
新竹縣政府文化局-演藝廳 新竹縣竹北市縣政九路146號
演出者Marcos Coll、演出者李讓、演出者黃冠誌、演出者王衍華、演出者林裕豐、演出者王心禾、演出者陳聰
2024 臺灣口琴音樂節 | 8/16~8/18 | 新竹縣政府文化局
臺灣口琴音樂節為臺灣年度口琴樂界盛事,除了臺灣頂尖口琴演奏家之外,更邀請到國際口琴演奏家來臺共襄盛舉!本場次為2024臺灣口琴音樂節第二場Gala音樂會,特別邀請到來自西班牙的藍調口琴演奏家Marcos Coll來臺演出,與台灣頂尖演奏家李讓、胖擊口琴樂團共同合作,激盪出不一樣的火花,精彩可期!
Marcos Coll
Marcos Coll生於1976年,出生於西班牙馬德里,但很快與家人搬到了西班牙西北部加利西亞地區的聖地亞哥-德孔波斯特拉。他在13歲時開始演奏口琴,受到他的音樂家叔叔和西班牙布魯斯口琴傳奇人物Ñaco Goñi的影響。在與不同的業餘樂隊,如Red Bues Band一起演奏後,他組建了自己的第一支專業樂隊Bluerags。1999年,Coll回到馬德里加入了當時西班牙最著名的布魯斯樂隊Tonky Blues Band。在這支樂隊中,21歲的他有機會與搖滾和布魯斯傳奇人物如米克·泰勒(滾石樂隊)、巴迪·邁爾斯(吉米·亨德里克斯的Band of Gypsys)一起巡演和錄音,甚至與湯姆·瓊斯(Tom Jones)一起演出布魯斯!
在那些豐富經歷的年代過後,Coll準備與他的靈魂兄弟Adrian Costa一起組建自己的樂隊Los Reyes del KO。Los Reyes del KO(直譯為“淘汰王”)很快成為西班牙和歐洲最頂尖的布魯斯樂隊之一,贏得了獎項和認可,與諸如巴迪·蓋伊、約翰尼·溫特、查克·貝里、約翰·梅爾、所羅門·伯克、動物樂隊、羅伯特·克雷等偉人共同演出,甚至出現在加利西亞的高中音樂教科書中。
作為世界著名的德國樂器製造商Hohner的代言人,Coll於2009年和2013年在德國特羅辛根舉行的最負盛名的口琴節“世界口琴節”上演出、主持工作坊並擔任評委。如今,除了以Marcos Coll Blues Jarana的身份演出外,他還經常與傳奇布魯斯樂手Guitar Crusher合作,以及與他的墨西哥拉丁音樂樂隊Los Mighty Calacas合作,該樂隊已在全球巡演並發行了一張CD,其中還有Charlie Musselwhite等頂尖客座音樂家。除了與Los Reyes del KO、Los Mighty Calacas和其他合作作品的唱片之外,Coll的雙專輯CD《Under the Wings》也值得關注,它融合了古典布魯斯和更現代的放克、拉丁和嘻哈音樂,回顧了20年的音樂生涯,包括與巴迪·邁爾斯、米克·泰勒、亞倫·伯頓等傳奇人物的錄音。Coll已經在他在歐洲、美洲、亞洲和非洲的巡演中演出《Under the Wings》。
李讓 Jang Li李讓於2009年世界大賽中拿下「爵士半音階口琴」與「藍調/搖滾/民謠/鄉村十孔口琴」雙料冠軍,為史上首位以亞洲面孔獲此兩項大獎之口琴家,2013年再添三重奏世界冠軍(任半音階主奏)。2021年第一屆香港國際半音階口琴作曲大賽以《日常三景》組曲榮獲「半音階口琴與鋼琴組」季軍、單樂章口琴協奏曲《坤離幻想曲》獲「半音階口琴與室內樂團組」優異獎,為獲獎者中唯一一位兼具演奏家身份的作曲家。口琴啟蒙於楊正祥老師,習琴一年即獲臺北口琴重奏大賽多項公開組獎項,並赴日本參加第四屆亞太口琴節,於亞太賽事中囊括多項國際獎項。先後師事旅德爵士鋼琴與作曲家黃俊傑先生及德國爵士口琴大師Jens Bunge,與知名製作人陳建騏學習編曲,擅長曲風跨古典、爵士、流行等並熱愛創作,演出足跡遍及國際。經營之網絡頻道口琴演奏影片跨越國界具極大影響力,促使亞洲各國年輕人愛上口琴。2018年由風潮音樂發行數位專輯《Inspire 流動的琴格》。
2010年參與政治大學集體創作音樂劇《麥田花》,受冉天豪老師與陳建騏老師之音樂創作指導。迄今創作許多演奏曲,如《噩夢Nightmare》三部曲、〈謎魂Labyrinth〉、〈游擊Guerrilla〉、〈綠洲Oasis〉、《測繪者The Map Painter》組曲等,創作與改編作品常由口琴重奏樂團演奏,此外更長年擔任國內外音樂比賽評審。
胖擊口琴樂團 Punch Harmonica Ensemble
胖擊口琴樂團成立於2016年,以口琴重奏編制進行編曲及演出的音樂團體。樂團成員包括黃冠誌(和弦口琴)、王衍華(半音階口琴)、林裕豐(半音階口琴)、王心禾(半音階口琴)與陳聰(倍低音口琴)。在樂團成立之前,成員們擁有豐富的國內外參賽經驗與口琴演奏等經歷,在不斷地摸索與累積口琴重奏的經驗後,奠定了具有胖擊風格的口琴曲風,並持續精進,以探索更多的可能性。胖擊口琴樂團成立之初,旋即參與國內外多項賽事。曾獲2017年臺灣口琴音樂大賽三重奏亞軍與小合奏冠軍,同年前往韓國獲得首爾國際口琴節三重奏冠軍。2018年,再次回到首爾國際口琴節,於三重奏與重奏組皆獲得冠軍。2018年,樂團參與了新北市政府文化局主辦的「2018樂壇新星」,並在眾多主流樂器以及優秀的團體當中脫穎而出獲獎。2022年三月,樂團於台北蘆洲功學社音樂廳舉辦年度售票演奏會《Punch Episode One - 第一擊》,並於同年十月推出首張EP《One Punch》。
2024 Taiwan Harmonica Music Festival
This is the second Gala concert of 2024 Taiwan Harmonica Music Festival. It is honored to invite world-renowned blues harmonica player Marcos Coll from Spain and chromatic harmonica soloist Jang Li from Taiwan to collaborate with distinguished harmonica ensembles: Punch Harmonica Ensemble from Taiwan. The introductions of the performing guests are as follows.
