
新竹縣政府文化局-演藝廳 新竹縣竹北市縣政九路146號
2024 臺灣口琴音樂節 | 8/16~8/18 | 新竹縣政府文化局
林家靖,臺灣新生代口琴演奏家兼作曲家,現任DoNuts口琴樂團與Judy’s口琴樂團半音階手。曾於2017年拿下德國世界口琴大賽「半音階口琴獨奏 指定曲組」、「二重奏 公開組」、「三重奏 公開組」三項冠軍,是臺灣第一位於同一年度獲得三項世界冠軍殊榮的口琴家。
2018與DoNuts口琴樂團在臺灣各地舉辦《世界之窗》巡迴音樂會,2019與Judy’s口琴樂團和以色列傳奇口琴大師Dror Adler合作演出《經典重現》音樂會。2021年更登上臺灣音樂廳的最高殿堂國家音樂廳與管風琴合作演出。2023與香港城市室內樂團(CCOHK)合作演出Arthur Benjamin的口琴協奏曲。演出足跡遍布臺灣、日本、韓國、中國、香港、澳洲、越南、菲律賓、羅馬尼亞等地。
吳采容,現就讀高中一年級,師承張晁滕老師,經歷萬興國小口琴隊、政大附中四重奏及Miss H.口琴樂團成員,專長於半音階口琴及複音口琴。
表演方面除活耀於各項學校、民間團體與政府單位舉辦之活動外,另以獨奏演出者參與過前揭各項國內外賽事之閉幕式首獎音樂會及Gala音樂晚會、「獨唱雙簧」複音口琴獨奏音樂會及「From Harmonica to Music」沙龍音樂會。
複音口琴演奏家—張筑婷 十五歲開始學琴,此後積極參與國內外大小賽事,藉由比赛及舞台表演的淬鍊,奠定深厚的口琴演奏技巧與舞台魅力。 身為國際口琴演奏家以及專職口琴教師,擅長各類型口琴,及不同組合的音樂表演,特別以複音口琴享譽國際,並曾多次於國際賽事獲得優勝。
2010年第八屆國際亞太地區口琴大賽中在「傳統複音口琴公開組」及「創意複音口琴組均勇奪桂冠,創下複音口琴音樂史上雙料冠軍第一位的頭銜。 在「東方的穹蒼-複音口琴協奏曲」演奏會當中,單獨一人使用將近兩百五十把複音口琴,創下世界紀錄,也是首位登上台灣國家音樂廳的台灣口琴演奏家。此後,多次與知名管弦樂團、國樂團演出複音口琴的協奏曲。 在口琴表演中,結合創新與傳統,融合東方以及西方的吹奏精華,在技巧運用、音樂美感的表達,重新演繹複音口琴美麗動人之處。
111 Trio Harmonica x Cello x Piano:廖苡晴、游沛橙、陳瑤容
111 Trio成立於2022年,是一個特殊編制的三重奏組合,成員包含廖苡晴(半音階口琴)、游沛橙(大提琴)和陳瑤容(鋼琴)。111 Trio於2023年獲得臺灣口琴節現代音樂組的冠軍,並曾受邀於台灣口琴音樂節、國際扶輪社End Polio Now慈善音樂會,以及香港7th Cyber Harmonica Concert等活動演出。同年底,111 Trio舉辦了From Harmonica to Music沙龍音樂會。
*111 Trio粉絲專頁 https://www.facebook.com/111triotaiwan/
*吳詠隆粉絲專 https://www.facebook.com/markwu.bandoneon
口琴好南合奏樂團 The Harmonica SoDifficult ensembles
Gala concert of the 2024 Taiwan Harmonica Music Festival
This session is the first Gala concert of the 2024 Taiwan Harmonica Music Festival, featuring various performers and groups from Taiwan and Hong Kong. The concert showcases the diversity of harmonica music forms, promising an exciting exchange and interaction that will spark unique and remarkable performances! The introductions of the performing guests are as follows.
Rolabo Lin
Rolabo Lin, Taiwan's young generation harmonica player and composer, currently serving as a chromatic harmonica player for DoNuts Harmonica Ensemble and Judy's Harmonica Ensemble. In 2017, he won three championships in the World Harmonica Championships in the categories of "Chromatic Harmonica Solo with test Piece," "Duo Category," and "Trio Category," becoming the first harmonica player from Taiwan to achieve such a feat in the same year.
