英國國家芭蕾舞團(English National Ballet)


英國國家芭蕾舞團(English National Ballet)是一個1950年創立的古典芭蕾舞團, 總部位於英國倫敦。與皇家芭蕾舞團(The Royal Ballet)、伯明翰皇家芭蕾舞團(Birmingham Royal Ballet)、北方芭蕾舞團(Northern Ballet)及蘇格蘭芭蕾舞團(Scottish Ballet)並列為英國五大主要芭蕾舞團之一。

英國國家芭蕾舞團是歐洲最重要的巡演芭蕾舞團之一,不僅在英國各地劇院演出,還參與國際巡演及特別活動演出。該舞團約有67名舞者及一個交響樂團(英國國家芭蕾交響樂團,English National Ballet Philharmonic)。

1984年,創立英國國家芭蕾學校(English National Ballet School)。該學校獨立於舞團運作,但與舞團共同入駐新建築內。

英國國家芭蕾舞團定期在倫敦London Coliseum劇院按季演出,並以在皇家阿爾伯特音樂廳(Royal Albert Hall)的特別演出而聞名。2014年,英國國家芭蕾舞團成為薩德勒之井劇院(Sadler's Wells)的聯合合作舞團(Associate Company)。


English National Ballet is a classical ballet company founded by Dame Alicia Markova and Sir Anton Dolin as London Festival Ballet and based in London, England. Along with The Royal Ballet, Birmingham Royal Ballet, Northern Ballet and Scottish Ballet, it is one of the five major ballet companies in Great Britain. English National Ballet is one of the foremost touring companies in Europe, performing in theatres throughout the UK as well as conducting international tours and performing at special events. The Company employs approximately 67 dancers and a symphony orchestra, (English National Ballet Philharmonic). In 1984 Peter Schaufuss became director and changed the name to English National Ballet and founded the school English National Ballet School, which is independent from the ballet company but joining the company premises in the new building. The Company regularly performs seasons at the London Coliseum and has been noted for specially staged performances at the Royal Albert Hall. In 2014 English National Ballet became an Associate Company of Sadler's Wells.


ref: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_National_Ballet, https://www.ballet.org.uk/
譯文: 嚷嚷社編輯部







聚合舞 Polymer DMT

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英國國家芭蕾舞團(English National Ballet)

英國國家芭蕾舞團(English National Ballet)是一個1950年創立的古典芭蕾舞團, 總部位於英國倫敦。與皇家芭蕾舞團(The Royal Ballet)、伯明翰皇家芭蕾舞團(Birmingham Royal Ballet)、北方芭蕾舞團(Northern Ballet)及蘇格蘭芭蕾舞團(Scottish Ballet)並列為英國五大主要芭蕾舞團之一。 英國國家芭蕾舞團是歐洲最重要的巡演芭蕾舞團之一,不僅在英國各地劇院演出,還參與國際巡演及特別活動演出。該舞團約有67名舞者及一個交響樂團(英國國家芭蕾交響樂團,English National Ballet Philha

漂鳥舞蹈平台(Stray Birds Dance Platform)

A dance platform for creations from different backgrounds to come together and for young talented people to inspire each other. 對觀眾而言,這是一個舞蹈博覽會,能一次欣賞來自10幾個國家的高品質舞作。 對世界各國的新星舞蹈藝術家而言,這是通往機會的舞台與橋樑。每年春天,他們編創獨舞或雙人舞作品,投件到漂鳥舞蹈平台(Stray Birds Dance Platform),通過激烈競爭,遴選而出就能在冬天飛到臺灣,登上舞台,是為「Selection 精選作品」