2024兩廳院夏日爵士 阿圖羅.奧法里爾鋼琴三重奏
2024.6.8 (SAT.) - 6.30 (SUN.)早鳥85折

2024兩廳院夏日爵士 阿圖羅.奧法里爾鋼琴三重奏
國家兩廳院-國家音樂廳 臺北市中正區中山南路21-1號
擁有8座葛萊美獎,並被《紐約時報》譽為「非洲古巴爵士第一家庭的領袖」的阿圖羅.奧法里爾即將來臺!他是鋼琴家、作曲家、導演,也是加州大學洛杉磯分校全球爵士研究教授。曾與爵士小號手迪吉.葛拉斯彼(Dizzy Gillespie)、溫頓.馬沙利斯(Wynton Marsalis)及多個樂團合作,音樂帶有濃厚的拉丁爵士風格,卻未曾受藝術類型所限,亦受芭蕾舞團委託作曲,演出步履遍及全球!
阿圖羅率領鼓手—柴克.奧法里爾及低音提琴手—巴姆.羅德里格斯,向父親齊柯.奧法里爾(Chico O'Farrill)、塞隆尼斯.孟克(Thelonious Monk)、卡拉.貝利(Carla Bley)等音樂人致敬,透過令人著迷的拉丁爵士,融合熱情的節奏,呈現本格、經典且精彩可期的鋼琴三重奏。
Arturo O'Farrill, celebrated with eight Grammy Awards and acclaimed as the "leader of the first family of Afro-Cuban jazz," by The New York Times, will soon visit Taiwan. A pianist, composer, and director, and a professor of Global Jazz Studies at UCLA, O'Farrill has collaborated with jazz greats such as Dizzy Gillespie, Wynton Marsalis, and various ensembles. His music, rich with Afro Latin jazz flavors, transcends artistic boundaries. He has also composed for ballet companies and performed worldwide.
Led by O'Farrill, alongside drummer Zack O'Farrill and bassist Bam Rodriguez, this trio honors musical icons like Chico O'Farrill and Carla Bley. Through mesmerizing Latin jazz infused with fiery rhythms, they will deliver a classic and thrilling night of piano trio.
阿圖羅.奧法里爾鋼琴三重奏 Arturo O'Farrill Trio
鋼琴|阿圖羅.奧法里爾 Arturo O'Farrill
低音提琴|巴姆.羅德里格茲 Bam Rodríguez
爵士鼓|柴克.奧法里爾 Zack O'Farrill
✦ 時間:8.24 (六) 19:00
✦ 地點:國家音樂廳大廳
✦ 講者:徐崇育 老師.本場節目開放18:30起驗票入場。
"If there is such a thing as a first family of Afro-Cuban jazz, the O'Farrill clan has a right to claim that distinction."——The New York Times
阿圖羅.奧法里爾 Arturo O'Farrill
出生於墨西哥音樂世家的阿圖羅.奧法里爾,集爵士鋼琴家、作曲家和導演於一身,是拿下8座葛萊美獎的拉丁爵士樂開拓先鋒大師,同時也是爵士樂樂團領域深具權威性的作曲家。他的職業生涯始於 Carla Bley Band,後以獨奏者的身份與眾多藝術家合作,包括 Dizzy Gillespie、Lester Bowie、Wynton Marsalis 等人。他的音樂帶著深厚且道地的傳統拉丁爵士樂,卻未曾受到音樂類型、甚至藝術類型所限,除了與不同爵士樂團、樂手的合作外,亦曾受芭蕾舞團委託創作多部芭蕾舞劇的作曲。他認為,音樂能與帶來更多的社會意識與藝術的交流。
阿圖羅.奧法里爾曾獲得Meet the Composer、林肯中心爵士樂團、費城音樂計畫、阿波羅劇院、交響空間、布朗克斯藝術博物館、哥倫比亞大學和紐約州藝術委員會的委託。而阿圖羅錄音作品更是廣受讚揚肯定,如2018年,專輯《Familia-Tribute to Chico and Bebo》中強勁有力的〈Three Revolutions〉榮獲葛萊美最佳器樂作曲獎,這已是他的第六座葛萊美獎。《Four Questions》則是第一張收錄全原創作品的專輯,包括由演說家Cornel West博士演唱的同名曲目,而這張專輯亦於2021獲葛萊美最佳拉丁爵士專輯獎。2023年2月,阿圖羅以專輯《Fandango at the Wall in New York》贏得了他第八座葛萊美獎。
阿圖羅.奧法里爾現任加州大學洛杉磯分校(UCLA)的全球爵士研究教授兼平等、多元化和包容助理院長,擔任史坦威藝術家頭銜多年,並為知名唱片品牌Blue Note Records藝術家。
Arturo O'Farrill, pianist, composer, and educator, was born in Mexico and grew up in New York City. Arturo's professional career began with the Carla Bley Band and continued as a solo performer with a wide spectrum of artists including Dizzy Gillespie, Lester Bowie, Wynton Marsalis, and Harry Belafonte.
