2024.6.8 (SAT.) - 6.30 (SUN.)早鳥85折

國家兩廳院-國家音樂廳 臺北市中正區中山南路21-1號
Marking the 50th anniversary of Duke Ellington's passing, stars from across the globe assemble to honor an immortal jazz icon! This year, the show is privileged to feature the young Spanish singer and trumpeter, Andrea Motis, elevating the occasion with her lovely vocals.
Under the musical direction of Michael Mossman, who also serves as arranger and trumpeter, the lineup includes saxophonist Antonio Hart, Shawna Yang, Cheng-yu Lee, trombonist Nick Javier, guitarist Go Yamada, pianist YuYing Hsu, bassist Yohei Yamada, drummer Cliff Almond, and percussionist Cheng-chun (Alex) Wu. This edition also boasts the USA-based composer Tracy Yang's brilliant compositions which contribute to a rich, stellar roster that honors the esteemed Duke Ellington.
✦ 時間:8.16 (五) 19:00
✦ 地點:國家音樂廳大廳
✦ 講者:孫秀蕙 老師為服務觀眾,本節目預計於 8/12 (一)12:00 起開放一般觀眾購買部分輪椅席與輪椅陪同席,敬請觀眾留意。
.為維護觀演品質,「夏日爵士限量咖啡」於開演前10分鐘停止兌換。人聲、小號|安德莉亞.莫蒂斯 Andrea Motis
未滿30歲、才貌兼具的安德莉亞.莫蒂斯不僅身兼歌手、作曲家、小號手和薩克斯風手數職,更是現今西班牙爵士樂壇最受矚目崛起新星。自小就嶄露才華的她,11歲即加入聖安德魯爵士樂團,14歲就錄製了第一張專輯《Joan Chamorro Presents Andrea Motis》,此後更於2012年發行了專輯《Feeling Good》。在首幾張專輯大獲好評後,2017年, 莫蒂斯於Impulse發行了她第一張全球發行專輯《Emotional Dance》,兩年後則由Verve發行《Do outro lado do azul》專輯,也讓她成為第一位在爵士音樂史上兩家最具指標性唱片廠牌皆發行專輯的西班牙音樂家。
在其輝煌的職業生涯中, 莫蒂斯與不少傳奇音樂家合作,如:昆西瓊斯、 馬友友、古巴國寶歌手歐瑪拉、葛萊美獲獎常客Milton Nascimento、Gil Goldstein、WDR大樂團、Scott Hamilton等。並在一些世上最具代表性的爵士音樂聖地演出,例如:東京爵士音樂節、紐約林肯中心爵士樂廳、維埃納爵士音樂節、巴塞隆納爵士音樂節、日本Blue Note爵士俱樂部、馬德里國家音樂廳,以及巴塞隆納加泰隆尼亞音樂宮。目前最新的計畫包括與智利室內樂團合作的《Febrero》,以及與小提琴家Christoph Mallinger與打擊樂手Zé Luis Nascimento組成的三重奏。
Andrea Motis (Barcelona, May 9, 1995) —singer, composer, trumpeter and saxophonist— is one of the most international artists to arise from the Spanish jazz scene. At the age of eleven she joined the Sant Andreu Jazz Band, and at fourteen she recorded her first album of standards, Joan Chamorro Presents Andrea Motis, which was followed, in 2012, by Feeling Good. Following the repercussion of her first albums came her first worldwide release, Emotional Dance (2017) on Impulse and, later, Do outro lado do azul (2019), on Verve, which made her the first Spanish artist to publish under these labels, both emblematic in the history of jazz.