Marcos Coll
Marcos Coll was born Madrid (Spain) in 1976 but soon moved with his family to Santiago de Compostela, in the northwestern Spanish region of Galicia. He started playing the harmonica at the age of 13, influenced by his musician uncle and by Spanish blues harp legend Ñaco Goñi. After playing with different amateur bands, such as the Red Bues Band, he formed his first professional band called Bluerags. In 1999 Coll moved back to Madrid to join the most famous Spanish blues band at that time, Tonky Blues Band. With this band, at the age of 21 he had the opportunity of touring and recording with rock and blues legends like Mick Taylor (Rolling Stones ) or Buddy Miles (Jimmy Hendrix Band of Gypsys) and even did a blues gig with Tom Jones!
After those years of great experiences, Coll was ready to form his own band, Los Reyes del KO, along with his soul brother, Adrian Costa. Los Reyes del KO (literally, The Knockout Kings) soon became one of the top blues bands in Spain and Europe, earning awards and recognition, sharing bills around the world with such all-time greats as Buddy Guy, Johnny Winter, Chuck Berry, John Mayall, Solomon Burke, the Animals, Robert Cray and the Fabulous Thunderbirds, and even appearing in high school music textbooks in Galicia.
As an endorser of the world famous German musical instrument manufacturer Hohner, in 2009 and 2013 Coll performed, conducted a workshop, and was part of the jury at the most prestigious harmonica festival, the World Harmonica Festival, held every four years in Trossingen, Germany. Nowadays, besides performing as Marcos Coll Blues Jarana, he also works often with the legendary bluesman Guitar Crusher, as well as with his Mexican Latino music band Los Mighty Calacas, which has toured all over the world and has released a CD featuring such top guest musicians as Charlie Musselwhite. Besides the discography with Los Reyes del KO, Los Mighty Calacas and other collaborations, particular attention should be paid to Coll’s double album CD "Under the Wings,” a mixture of old classic blues and more modern funk, Latin and hip hop, which looks back over a 20-year career and includes recordings with such legends as Buddy Miles, Mick Taylor, Aaron Burton, etc. Coll has presented “Under the Wings” on his tours of Europe, America, Asia and Africa.
Jang Li
Jang Li is a harmonica player and composer who has studied under the guidance of jazz pianist and composer 黃俊傑 and German jazz harmonica master Jens Bunge. His compositions and arrangements have been influenced by the mentorship of teachers Jan Tien-hao (冉天豪) and CHEN Chien-Chi(陳建騏). In 2009, at the World Harmonica Festival (WHF) in Germany, he achieved a historic milestone by winning dual championships in "Jazz Chromatic Harmonica" and "Blues/Rock/Folk/Country Diatonic Harmonica," becoming the first person in Asian history to accomplish such a feat. In 2013, he further solidified his position by winning the world championship in the trio category as the lead player of the chromatic harmonica.
In 2021, his composition suite titled "Three Scenes of Living" earned him the title of "2nd Runner-up" in The 1st Hong Kong International Composition Competition for Chromatic Harmonica 2021 (Solo Harmonica with Piano). Additionally, his single-movement harmonica concerto, "Brightness Hiding Fantasy," received the "Merit Award" in The 1st Hong Kong International Composition Competition for Chromatic Harmonica 2021 (Solo Harmonica with Orchestra), with support from the National Culture and Arts Foundation.
Punch Harmonica Ensemble
Punch Harmonica Ensemble from Taiwan was founded in 2016. The harmonica quintet consists of the members Kuan-Chih Huang (Chord), Yen-Hua Wang (Chromatic), Yu-Feng Lin (Chromatic), Hsin-Ho Wang (Chromatic), and Cong Chen (Bass). Before the establishment of Punch, the members each had many experiences in harmonica competitions and performances both at home and abroad. After constantly exploring and accumulating experiences in harmonica ensemble, they developed a unique style of Punch and keep improving in order to explore more and more possibilities. Since the beginning of the establishment, Punch immediately participated in many competitions at home as well as abroad and received several awards including the second place in Trio and the first place in Small Orchestra at the Taiwan Harmonica Music Competition 2017 (THMC), the first place in Trio at the Seoul International Harmonica Festival 2017 (SIHF) and the champion in both Trio and Ensemble at the Seoul International Harmonica Festival (SIHF) in 2018. In 2018, they participated at the “Music Star ”, a competition organized by the Cultural Affairs Department of New Taipei City, and finally earned the sponsorship from the government of New Taipei City. In March 2022, they hold their annual concert Punch Episode One. They also released their first EP One Punch in the