
2023.07.14 (五) - 2023.07.16 (日)


  • 演出全長


  • 場次時間

    2023.07.14 (五) 19:30、2023.07.15 (六) 10:30、2023.07.15 (六) 14:30、2023.07.16 (日) 10:30

  • 演出單位


  • 演出團隊


  • 內容簡介









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    紙花 如星空點點閃爍


    我們偶爾變成大氣球 蹦蹦跳跳







    阿庫羅布夫劇團(ACROBUFFOS)擅長以非語言肢體戲劇和喜劇作為創作形式。其主要團員塞斯・布魯(Seth Bloom)及克莉絲汀那・蓋爾森(Christina Gelsone)集編導演於一身,而為《飛高高》此作打造出舞台上既詩意又夢幻的空氣雕刻師丹尼爾・沃澤爾(Daniel Wurtzel),則以其動感的雕塑和裝置聞名世界,其作品不但展於各大博物館,更曾與多位知名導演合作。


    「妙手生花的魔幻演出。」— 紐約時報


    「《飛高高》讓觀眾看得目不轉睛。奇異的雕塑和真誠討喜的故事構成完美的組合,不論大人小孩都深深入迷。」— 英國劇場指南


    「我突然發覺自己童心被喚起,沈浸在每個魔幻時刻。」— 英國年輕劇場評論網


    「《飛高高》從頭到尾歡喜無限,小孩著迷,大人的焦慮也會獲得舒解。」— 雪梨晨鋒報



    創辦人|塞斯・布魯(Seth Bloom)、克莉絲汀那・蓋爾森(Christina Gelsone)

    塞斯・布魯(Seth Bloom)、克莉絲汀那・蓋爾森(Christina Gelsone) 於2005年創建了阿庫羅布夫劇團(ACROBUFFOS),其目標是製作無語言的喜劇來娛樂全球觀眾。

    阿庫羅布夫劇團呈現視覺、完全無語言、喜劇的肢體劇場,使用詩意啞劇玩遊戲。他們不是典型的小丑,而是不易被歸類的藝術家和超現實主義者。他們在超過 25 個國家/地區演出,每年平均有 200 天在路上,曾登上大蘋果馬戲團的頭條新聞,並成為郵票被廣為流傳。



    丹尼爾・沃澤爾(Daniel Wurtzel)

    空氣雕塑家丹尼爾・沃澤爾跨足多重領域。自從他累計數百萬觀看人次的氣流作品《魔毯》(Magic Carpet)竄紅,他接連與太陽馬戲團、羅伯・勒帕吉(Robert LEPAGE)、黛安娜・保羅斯(Diana PAULUS)合作,並有多齣作品在百老匯演出。



    創作、演出|塞斯・布魯(Seth Bloom)、克莉絲汀那・蓋爾森(Christina Gelsone)

    空氣雕塑|丹尼爾・伍特茲爾(Daniel Wurtzel)

    導 演|衛斯特・海勒(West Hyler)

    技術統籌|陶德・艾倫・里托(Todd Alan Little)

    舞台監督|佛蘿拉・瓦薩(Flora Vassar)

    燈光設計|珍妮·柯寧(Jeanne Koenig)

    服裝設計|阿什莉・鄧恩・加特丹(Ashley Dunn Gatterdam)

    聲音設計|塞斯・布魯(Seth Bloom)、克莉絲汀那・蓋爾森(Christina Gelsone)

    協同聲音設計|菲爾・英格爾(Phil Ingle)

    道 具|塞斯・布魯(Seth Bloom)、克莉絲汀那・蓋爾森(Christina Gelsone)






    About the Show


    In Air Play umbrellas fly, fabrics soar over the audience, balloons swallow people, and snow swirls, filling the stage.  With stunning images and gales of laughter, Air Play bounces on the edge of definition: part comedy, part sculpture, part circus, part theater. 


    A circus-style adventure of two siblings journeying through a surreal land of air, Air Play transforms ordinary objects into uncommon beauty.  Created by circus performers Seth Bloom and Christina Gelsone in collaboration with kinetic sculptor Daniel Wurtzel, Air Play was devised through years of experimentation with simple materials, movement, and technology.


    Great for all ages, Air Play creates beauty and inspires laughter across cultures and continents.  No translation necessary, Air Play has played from the southernmost opera house in the world in Chile, to London’s Royal Festival Hall, Melbourne's State Theatre, Shanghai’s Grand Theatre, and continues to tour.


    Air Play is a visual poem, using no words, and brings to life the very air we breathe.


    Performing Group


    Seth Bloom and Christina Gelsone created Acrobuffos in 2005 with the goal of making wordless shows to entertain audiences across the globe. Visual, completely wordless, comedic physical theater. The Acrobuffos present sophisticated image-driven performances, playing games using poetic mime. They are not your typical clowns - they are artists and surrealists - who will not be easily categorized.

    Since 2005, they have created seven shows together, competed in international circus festivals, performed in over 25 countries, headlined at the Big Apple Circus, and were featured on a postage stamp.


    Air Sculptures

    Daniel Wurtzel

    Daniel Wurtzel is a New York artist best known for his kinetic sculptures using air and lightweight materials that fly. Daniel’s sculptures have been featured on Broadway, Cirque du Soleil, the Olympics, and with theater directors such as Julie Taymor, Diane Paulus, Robert Lepage, and Zhang Yimou. Museums around the world, including the Musee Rodin, Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya, and the Museu do Amanha in Rio de Janeiro, display Daniel’s work.



    Cast & Creative


    Written, Created, Performer: Seth Bloom, Christina Gelsone

    Air Sculptures: Daniel Wurtzel

    Director: West Hyler

    Technical Director: Todd Alan Little

    Stage Manager: Flora Vassar

    Lighting Design: Jeanne Koenig

    Costume Design: Ashley Dunn Gatterdam

    Sound Design: Seth Bloom, Christina Gelsone

    Additional Sound Design: Phil Ingle

    Props: Seth Bloom, Christina Gelsone


    Worldwide Representation Boat Rocker Entertainment, Aurora Nova.


    Air Play has been made possible with support from Playhouse Square, New Victory Theater, Zoellner Arts Center, and Flushing Town Hall.


    Organizer: Taipei City Government


    Implemeter: Taipei Performing Arts Center


