
2025.05.24 (六) - 2025.05.25 (日)



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    駁二藝術特區-駁二正港小劇場 高雄市鹽埕區大勇路1號

  • 演出團隊


  • 內容簡介



    西班牙國際知名偶劇家族企業——天使偶劇團 Ángeles de Trapo Theatre首次登台演出!
    ★ 最新力作《倫巴的夢想家園》Lemba於亞洲首站——高雄春天藝術節登場!

    © Angeles De Trapo Theatre


    2025 KSAF European Fantasy Puppet Theater〈LEMBA〉Tour.

    Embark on a journey through life, freedom, and hope with Spain’s contemporary modern puppet theater.


    ★ Featuring Angeles De Trapo Theatre, the internationally renowned Spanish puppet theater family business, making their debut performance!

    ★ Latest work "Lemba's Dream Home" premieres in Asia at KSAF!


    真實故事 西班牙木偶劇家族 創新沉浸式劇場 歐洲藝術文化 聲光效果


    劇情介紹About Story







    〈LEMBA〉 is a puppet theatre production inspired by some of the many real stories of our closest relatives: chimpanzees. Sadly, these animals are endangered due to deforestation, poaching, and the illegal animal trade.The Ángeles de Trapo Puppet Theatre from Spain embraces traditional European puppet-making techniques and exquisite puppetry skills, while incorporating lighting and sound effects to create an immersive theatrical atmosphere. This has led to the creation of a completely new form of modern puppet theatre. Their works often focus on issues such as animal protection and current affairs, aiming to raise public awareness about ecological conservation. It is a perfect example of how art can seamlessly integrate life and the environment.


    This is the story of Lemba, our protagonist, a chimpanzee captured by poachers, who ripped her from her family and home to sell her as a pet. In a world where fame is fleeting and social media dictates the fates of celebrities, an influencer whose popularity is waning decides to buy a chimpanzee and feature her in their videos to gain money and followers. This is how Lemba arrives—a young chimpanzee torn from her family and home in the jungle, forced into a life as an internet entertainment tool.


    Lemba, the protagonist of this poignant tale, refuses to accept this fate. Determined to change her life, she embarks on a daring journey to escape captivity and find a sanctuary safe from poaching, deforestation, and the illegal wildlife trade—a new home where she can start afresh and, at last, find happiness.


    西班牙天使偶劇團 Angeles De Trapo Theatre

       是一家擁有 40 年經驗的家庭企業,專注於木偶劇。自公司成立以來,憑藉其專業水準的戲劇製作,該公司一直備受認可。公司不斷努力創新,驚艷觀眾,並突破木偶劇領域的傳統框架。其最新的製作已在全球巡演,並參與了國內外最著名的藝術節,獲得了多項獎項。這些巡演和藝術節遍及30個國家,並在許多重要的國際舞台上演出,涵蓋南韓、巴西、墨西哥、埃及、俄羅斯等地。天使偶劇團的作品獲得了來自世界各地的讚譽,並在戲劇界及觀眾中享有高度的認可。


    Ángeles de trapo is a family-owned company with 40 years of experience in puppet theatre. Since its establishment, the company has been recognized for the professional level of its theatrical productions throughout these years. The company constantly strives to innovate, surprise audiences, and break away from the established norms in the world of puppet theatre. Its latest productions have toured the world and been featured in the most renowned national and international festivals, winning several awards. These tours and festivals have reached over 30 countries, with performances in prominent international stages, including South Korea, Brazil, Mexico, Egypt, Russia, and more. The company’s work has earned widespread recognition from both the theatre industry and audiences around the world.


    主創團隊 Credits

    製作Production | 西班牙天使偶劇團 Angeles De Trapo Theatre

    編導暨舞台 Author& Director& Set Design | 瓦格納·加洛 Wagner Gallo

    燈光音響 Lighting& Sound |  瓦格納·加洛 Wagner Gallo

    操偶師 Puppeteer  | 瓦格納·加洛 Wagner Gallo

    服裝Costumes | 約蘭達·阿塔拉Iolanda Atalla

    音樂 Music | 凱文·麥克勞德 Kevin Macleod

    音響技術人員 Sound Technician | 胡立歐·加洛Julio Gallo


  • 注意事項

    開放時間: 10:00、14:00


    字幕語言: 無