Throughout her career, Andrea has collaborated with legendary artists such as Quincy Jones, Omara Portuondo, Milton Nascimento, Gil Goldstein, the WDR Big Band, Scott Hamilton or, in 2019, together with Yo-Yo Ma, with whom she performs as a duet El cant dels ocells, on the latest album by the remarkable cellist. He has performed concerts in some of the most representative jazz venues on the planet, such as the Tokyo Jazz Festival, Jazz at Lincoln Center in New York, Jazz a Vienne, Festival de Jazz de Barcelona, Blue Note Japan, the National Music Auditorium in Madrid, or the Palau de la Música in Barcelona. Her latest projects are Febrero, with a chamber orchestra from Chile, and Temblor, a new trio with violinist Christoph Mallinger and percussionist Zé Luis Nascimento.
兩廳院夏日爵士節慶樂團 Summer Jazz Project
兩廳院夏日爵士節慶樂團 兩廳院夏日爵士節慶樂團成軍於2012年,在眾所期待下,兩廳院集結臺灣最活躍的爵士音樂家們於此團,在每年的兩廳院夏日爵士派對中擔任演出。從2012年開始,節慶樂團陸續邀請了傳奇爵士樂手Albert "Tootie" Heath、Jimmy Cobb、Paquito D'Rivera、John Railey、Antonio Hart、Jeff Rupert與樂團合作演出,並且邀請國際知名編曲家/小號演奏家 Michael Mossman擔任音樂總監,創作專屬全新編曲,之後並加入「主題」規劃的音樂會,2018年以「午後的巴西風情」演出多首拉丁音樂並加入歌手演唱,2019年以《親愛的爵士樂之父:路易斯阿姆斯壯 - Tribute to Louis Armstrong》、2020年以《一起曼波 - Let's Mambo》、2022年以《精釀邁爾士:Miles Brew》、2023年以《爵士情歌》為音樂會主題,深受爵士樂迷喜愛。
The highly-anticipated NTCH Summer Jazz Project was launched in 2012. We gather the most active jazz musicians from throughout Taiwan to perform in the NTCH Jazz Party each year. Since 2012, we have collaborated with the legendary jazz musicians Albert "Tootie" Heath, Jimmy Cobb, Paquito D'Rivera, John Railey, Antonio Hart, and Jeff Rupert. In addition, the internationally renowned music arranger and trumpeter Michael Mossman was invited to serve as our Music Director. In this role, he has created exclusive new arrangements for us. Most recently, we've hosted themed concerts such as "Brazilian in the Afternoon" with several Latin tunes and vocalists in 2018, "Tribute to Louis Armstrong" in 2019, "Let's Mambo" in 2020, "Miles Brew" in 2022, and "Jazz Love Songs" in 2023, all of which were well-received by jazz enthusiasts.
音樂總監、作曲、編曲、小號|麥可.摩斯曼 Michael Mossman
麥可.摩斯曼自十七歲起就活躍於國際爵士樂壇。2012年,他為入圍奧斯卡金像獎最佳動畫片《奇可和麗塔》創作及改編電影配樂,並擔任小號獨奏。曾與Dizzy Gillespie、Horace Silver、Joe Henderson等人合作,並擔任Michel Camilo Big Band和爵士林肯中心的首席小號。目前任教於紐約皇后學院和茱莉亞學院。
Michael Philip Mossman has been active on the international scene since the age of 17. He arranged and composed music for the 2012 Academy Award finalist film "Chico and Rita" and appeared as trumpet soloist. Michael has toured and recorded with Dizzy Gillespie, Horace Silver, Joe Henderson, to name but a few. He has played lead trumpet with the Michel Camilo Big Band, and with Jazz at Lincoln Center among many others. He is on faculty at Queens College and Juilliard in New York.
製作人、小號|魏廣晧 Stacey Wei
Stacey Wei is currently a full-time associate professor of the Department of Music, director of the Department of Music and Arts Center in National Dong Hwa University. He holds an M.A. in Jazz Trumpet Performance from Queens College, the City University of New York. Stacey is currently an avid jazz musician in Taiwan and the teaching director of the 1st to 15th NTCH Summer Jazz Camp, and has served as the curator of the NTCH Summer Jazz Project since 2012. He released his first album Forty-Three, featuring his original works, which was nominated for the Best Instrumental Album in the 33rd Golden Melody Award.
