郭奕麟 + 陸奇 ft.張惠笙:H+T《萬象森羅》

郭奕麟 + 陸奇 ft.張惠笙:H+T《萬象森羅》
2024.08.31 (六) 15:00、2024.09.01 (日) 15:00
演出者郭奕麟、創作郭奕麟、演出者陸奇、創作陸奇、演出者張惠笙、服裝設計Leeroy New、舞台設計Leeroy New、裝置設計Leeroy New、音樂設計Nigel Brown、舞台監督Stella Cheung、平面設計58kg、臺灣區製作人高翊愷、臺灣區技術統籌沈哲弘、臺灣區執行製作顏子妘、臺灣區行銷宣傳陳駿騏
共感萬物對於人類的無聲控訴......#裝置 #舞蹈 #聲音 #臺澳新菲四地共創
繼2019年臺北藝術節大獲好評的《束縛》(Bunny),新加坡藝術家郭奕麟(Daniel Kok)、墨爾本藝術家陸奇(Luke George)兩位主創,視植物為共同表演者,將呈現一齣融合肢體表演、實驗音樂、裝置及觀眾參與的作品。
In this collective experience of the visual, the sensual and the sensible, we consider what plants know, and catch a glimpse of a world where time is transformed, and humans displaced. Blending dance, experimental music, and installation, Hundreds + Thousands is an opera that attempts to reconcile the relationship between people and the natural world.
Over the pandemic, we came across numerous people who have developed deeply personal relationships with plants. Plants became our meditative companions even as we ourselves lived like potted plants during lockdown. As we were forced to slow down, some of us began to pay attention to minute shifts in light and air qualities in our apartments, changes in our bodily and thought patterns, new buds sprouting and old leaves withering.
In Hundreds + Thousands, we ask ourselves how we might be able to displace ourselves to catch a glimpse of the other. As this is a performance for people and plants, with people and plants, we wonder what kind of language is needed for us to listen, to see and to speak to/with plants.
For us, the title “Hundreds and Thousands” is a reminder of the overabundance of things that exist (in nature or man-made), the vastness of infinity, the great history of the earth and the universe in which humans are but a blip. What if we can ‘see’ together the times and spaces before the human epoch, or long after humans exist?
• 演出長度約100分鐘,含演後活動,無中場休息。
• 開演前30分鐘開始驗票,演前20分鐘開放進入觀眾席。
• 本演出採票券一人一票入場,遲到觀眾請依現場工作人員指示入場,由於遲到入場開放次數有限,敬請準時抵達,以免錯過入場機會。
• 演出部分段落具有眩光、閃爍及濃煙畫面,請特別留意。
• 全程不得使用電子產品、拍照、錄影、錄音。
• 凡社群打卡分享者可私訊聚思粉專領取折扣碼。
• 現場填寫演後問卷者,即可於前台兌換「建國花市50元折價券」乙張(數量有限,換完為止)。
• The performance lasts approximately 100 minutes, including a post-show activity, with no intermission.
• Ticket inspection begins 30 minutes before the performance, and the audience seating opens 20 minutes before the show.
• Each ticket allows one person entry. Latecomers will be admitted according to the instructions of the on-site staff. As the number of late entry opportunities is limited, please arrive on time to avoid missing the chance to enter.
• Certain parts of the performance contain glare, flashing lights, and heavy smoke. Please take note of these.
• The use of electronic devices, photography, video recording, and audio recording is prohibited throughout the performance.
• Those who share the event on social media can message the official Facebook page to receive a discount code.
• Attendees who complete a post-show survey at the venue can redeem a "Chien Guo Holiday Flower Market NT$50 Discount Coupon" at the front desk (limited quantity, while supplies last).
創作暨表演|Daniel Kok(新加坡)、Luke George(墨爾本)
服裝、舞台暨裝置設計|Leeroy New(馬尼拉)
音樂設計|Nigel Brown(臺灣,臺南)
舞台監督|Stella Cheung(新加坡)
特別感謝|臺北表演藝術中心、DYCTEAM® 、DYCTEAM® SELECT、美麗佳人 marie claire、men's uno TW、caoco 可口、不如跳舞吧、BRAVO電台林采韻、佳音電台咖啡貓、原住民廣播電台蘇瓦那.恩木伊.奇拉雅善、胖胖樹的熱帶雨林、宅栽、台大植物標本館胡哲明館長、草本花道、淡水花市、油車里唐儷樺里長、沙崙里彭瑀筑里長、崁頂里吳庭岳里長
Artistic and Creative Team
Lead artist and Performer|Daniel Kok(Singapore), Luke George(Melbourne)
Vocalist and Performer|Alice Hui-Sheng Chang(Taiwan, Tainan)
Costume and Stage and Sculpture Designer|Leeroy New(Manila)
Sound Designer|Nigel Brown(Taiwan, Tainan)
Stage Manager|Stella Cheung(Singapore)
Key Visual Design|58kg
Trailer|G Design, Tshio-Tiô
Taiwan Producer|Kao Yi-kai
Taiwan Production and Marketing Coordinator|Chen Chun-chi
Taiwan Technical Director|Shen Jhe-hong
Taiwan Sound Technical Designer|Chen
Taiwan Master Electrician|Tsai Cheng-Lin
Taiwan Lighting Technician|Chu Tzu-Fu, Wu Cheng-Wen, Peng Hui-Xuan
Taiwan Production Assistant|Chang Yen-tzu
Taiwan Pre-Production Assistant|Yen Tzu-yun
Taiwan Intern Production Assistant|Chang Ling-wei, Huang Ming-chin
Taiwan Marketing Specialist|Chen Xiao-ting
Organizer|Thinkers' Studio, Cloud Gate Theater
Co-organizer|The Self-governing committee of Chien Guo Holiday Flower Market, Taipei City
Sponsor|National Culture and Arts Foundation, National Arts Council(Singapore), Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government
Special Thanks|Taipei Performing Arts Center, DYCTEAM®, DYCTEAM® SELECT, marie claire, men's uno TW, caoco, Blue Dance, Bravo FM91.3, Goodnews FM90.9, Alian FM96.3, Fat-Fat Tree Tropical Rainforest, Foliangle, Professor Jer-Ming Hu,JR Floral Boutique, TAMSHUI FLOWER, Youche Vil., Shalun Vil., Kanding Vil
Hundreds + Thousands was commissioned by National Gallery(Singapore)for Performing Spaces 2021.
Creation support by the National Arts Council(Singapore), and the Australian Government through the Australia Council for the Arts and Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade through development partner Performance Space(Sydney).
Project partners include Performance Space(Sydney), STRUT Dance(Perth), Perth Institute of Contemporary Art(Perth)and West Kowloon Cultural District(Hong Kong).
Additional support from the Playking Foundation(Australia), Dance Nucleus(Singapore), Vitalstatistix(Adelaide), Temperance Hall(Melbourne) , Lucy Guerin Inc(Melbourne), Australian Performing Arts Market, Asia Discovers Asia Meeting for Contemporary Performance(Taipei), Rumah Banjarsari(Surakarta)and CSC,(Bassano-del-Grappa).
★ 到場注意事項:演出開放觀眾攜帶以綠葉植物為主的植栽;請勿攜帶水根類植物,並請留意盆器需不具危險性且不漏泥土,總高度(含盆器)不超過30公分。
★ 8/30接駁車資訊:詳情請上聚思製造端臉書粉絲專頁。