In 2007, he founded the Afro Latin Jazz Alliance as a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the performance, education, and preservation of Afro Latin music. In December 2010 Arturo traveled with the original Chico O'Farrill Afro Cuban Jazz Orchestra to Cuba, returning his father's musicians to his homeland. He continues to travel to Cuba regularly as an informal Cultural Ambassador, working with Cuban musicians, dancers, and students, bringing local musicians from Cuba to the US and American musicians to Cuba.
Arturo's well-reviewed and highly praised "Afro-Latin Jazz Suite" from the album "CUBA: The Conversation Continues" (Motéma) took the 2016 Grammy Award for Best Instrumental Composition and the 2016 Latin Grammy Award for Best Latin Jazz Album. His powerful "Three Revolutions" from the album was the 2018 Grammy Award (his sixth) winner for Best Instrumental Composition. Arturo's album "Four Questions" (ZOHO) is the first to embody all original compositions, including the title track, which features the brilliant orator Dr. Cornel West. This album won a Grammy in 2021. Most recently, in February of 2023, Arturo was awarded his eighth Grammy for the album "Fandango at the Wall in New York".
Arturo is Professor of Global Jazz Studies and Assistant Dean for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), has been honored as a Steinway Artist for many years, and is a Blue Note Records Recording Artist.
©David Garten
巴姆.羅德里格茲 Bam Rodríguez
巴姆·羅德里格斯是一位榮獲葛萊美獎的貝斯手、作曲家、教育家、電影製片人和社會活動家。 他是阿圖羅.奧法里爾率領的非洲拉丁爵士樂團的貝斯手,也是 South by NorthEast 樂團的共同創辦人。他曾與 Chucho Valdés、Paquito de Rivera 和 Deepak Chopra 等人合作演出,並在卡內基音樂廳、巴比肯藝術中心、北海爵士音樂節、肯尼迪中心、林肯中心和 Blue Note 俱樂部等世界各地的舞台上演出。
Bam Rodríguez is a Grammy award winning bass player, composer, educator, filmmaker and social activist. Bam is the bass player of the Afro Latin Jazz Orchestra, directed by Arturo O'Farrill, and the founder of Potatoes are People, Too and co-founder of the group South by NorthEast. He has performed with Chucho Valdés, Paquito de Rivera, and Deepak Chopra, to name a few, and on stages all over the world such as Carnegie Hall, The Barbican, North Sea Jazz Festival, Kennedy Center, Lincoln Center, and Blue Note clubs.
柴克.奧法里爾 Zack O'Farrill
柴克.奧法里爾不只是一位優秀的音樂家,也是一位敬業的教育家。自2010年以來,他在紐約市教授課外音樂課程。他是 Fat Afro Latin Jazz Cats 青年大樂隊的指揮,該樂隊為世界各地有才華的高中生提供免費指導。作為作曲家,柴克.奧法里爾曾與 Marquès Stinson O'Farrill Trio 合作錄製過許多曲目,而他的作品《There's a Statue of José Martí in Central Park》為阿圖羅.奧法里爾率領的非洲拉丁爵士樂團斬獲一座葛萊美獎。
As a composer, Zack O'Farrill has had compositions featured on recordings with the Marquès Stinson O'Farrill Trio, the Eco-Music Big Band, and his composition "There's a Statue of José Martí in Central Park" closes the Afro-Latin Jazz Orchestra's Grammy-winning record Cuba: The Conversation Continues. Zack currently leads his own quartet, performing his original music, and is in the process of planning his first record as a leader.
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