特別感謝:高雄VR FILM LAB
Special Thanks to Kaohsiung VR FILM LAB
Your Spiritual Temple Sucks
徐漢強 John HSU|台灣 Taiwan|2017|VR360|Color|10min|華語、英語|無字幕
2018 日舞影展 Sundance FF
2018 世界 VR 論壇最佳創新敘事獎 Best Innovative Storytelling, World VR Forum
Mr. Chang arrives at his "Spiritual Temple," a place that represents one' s destiny. To resolve his marital crisis and financial woes, he summons his guardian, the Thunder God, to overhaul the temple completely. However, this decision leads to unexpected and humorous outcomes.
許智彥 HSU Chih-yen|台灣 Taiwan|2019|VR360|Color|17min|華語、台語|中英字幕
2019 高雄電影節 Kaohsiung FF
2020 威尼斯影展 Venice FF
2021 日本 Beyond the Frame 影展最佳 VR 大賞 Grand Prix, Beyond the Frame Festival
In the summer afternoon, the family gathers at the old house. They surround grandma to show their love, even though she's no longer able to move, react or hear clearly. As people come and go, the television keeps replaying old programs, and the fan is still running in the peaceful old house, where the grandma and her caregiver live.
Look at Me
何蔚庭 HO Wi-ding|台灣 Taiwan|2019|VR360|Color|14min|華語|中英字幕
2019 高雄電影節 Kaohsiung FF
2020 西南偏南影視展 SXSW Film & TV Festival
Look at Me is a romantic melodrama, taking place in the near future where everyone relies on VR technology. Zhang suffers VR addiction and so do the people around him. He is depressed because his girlfriend doesn' t look at him anymore during their dates and, as a result, their sex life turns cold. Zhang is frustrated until he discovers a world where people crave for "real interaction."
In the Mist
周東彥 CHOU Tung-yen|台灣 Taiwan|2020|VR360|Color|14min|無對白|無字幕
2021 威尼斯影展 Venice FF
2021 高雄電影節 VR 評審團特別提及 Special Mention, VR Competition, Kaohsiung FF
2021 蒙特婁新電影影展最佳環景 VR 大獎 Panorama VR Prize, Montréal Festival du Nouveau Cinéma
Theater and new media director Chou Tung-yen once again touches on the unspeakable life experience of the gay community culture, exploring a male sauna through poetic lenses to take a peek into something that' s hidden under the desire – the love without love.
The Reflected City
賴冠源 LAI Kuan-yuan|台灣 Taiwan|2022|VR360|Color|12min|華語、英語|無字幕
2022 法國新影像藝術節主競賽單元入圍 XR Competition, NewImages Festival
In the steamy industrial city, residents greedily hunt sea creatures emerging from the ocean to exploit their energy, plunging the city into chaos. Pier and Two notice an unusual reflection of the city in the sea, prompting them to dive underwater and uncover a submerged city filled with fantasy and cultural allure. Empowered by this underwater realm, they channel its energy to the surface, initiating a revitalizing spectacle.
- 因部分作品包含暴力與性相關影像,本單元限 18 歲以上觀眾進場,請攜帶身分證件以利驗票。
- 每場次時長 40 分鐘,可任選兩部影片觀賞,請於穿戴設備時告知工作人員欲觀賞的片名(40 分鐘包含設備說明與穿戴、兩部影片播放及第一部影片播畢後的換場時間)。
- 每場次可提供 4 名觀眾觀影,購票時請選擇欲觀賞的時段。購票請至 OPENTIX 售票網,每場次開始後即停止售票,如有現場購票需求,敬請提早前往。
- 每場次開始前 5 分鐘開放入場,開始後 10 分鐘停止入場,敬請準時報到驗票。
- 每部 VR 頭戴式顯示器(下稱頭顯)每場次限一名觀眾使用,影片一經播放,除技術問題等不可抗力狀況,無法更換影片。
- 頭顯可供配戴眼鏡者使用,但建議配戴隱形眼鏡觀看,以獲得最佳觀影體驗;若因配戴眼鏡觀影導致眼鏡受損,或難以調整至最適焦距,本中心恕不負責。
- 請聽從現場工作人員指示,以免頭顯配戴錯誤而損壞設備。觀影結束後請留在原地,舉手或出聲告知工作人員。
- 極少比例的觀眾在觀影時會有頭暈、噁心等症狀,購票前請先自行評估;不建議罹患心臟病、高血壓、癲癇或重大疾病者觀賞;若因身體不適造成無法順利觀影,恕不退票。
- Due to partly violent and sexually explicit content, this program is restricted to audiences aged 18 and above, please show you ID while entry.
- Each session lasts 40 minutes for the viewer to watch two films of their choice. Please inform the staff of your selections when putting on the headset.
- Each session accommodates up to 4 people. Ticket sales end after each session starts. Secure your tickets online through OPENTIX, or in person at TFAI's information desk.
- Entry is allowed 5 minutes before each session and closed 10 minutes after it begins. Please arrive on time for ticket verification.
- Each VR headset is for one viewer per session. Once the film begins, the films cannot be changed except in cases of technical issues or force majeure.
- The headset can be worn with glasses, but contact lenses are recommended for optimal viewing. Individuals wearing glasses are responsible for personal glasses damage or focus adjustment issues.
- Please follow staff instructions to prevent equipment damage. After the session, please stay seated and inform the staff.
- Viewers may experience dizziness or nausea during the session. The program is not suitable for those with heart conditions, hypertension, epilepsy, or serious illnesses. Tickets are non-refundable for sessions interrupted due to personal health issues.