festival International de Piano de la Roque d'Anthéron, and Verbier Festival. During the coming season he will present the complete solo piano music of Maurice Ravel at venues including the Wiener Konzerthaus, Elbphilharmonie Hamburg, Barbican Centre London, Celebrity Series at Boston Symphony Hall, Walt Disney Hall Los Angeles, and Carnegie Hall.
Seong-Jin Cho's latest recording is his solo album entitled "The Handel Project", released in early 2023. In 2021, he released Chopin's Piano Concerto No. 2 and Scherzi with the London Symphony Orchestra and Gianandrea Noseda for Deutsche Grammophon. He had previously recorded his first album with the same orchestra and conductor featuring Chopin's Piano Concerto No. 1 as well as the Four Ballades. His solo album titled "The Wanderer" was released in 2020 and features Schubert's "Wanderer Fantasy", Berg's Piano Sonata op. 1, and Liszt's Piano Sonata in B minor. A solo Debussy recital was also released in 2017, followed by a Mozart album with the Chamber Orchestra of Europe and Yannick Nézet-Séguin in 2018. All albums have been released on the Yellow Label and have garnered impressive critical acclaim worldwide.
Born in 1994 in Seoul, Seong-Jin Cho started learning the piano at the age of six and gave his first public recital aged 11. In 2009, he became the youngest-ever winner of Japan's Hamamatsu International Piano Competition. In 2011, he won Third Prize at the International Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow at the age of 17. From 2012-2015 he studied with Michel Béroff at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris. Seong-Jin Cho is now based in Berlin.
台中|12.4 臺中國家歌劇院大劇院
高雄|12.5 衛武營國家藝術文化中心 音樂廳
◎12.1 (SUN.)演出全長約125分鐘,含中場休息20分鐘。遲到或中途離場的觀眾,須待中場休息方得進場。
◎12.2 (MON.) 演出全長約90分鐘,不含中場休息。遲到或中途離場的觀眾無法入場。
◎本節目提供「藝童PLAY - 演出中孩童陪伴服務」,詳見申請辦法(採報名制,演出日7天前 15:00截止報名)。