薩克斯風|安東尼歐.哈特 Antonio Hart
Professor of Saxophone at the Aaron Copland School of Music, Queens College, and Traveling on the road with his quartet and the Jimmy Heath Alumni Big Band. In his off time, he likes to compose, teach Wing Tsun, meditate, read, and digest other styles of music for inspiration. Antonio is in constant appreciation for this life and tries to express this in his Music, teaching, and martial arts.
爵士鼓|克里夫.阿蒙德 Cliff Almond
克里夫.阿蒙德是現居紐約的職業鼓手。他的音樂事業範圍廣泛,不僅兼顧錄音及現場演出,同時也是音樂製作人。他曾與Wayne Krantz、The Manhattan Transfer、 Michel Camilo、John Pattitucci、Anthony Jackson、Quruli、Hikaru Utada等音樂家合作/錄音,亦為眾多品牌代言。他目前在cliffalmondlessons.com網站上線上教學。
Cliff Almond is a Professional Drummer who resides in New York City. Cliff has had an extensive career as a recording drummer and live performer, as well as featured Clinician and Producer. Cliff has performed/recorded with such artists as Wayne Krantz, The Manhattan Transfer, Michel Camilo, John Pattitucci, Anthony Jackson, Quruli, Hikaru Utada and others.Cliff Almond is an endorser of Yamaha Drums, Zildjian Cymbals, Vic Firth Sticks, Evans Heads, and Dʼaddario Products. Cliff currently teaches online at Cliffalmondmasterclasses.com.
吉他|山田豪 Go Yamada
畢業於倫敦音樂家學院(1997年最佳吉他手獎)、美國百克里音樂學院。2008年發行專輯《The Good Old Day》、2013年發行專輯《One Life》。演出範疇涵蓋音樂會、俱樂部、錄音以及作曲(藝術家、電視、廣播、網站等)。現於YAMAHA音樂學校及東京音樂專門學校澀谷校區任教。
Graduated from Musicians Institute London(Best guitarist of the year 1997 Award) and Berklee College of Music. Released The Good Old Day (2008), One Life (2013) available on iTunes Store. Performance include concerts, clubs, recordings and composition(Artists, TV, Radio, Website, etc). Teaching guitar at YAMAHA Music School and Tokyo School of Music Shibuya.
薩克斯風|楊曉恩 Shawna Yang
楊曉恩是活躍於台灣的爵士音樂家,曾參與許多爵士音樂會演出,並與世界級的爵士音樂家同台共演,如Alex Sipiagin、Eric Richards、Eric Marienthal等。個人爵士專輯《Simple Life》入圍金音獎及金曲獎七項大獎,也勇奪第27屆金曲獎「最佳演奏類專輯獎」。
Shawna Yang is a Taiwanese jazz sax musician. She plays an important role in Taiwan Jazz Scene and played with great musicians like Alex Sipiagin, Chris Wabich, Woody Witt, Eric Marienthal. Her second solo album Simple Life recorded in New York has published in 2015 June and was nominated for the 2015 Golden Music Awards and Golden Melody Awards. Finally, Simple Life won the best instrumental album in 27th Golden Melody Awards, which is the most famous award in Taiwan and the Chinese music scene.
薩克斯風|李承育 Lee Cheng-yu
A classical and jazz saxophonist, Lee Cheng-yu teaches saxophone and jazz history/appreciation/theory/performance/big band in Fu Jen Catholic University. Mr. Lee directs the Taipei Jazz Orchestra (TJO) which is one of the most well-known big band around the area. Lee Cheng-yu has been Antigua Saxophone Artist since 2013, D'Addario Artist since 2016. His books "Jazz Theory, Daily Exercises for Saxophone" are published by Mercury Publishing House.
