真心喜歡 享受過程 親子共玩
Truly believe. Enjoy the process. Play for all ages.
童心與創意,是安徒生和莫札特給我們的印象, |
Andersen and Mozart both capture an image of the childlike innocence and creativity. We sincerely believe the integration of music and storytelling shall present so many possibilities to the stage as possible. |
團隊介紹 Introduction 「安徒生和莫札特的創意」成立於2011年,為表演藝術整合製作團隊,秉持著童心與創意,持續透過音樂劇中音樂與故事的元素,創作適合全年齡觀賞、兼顧藝術與娛樂的精采演出內容。藉由創新的營運模式,同時建立表演藝術的教育與培訓機制,積極與國際接軌,活絡亞洲的藝文產業鏈,讓表演藝術走入大眾的生活之中,成為彼此共同的話題、共享的時刻、共創的遊戲,進而讓娛樂的選擇從音樂劇開始。 主要服務內容包括原創IP內容孵化、演出節目製作、教育培訓、文創商品開發及出版發行。 |
Our mission -- With musical theatre as an entertainment form, let performing arts be part of our everyday life. Our Services: Theatre Production, Theatre Education, Original IP development, Merchandise Development, and Publishing. |
宗旨 Mission 我們透過音樂劇中音樂與故事的元素,創作適合闔家觀賞的演出,把表演藝術用簡明輕鬆的方式呈現出來,讓人們產生真心的共鳴,也成為一般家庭易於接受的娛樂及養分。 我們同時也建立表演藝術的教育與培訓機制,與國際專業人才交流,藉由完整的商業機制創造台灣表演藝術活絡且永續發展的產業鏈。 Through the elements in musicals, music and story, we create inviting performances and welcome for all ages. We build genuine connection between participants and bring affordable entertainment and educational input to families. We create performing arts education and training systems, and interact with international professionals. With a diverse and comprehensive business model, we expect to create an active and sustainable environment for Taiwan's performing arts industry. |
願景 Vision 透過音樂劇中音樂與故事的元素,讓表演藝術在家庭生活中發生,成為親子間共同的話題、共享的時刻、共創的遊戲;讓每個孩子在任何場域都能自在展現自己;讓家庭的娛樂選擇從音樂劇開始。 Through the music and stories in musicals, we make performing arts happen in every family's daily life. The experience creates common topics, shared moments and playful games between family members. We let every kid present themself freely, and let all the family's entertainment choices begin with a musical. |