古名伸 Ming-Shen Ku,編舞家,創立古舞團,目的在從事現代舞的創作及發表,並致力於「接觸即興」的研究推廣,舉辦「i-dance Taipei 國際愛跳舞即興節」。
系所單位別 舞蹈表演創作研究所
類別 退休教師
職稱 教授
授課領域 舞蹈創作、接觸即興、當代舞蹈技巧
學歷 中國文化大學、美國伊利諾大學
目前為國立臺北藝術大學舞蹈系名譽教授。曾任北藝大舞蹈學院院長、國立藝術學院舞蹈系系主任、先後任教於國內多所學校舞蹈科系,並常年應邀赴美國、澳州、歐州及亞州等地多所大學及機構擔任客座教授、編舞。第21屆國家文藝獎得主、2009年獲吳三連藝術奬、1997年受中興文藝獎章。1993年成立古名伸舞團(現名古舞團),除持續發表新作外,並致力於「接觸即興」的研究推廣,是台灣唯一以即興表演為方向的專業演出團體,足跡遍及台灣、亞州、美國、澳洲、法國、英國及中國等地。古名伸多年來常與本地和國際舞團共同合作,如舞蹈空間舞團、台北越界、雲門舞集、雲門舞集2、香港動藝舞團、Tanz Atelier Wien、Mirramu Dance Company等。New York Times舞評曾經稱讚她的作品"Simple and Handsome".
As an active choreographer and dancer, Ming-Shen Ku has settled her base in Taiwan since 1987. Ku's works are influenced by many Western and Eastern dance styles, a merging development from her diverse backgrounds. Since 1991, Ku became deeply involved in Contact Improvisation and introduced it to Taiwan. She founded her dance company "Ku & Dancers" in 1993 to present new works and promote the art of improvisation. "Ku & Dancers" has set their foot print in New York, Australia, Paris, London, China, Korea, Malaysia and Indonesia. Ku has also been invited as a guest artist to perform and teach in many universities and dance companies around the world. She has received Wu San Lien Award, a life time achievement award, in 2009, and the 21st National Award for Arts in 2019. Currently, Ming-Shen Ku is Professor of Emeritus of the Dance School of Taipei National University of the Arts.