2024TIFA 亞倫.路西恩.奧文《一個說謊,一個說愛》

2024TIFA 亞倫.路西恩.奧文《一個說謊,一個說愛》
2024.03.01 (五) 19:30、2024.03.02 (六) 19:30、2024.03.03 (日) 14:30
導演亞倫.路西恩.奧文、編舞亞倫.路西恩.奧文、導演安卓.魏爾、演出者李奕騏、演出者林士評、演出者Kluane Thompson、演出者Evan Sagadencky、演出者Alex Clair、演出者Adam McGaw、演出者Ioannis Yáya Logothethis、排練指導Azusa Seyama、燈光設計導演Christopher Sanders、燈光設計Torkel Skjerven、音響設計Terje Wessel Øverland、音響設計Gunnar Innvær、音響技術Svein Sandvold、場景設計Martin Flack、服裝設計Stine Sjøgren、舞臺監督Danny Hones、製作人暨巡演經理Isaïe Richard、巡演經紀Menno Plukker、演出者凃力元、演出者吳承恩、演出者Olivia Ancona、演出者Zander Constant、演出者Mai Lisa Guinoo、演出者Pascal Marty、演出者Tom Weinberger
來自挪威的藝術家亞倫.路西恩.奧文(Alan Lucien Øyen),舞蹈、戲劇雙棲甚至跨足電影創作,更與希臘視覺幻象大師迪米特里.帕派約安努(Dimitris Papaioannou),同為碧娜・鮑許烏帕塔舞蹈劇場(Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch)邀請客座編舞家。奧文與其團隊「冬季旅人」(winter guests)延續其反思社會的創作脈絡,《一個說謊,一個說愛》試圖詰問對「自我呈現」的終極追求,在認同與被認同中徬徨,如何讓個體逐漸崩解。 《一個說謊,一個說愛》源自團體說故事遊戲,無法接續者出局。
奧文將其轉化為當代社會的隱喻,為了博取認同、關注與關愛而營造假象,在無形的監視與評價之中迫切地追求被愛,否則邁向「社死」。 舞作不僅由奧文與英國劇作家/導演安卓.魏爾領銜編寫劇作,更由七位表演者共同參與,交付自己的心,讓舞作本身成為一座心靈場域。演出形式以極簡的舞台設計,烘托舞者難度極高,結合肢體與語言的全面表達。舞者以肢體具現繁複思緒,搭配語言與聲響加強表現層次與力道,視聽體感交融,撞擊出其間之隱晦及矛盾。在赤誠與偽裝之間,有親密有疏離、有勇敢與恐懼──終結於愛與謊言。
❝ 令人顫顫不安卻又如溜冰般流暢!讓我想起克莉絲朵.派特(Crystal Pite)織錦畫般精密繁複的動作和語言。 ❞—— 英國《Bachtrach》
"Watch me, want me, hug me...follow me, fake me, like me, love me, love me, love me..."Our thirst for love and our propensity to lie -- for the sake of social acceptance -- is the backdrop for this theatrical dance work by Alan Lucien Øyen.
Love and lies are the driving forces behind ""Story, Story, Die."" by Norwegian director and choreographer Alan Lucien Øyen. For Øyen, love and lies share an interdependent relationship. As we go about our daily lives, we constantly seek to craft narratives to seek approval. We do things to be liked and accepted. When we receive that approval, or love, it turns out to be only fleeting and conditional.
Against this backdrop, we are drawn into the personal worlds of seven dancers, all members of Øyen's dance troupe, winter guests. Using visceral choreography, poignant text, and theatrical sensibilities, Øyen sets a stage in which the seven performers navigate between poles of intimacy and alienation, bravery and fear. The discourse of this work draws from each dancer's individual experiences shared in the rehearsal process, which are deconstructed and reframed on stage. The dancers, through their exploration of these fragments of their selves, bring to the stage a unique expression of the human condition as we know it today.
©Mats Bäcker
影評人地下電影 ★★★
影評人香功堂主 ★★★「一個類似工作坊的場域,七名舞者輪番上陣,演繹著各自想要訴說的故事:有人思念著逝去的愛情、有人回憶起暴力往事、有人感到愧疚想要挽回破碎的人生,也有人走到生離死別的路口,說著再見又捨不得再見。《一個說謊,一個說愛》是一部關於生命與寂寞的作品,它令我想起以前觀賞碧娜.鮑許(Pina Bausch)舞劇的心情:真誠、私密、幽默又感傷。」
舞評人林農 ★★★
延伸閱讀 ⎼⟢⟢。゜+.