In 2018, he published a collection of original compositions for tremolo harmonica solo titled "Tongue Killer," which has become a standard repertoire for many student competitions. His composition "Harmonica Rhapsody," created in 2021, was selected as a featured piece in the 1st Hong Kong International Chromatic Harmonica Composition Competition. That same year, he also composed a single-movement harmonica concerto titled "Chasing the Sun." His recent works include the "Taiwan Fantasy" series, which explores the realm of programmatic music inspired by Taiwan's unique natural environment and cultural customs. Compositions such as "Leopard Rain," " Buddhist Hymns," and "Giant Tree " are all harmonica ensemble pieces created with these themes in mind.
In 2018, he embarked on a concert tour titled "Window to the World" with DoNuts Harmonica Ensemble across various cities in Taiwan. In 2019, he collaborated with Judy's Harmonica Ensemble and Israeli legendary harmonica master Dror Adler for the concert "Classics Revived." In 2021, he performed in collaboration with the pipe organ at the National Concert Hall, Taiwan's highest concert venue. In 2023, he will collaborate with the City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong (CCOHK) to perform Arthur Benjamin's harmonicaconcerto. He has performed in various countries and regions, including Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, China, Hong Kong, Australia, Vietnam, the Philippines, and Romania.
Wu Tsai Rung
Wu Tsai Rung, currently a first-year high school student, studied under Teacher Chang Chao Teng. She has been a member of the Wanxing Elementary School Harmonica Team, the Affiliated High School of National Chengchi University Harmonica Quartet, and the Miss H. Harmonica Ensemble. She specializes in chromatic harmonica and tremolo harmonica.In both solo and ensemble roles, Tsai Rung actively participates in various competitions, frequently winning numerous first prizes. These awards include the Taipei Student Music Competition, National Student Music Competition, Taiwan Harmonica Music Competition, Asia-Pacific Harmonica Festival, and Seoul International Harmonica Festival.
In addition to performances at various school and community events, she has participated as a solo performer in award-winning concerts at the closing ceremonies and Gala concerts of various domestic and international competitions. Her exceptional musical talents also led to invitations to perform at the “Tremolo Harmonica” solo concert and "From Harmonica to Music" salon music concert.
Chu-Ting, Chang---Tremolo Harmonica Artist
Chu-Ting Chang started learning the harmonica at the age of fifteen and has since actively participated in various international competitions. Through these competitions and stage, she has developed profound harmonica playing skills and stage charm.
As an international harmonica artist and full-time harmonica instructor, Chu-Ting Chang excels in various types of harmonicas and music performances with different combinations. She is particularly renowned internationally for her mastery of the tremolo harmonica and has won numerous awards in international competitions.
In the 8th International Asia-Pacific Harmonica Championships in 2010, she won the championship titles in both the "Traditional Tremolo Harmonica Open Category" and the "Creative Tremolo Harmonica Category," becoming the first double champion in the history of tremolo harmonica music.
In the performance of "Eastern Firmament - Tremolo Harmonica Concerto," she played solo using nearly 250 harmonicas, setting a world record and becoming the first Taiwanese harmonica performer to perform at the National Concert Hall in Taiwan. Since then, she has collaborated multiple times with renowned symphony orchestras and Chinese orchestras in performing tremolo harmonica concertos.
In her harmonica performances, Chu-Ting Chang combines innovation and tradition, integrating the essence of both Eastern and Western playing techniques. Through skillful playing and the expression of musical aesthetics, she reinterprets the beauty and charm of the chromatic harmonica.
However, she is dedicated to promoting tremolo harmonica music and believes that a good performer is not only carrying their path but also about helping young generation overcome their challenges and achieve their goals. With 20 years of teaching experience, she has nurtured countless outstanding students and upholds the philosophy of "learning music with ease and playing harmonica with joy." She hopes to introduce more people to the enchantment and beauty of tremolo harmonica music.
111 Trio Harmonica x Cello x Piano
Harmonica: Alysa Liao, Cello: Annabel Yu, Piano: Yao-Rong Chen
Champion in the Modern Music category at the Taiwan Harmonica Music Festival in 2023
Hosted the "From Harmonica to Music" Salon Concert in 2023
111 Trio, consisting of Alysa Liao on harmonica, Annabel Yu on cello, and Yao-Rong Chen on piano, is a unique ensemble established in 2022. They were awarded the Champion in the Modern Music category at the Taiwan Harmonica Music Festival in 2023 and have been invited to perform at prestigious events such as the Taiwan Harmonica Music Festival, Rotary Club's End Polio Now Charity Concert, and Hong Kong 7th Cyber Harmonica Concert, receiving high praise for their performances. In 2023, 111 Trio hosted the "From Harmonica to Music" Salon Concert.
