
臺北市中山堂-中正廳 臺北市中正區延平南路98號
Symphony of Colors: Beethoven on Vacation⛱️一同攜手慶祝貝多芬「歡樂頌」200週年!今年暑假,台北香頌青年管弦樂團與香頌兒童弦樂團隆重登場,準備古典曲目:貝多芬序曲「Nameday」、第五號交響曲「命運」、「Ode to Joy」、「土耳其進行曲」,及整首使用撥奏的史特勞斯「波卡」舞曲,這次當然也有風格多變的配樂,包含打字機、迪士尼魔髮奇緣主題…帶給觀眾一個交響樂的夢幻體驗
( Programe )
演 出 曲 目:
Ludwig van Beethoven - Overture in C Major “Namensfeier” Op. 115
Ludwig van Beethoven - Symphony No.5 in C minor, Op. 67
Ludwig van Beethoven - Turkish March (Marcia alla turca)
Johann Strauss II - Pizzicato Polka
Leroy Anderson - The Typewriter
亞倫・孟肯:王國之舞,片段主題曲自 選自迪士尼《魔髮奇緣》
Alan Menken - Kingdom Dance, from Tangled
Disney Classics - Suite
貝多芬:歡樂頌,片段主題曲自 "第九號交響曲"《合唱》
Ludwig van Beethoven - Ode to Joy, from Symphony No.9
us 台北香頌青年管弦樂團|Taipei Chanson Youth Orchestra
台北香頌致力於古典音樂藝術教育推廣,2010年成立台北香頌青年管弦樂團(Chansontpe Youth Orchestra, CYO),來自各地的優秀演奏者,透過最優秀音樂家們指導,專業的分部、合奏、室內樂訓練。目標是用音樂陪伴成長,成為一生的好夥伴。
The Chansontpe has been committed to delivering classical music and art education. In 2010, we established an affiliated music group of Academy - Taipei Chanson Youth Orchestra (Chansontpe Youth/CYO), under the idea of "Music is a lifelong habit", recruit outstanding young performers under 20 from all over the nation who have more than 5 years of music experience. They are trained by those best and enthusiastic professional musicians, in various ensembles, and large scale symphonies. The goal is to grow up with music and make it a good partner for life.
In addition to regularly experimenting with diverse repertoires based on various topics. We've been invited to perform at the World Vision Charity Carnival at City Hall Plaza, World Human Rights Day, New Taipei City Film Festival, New Taipei Christmas celebration, etc. CYO has participated in overseas music exchanges for many times. In 2012, worked with the Hong Kong Conservatory of Music Orchestra at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Went to California, United States for music exchanges in 2013, participated in master classes and chamber music concert at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music(SFCM), and participated in a three-day farm music camp out to experience the fusion of traditional American fiddle and classical music. In 2016, participated in the youth music exchange in Urasoe, Okinawa, Japan. And participated in the cultural experience of shamisen at the Naha Cultural Center. In 2017, CYO was invited to perform at Baptist University recital hall and opening concert in front of Hong Kong Disneyland Castle. In 2018, CYO went to Sydney and Melbourne, and performed four consecutive concerts at the Australian International Music Festival, and performed at the Sydney Opera House Concert Hall, a world cultural heritage. In 2019, CYO was invited to perform in the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Belgium. Concerts at the English Reformed Church in the central Amsterdam, and to raise funds for the construction of a hospital in Malawi, Africa; an outdoor music feast at famous Le Place d'Armes of Luxembourg city; and one at the Cathedral of St. Michael and St. Gudula in Belgium. In 2023, the European concert tour to Paris, France, and performed in the Jardin du Luxembourg where the Senate is located, the historic Madeleine Church, and the iconic Cathedral in Barcelona, Spain. CYO was invited to perform in The 2022 National Day Reception at the Taipei Guest House, and was applauded by ambassadors from various countries.
香頌兒童弦樂團|Chansontpe Elementary String Orchestra
The joy of playing music together is at the heart of our CES-orchestra's mission. Established in 2009, one of the Chansontpe Academy, the Chanson Elementary String Orchestra draws its members from Taipei City, New Taipei City, Taoyuan, Hsinchu and even from Taichung. We serve as a stepping stone for music learners into the world of orchestra playing. To ensure that our young players fully embrace the joy of music, our Artistic Director, Mr. Huang Sheng-chih, carefully curates a repertoire that suits their skill levels. This approach introduces them to a wider range of musical styles, fostering a deeper appreciation for music and igniting their intrinsic motivation to learn. We gather together to share the music.
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