➠ 舞評人林農|《一個說謊,一個說愛》:用故事接住每一個脆弱的靈魂
➠ 關鍵評論網|挪威編舞家亞倫路西恩奧文的《一個說謊,一個說愛》——用身體鑿掘內在深層情感➠ 影評人香功堂主|一個說謊,一個說愛》:充氣(希望)與洩氣(失望)的人生啊
➠ 500輯|在真與假之間,找到任何愛的可能——專訪《一個說謊,一個說愛》編舞家亞倫.路西恩.奧文與舞者李奕騏
➠ 蝴蝶與烏鴉低語的故事:亞倫.路西恩.奧文《一個說謊,一個說愛》🐦⬛🦋
創作者介紹 Info
挪威編舞家、作家、導演,於2006年創立「冬季旅人」展露各國際舞臺。作品充滿著強烈情感以及劇情動力,曾以舞蹈與戲劇獲「威廉森歌劇暨芭蕾獎」與「挪威戲劇獎」。更為碧娜・鮑許烏帕塔舞蹈劇場(Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch)首次邀請的兩位客座編舞家之一,受託創作《Bon Voyage, Bob》,目前仍在世界巡演中。
Alan Lucien Øyen
After graduating from the School of Art in Oslo, Alan Lucien Øyen danced with The Norwegian National Company of Contemporary Dance, Carte Blanche and Amanda Miller's company Pretty Ugly before establishing winter guests in 2006 - a multidisciplinary company touring theatrical, dance and hybrid works in English for the international stage.
Alan has won numerous awards for his work as choreographer, director and playwright. In 2018 he was invited to work for the legendary Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch. In 2020/21 Alan will also create new full evening works for Paris Opera, Opera Flanders and Staatsoper Berlin.
他們以文字、影像、音樂與動作訴說當代世界的故事,作品取材自真實生活經驗,包括原始的對話、側錄影像、即興演出等等。團隊經常將自身對現實的詮釋融入作品主題——因而表演形式變化無窮,展現出豐富的異質性。曾赴超過 20 國巡演,同時在獨立場地以及大劇院表演實驗劇作和舞作,並獲挪威藝術委員會年金獎助支持。
winter guests
They tell stories of the contemporary world with words, video, music and movement. The works are based on real life experiences, including original text, transcribed recordings and improvisations. The company often inserts its own reality into the subject matter of the piece - resulting in rich and eccentric performances in a constantly shifting format.
They have won several awards and gained international acclaim while touring over 20 countries, winter guests presents their avant-garde theatre and dance in both independent venues and in the context of opera houses.
©Mats Bäcker
製作團隊 Credits
編舞 Choreography|亞倫.路西恩.奧文(Alan Lucien Øyen)
舞者 Dancers|李奕騏(Lee Yi-chi)、林士評(Lin Shih-Ping)、Kluane Thompson、Evan Sagadencky、Alex Clair、Adam McGaw、Ioannis Yáya Logothethis
排練指導 Rehearsal director|Azusa Seyama
燈光設計導演Lighting technician/technical director|Christopher Sanders
燈光設計 Light design|Torkel Skjerven
音響設計 Sound design|Terje Wessel Øverland og Gunnar Innvær
音響技術 Sound technician|Svein Sandvold
場景設計 Scenography|Martin Flack
服裝設計 Costume design|Stine Sjøgren
舞臺監督 Stage manager|Danny Hones
製作人暨巡演經理 Producer/Tour manager|Isaïe Richard
巡演經紀 Touring Agent|Menno Plukker Theatre Agent, Inc
共製單位 Co-production|Dansens Hus, The Norwegian National Opera & Ballett, Julidans Festival Amsterdam
支持單位 Funding|Arts Council Norway and with the support of Orsolina28.
演出文本及編舞內容由亞倫.路西恩.奧文與首演舞者共同發展(凃力元 Tu Lee-yuan、吳承恩 Wu Cheng-an、Olivia Ancona、Zander Constant、Mai Lisa Guinoo、Pascal Marty、Tom Weinberger)
The text and choreography is developed in close collaboration with the performers (Olivia Ancona, Zander Constant, Mai Lisa Guinoo, Pascal Marty, Lee Yuan Tu, Tom Weinberger, Cheng An Wu).
★★★ 本作品2019年5月25日於挪威奧斯陸 Dansens Hus 世界首演。
WorldPremier Dansens Hus, Oslo May 25th 2019.
©Mats Bäcker