*To follow 111 Trio - https://www.facebook.com/111triotaiwan/
Bandoneon: Wu, Mark Yung-lung
International accordion competition Klingenthal - Bandoneon Category Champion
International accordion competition Lanciano - Bandoneon, Piazzolla Category Champion
The first Chinese musician to be invited twice to perform at the Argentina International Tango Art Festival
Mark Wu, a Taiwanese-born bandoneon arranger and performer, has achieved notable acclaim in the music world. He won the Championship in the Bandoneon Category at the Klingenthal International Accordion Competition and the Championship in the Bandoneon and Piazzolla Categories at the Lanciano International Accordion Competition. He is also the first Chinese musician to be invited twice to perform at the Argentina International Tango Art Festival.
Mark studied bandoneon with W.Rios and honed his skills in counterpoint and harmony under the guidance of Mederos. Renowned in Taiwan, he has performed with esteemed musicians such as W.Rios, R.Komatsu, A.Momoko, S.Kitamura, E.Prentki, C.Zarate, P.Motta, L.Sanchez, the Taipei Symphony Orchestra, and the Rain Rhythm Chorus.
His versatile performances range from bandoneon and piano duos to quartets,showcasing music that resonates with authentic character and creative dedication. Mark's contributions to milongas and tango festivals across Asia, Buenos Aires, and his radio broadcasts in Taipei highlight his impact on the tango music scene.*To follow Mark Wu - https://www.facebook.com/markwu.bandoneon
Double Bass: Sean Li
Principal Double Bassist of the Taipei Philharmonic Youth Ensemble
Outstanding Award in Solo Double Bass, High School Group B category at the National Student Music Competition
Performed a concerto at the National Performing Arts Center in 2022
The Taiwanese emerging talent in the field of double bass performance currently serves as the principal double bassist for the Taipei Philharmonic Youth Ensemble and as the associate principal double bassist for the Taipei Philharmonic Youth Orchestra.
Sean actively participates in various music events, including the annual performances of the ensemble and orchestra, and has received multiple invitations to perform at the opening and closing concerts of the Taipei International Choral Festival (TICF). In 2023 and 2024, he embarked on international tours with the Taipei Philharmonic Youth Orchestra to Switzerland and Germany.
Sean performed a concerto at the National Performing Arts Center in 2022 and received the top honor for solo double bass performance in the High School Vocational Group B category at the National Student Music Competition in the 112th academic year.
The Harmonica Team of Erlun Junior High School in Yunlin County
The harmonica team of Erlun Junior High School in Yunlin County was officially established in September 2013, under the guidance of Mr. Ming-Hsien Tsai from the Sirius Harmonica Ensemble. Since its inception, the team has participated in numerous important performances, including top-tier team performances in the county and city, the Yunlin Agricultural Expo, the Korea International Seoul Harmonica Festival, and multiple county magistrate award ceremonies. Additionally, in recent years, the harmonica team has continuously won top honors in both quartet and ensemble categories in the finals of the National Student Music Competition.
The Harmonica SoDifficult ensembles
【The Harmonica SoDifficult ensembles】 was built by Ethan Chen due to the lack of harmonica ensembles in the southern district, which makes it difficult to cultivate harmonica talents. this plan to establish this Harmonica SoDifficult ensemble hopes to attract people with ideals who hope that the harmonica circle can flourish. Based on the premise of "harmonica family", harmonica players in Southern District can get to know each other more, and can share harmonica information and resources, invigorate harmonica discussions and performances, and learn from each other's music and harmonica skills, thereby improving the performance level of harmonica players in Southern District. Our group won first place in the open ensemble at the 1st Taiwan Harmonica Festival in 2023, and held a Jiugong Geqin concert in March of the following year. Based on animated music, the ensemble hopes to share music with the public through the harmonica.
Rhapsody Harmonica Ensemble (RHE)
Rhapsody Harmonica Ensemble (RHE) was founded by Sheng-Yi Chen in 1998. RHE played classical music, folk music with frame drum, arranger works that written for harmonica.