長號|尼克.哈維爾 Nick Javier
Nick Javier (USA) is a sought-after trombonist and jazz educator. Nick graduated from The Royal Conservatoire (Netherlands) and Michigan State University (USA). Nick leads his group, The NJG (The Nick Javier Group), and as of 2022, is promoting his self-released debut album, Intelligent Movement. As an educator, Nick is an Assistant Professor and head of the jazz department at National Chiayi University. Nick also has the honor of mentoring the young generation of jazz musicians at workshops in Thailand, Hong Kong, and annually at the National Taiwan Concert Hall jazz camp.
鋼琴 、作曲、編曲 |許郁瑛 YuYing Hsu
紐約州立大學帕切斯學院爵士鋼琴演奏碩士。2023年發行個人第五張創作專輯《In the Cave》,結合「原聲即興音樂」與「電子音樂」,大膽且具實驗性。2019年以〈第三章:印度、義大利與我〉一曲榮獲第30屆金曲獎,2018年以《happened, happening 現在》榮獲第29屆金曲獎三項大獎。2020年在YouTube頻道《yuyinghsu music》推出節目《爵士郁瑛房》,希望推廣更多人喜愛爵士音樂。
An award-winning Taiwanese jazz pianist, composer, arranger, producer and educator. Hsu's latest release In the Cave - a fusion of her original compositions, improvisational piano playing and electronic music, showcases her willingness to take risks and experiment with sound. Hsu's original composition "CHAPTER III: INDIA, ITALY AND I" from her fourth album PROJECT 3 won 2019 Golden Melody Awards for "Best Instrumental Composer". Her third album happened, happening won three 2018 Golden Melody Awards for "Best Instrumental Album Producer", "Best Instrumental Album" and "Best Instrumental Recording Album".
打擊樂|吳政君 Wu Cheng-chun (Alex)
Having 21 years of the professional career in world percussion field and performed extensively with the most active musicians from Taiwan and Mainland's art and entertaining scene, the 41-year-old Cheng-Chun Wu is considered as the most acclaimed percussionist of his generation in Taiwan. Mr. Wu's versatility in percussion art includes the style of Latin America, Africa, Middle East, India. He is the artistic director of "Spectro 7", and the member of "Sizhukong" and "Sheng Xiang & Band".
低音提琴|山田洋平 Yohei Yamada
美國百克里音樂學院畢業,主修爵士貝斯,爵士低音提琴演奏。師事Anthony Vitti、Joe Santerre、Barry Smith 等音樂家。從2008年至今,受邀擔任台灣兩廳院夏日爵士音樂營低音提琴講師,目前受聘於東華大學音樂系爵士音樂組講師。
Yohei Yamada graduated from Berklee College of Music, majoring in Bass Performance. He studied with Anthony Vitti, Joe santerre, Barry Smith, and Minoru Yamazaki, among others. He had performed with Albert "Tootie" Heath, Michael Mossman, Antonio Hart, Alex Sipiagin and Benjamin Schmid. He joined in back band of Joanna Wang in July 2013 and toured to Malaysia, Hong-Kong, China and United States. Except jazz music, he also performed with Shun Kikuta who is a recognized authority on blues guitar several times.
作曲|楊又臻 Tracy Yang
旅美爵士作曲家暨鋼琴手楊又臻,作品曾獲BMI 查理帕克爵士作曲首獎、SWOJO 西雅圖女性大樂團爵士作曲家首獎及榮譽獎,JEN美國爵士教育推廣協會之青年作曲家獎等。2024年將發行個人首張爵士原創大樂團專輯《OR 手術劇院》。
New York-based jazz composer and pianist, Tracy Yang, was born and raised in Taiwan. She's collaborated with esteemed ensembles like The Army Jazz Ambassadors, BMI/New York Jazz Orchestra, SWOJO, and Taipei Jazz Orchestra. Among many recognitions, she earned the Charlie Parker Jazz Composition Prize and received grants from institutions like New Music USA and NYFA. She is set to release her debut 17-piece jazz orchestra album OR in 2024.
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