2024秋天藝術節 維帢亞.阿塔瑪《捉迷藏》(尋找導演的七個那個)

2024.11.29 (五) - 2024.12.01 (日)

2024.8.8 - 2024.8.31早鳥85折

2024秋天藝術節 維帢亞.阿塔瑪《捉迷藏》(尋找導演的七個那個)

  • 演出全長


  • 場次時間

    2024.11.30 (六) 14:00、2024.11.30 (六) 19:30、2024.12.01 (日) 14:00、2024.11.29 (五) 19:30

  • 演出單位


  • 演出地點

    國家兩廳院-實驗劇場 臺北市中正區中山南路21-1號

  • 演出團隊

    英文翻譯Soi Squad、演出者Soi Squad、製作人莎莎賓.希芮旺吉、演出者莎莎賓.希芮旺吉、文本Pathipon Adsavamahampong、演出者Pathipon Adsavamahampong、美術與技術指導Pornpan Arayaveerasid、演出者Pornpan Arayaveerasid、美術與技術指導Rueangrith Suntisuk、演出者Rueangrith Suntisuk、戲劇構作Yuya Tsukahara、演出者Yuya Tsukahara、聲音設計與執行Araki Masamitsu、演出者Araki Masamitsu、機械設計與製作Laphonphat Duongploy、演出者Laphonphat Duongploy、技術執行Piti Boonsom、演出者Piti Boonsom、技術執行Monthira Jamsri、演出者Monthira Jamsri、物件執行Surat Kaewseekarm、演出者Surat Kaewseekarm、舞台監督Pathipon Adsavamahapong、演出者Pathipon Adsavamahapong、英文翻譯Carina Chotirawi、演出者Carina Chotirawi、專案經理Thongchai Pimapunsri、演出者Thongchai Pimapunsri、導演維帢亞.阿塔瑪、演出者維帢亞.阿塔瑪

  • 內容簡介




    What are the hidden tricks? A theater director looks back on his 10 years of creative practice, while taking the pulse of society. The stage is filled with things used to question authority. As the conversation changes, he gathers seven small props in the palm of his hand. In the name of creation, this oppressive director launches a counterattack!

    Thai director Wichaya Artamat follows a timeline that starts from his birth, as he slices through Thailand's historical events and political trends and calls on the most important object partners in his creative team. Combining real-time photography and archival footage, he cleverly designs mechanisms for play and re-creation, while reenacting history. These objects are like magic weapons for circumventing the Thai royal family. The ideological control of the authorities is challenged through drama, followed by an examination of the totalitarianism of art. This is public censorship and also self-censorship. When free will is returned to objects, artistic freedom will follow!


    維帢亞的作品總是讓人深思,雖然有時會感到困惑,但內在的政治意涵、細膩的張力和對比,總能抓住觀眾的心。 』  ——曼谷郵報Amitha Amranand 

    就像觸發器一樣「咔嗒」一聲,再次帶來大量資訊、文字、圖像、聲音和光。讓觀眾重新面對關於現狀的最初問題“我們不能說話,所以我們必須說很多”,壓抑已久的各種情感的釋放點終於從它特定的特定語境中釋放出來。為整個團隊大聲鼓掌!——日本評論家Fukutomi Sho

    如果我們能夠自由地表達自己的想法和真理,事物就不必充當代理人。不僅導演或故事的主人有權選擇說什麼或做什麼,其他事物或其他人也有表達自由的權利。——泰國美術雜誌 Fineart Magazine Thailand 

    物體作為符號出現,供觀看者自行解讀。沉默可能是另一種阻止真相或正確性被敘述的力量,令我們震驚的表演!—— ONCE線上雜誌

    ©Jukkrit Hanpipatpanich

    創作者 維帢亞.阿塔瑪 Wichaya Artamat 

    主修電影,著迷於表演。2008年擔任曼谷戲劇節節目專員;2009年加入新劇場協會(New Theatre Society),開始執導戲劇,並以非傳統的戲劇手法與實驗性聞名,熱衷研究當代社會如何透過曆法來記憶或忘卻歷史。2014年協同創辦了「為了什麼劇團」(For What Theatre)。被譽為「東南亞最令人注目的當代劇場創作者之一」,作品足跡廣布歐洲、亞洲及其他地區。 

    He studied film in undergrad and is captivated by performances, starting work in theatre as a project coordinator for Bangkok Theatre Festival 2008. He joined New Theatre Society in 2009, during which he grew to become a director recognised for various experimental forms and unconventional theatrical approaches. Wichaya is especially interested in exploring how society remembers and unremembers its history through certain calendar days. Since 2019, his works have been co-produced by, and toured in, many international festivals.

    ©Jukkrit Hanpipatpanich

    為了什麼劇團For What Theatre

    由維帢亞・阿塔瑪(Wichaya Artamat)、莎莎賓.希芮旺吉(Sasapin Siriwanij)和Ben Busarakhamwong三名成員所創立,這是三位藝術家在自己主要領域之外進行實驗的「遊樂場」,其製作了戲劇、木偶劇、裝置藝術、跨學科表演、舞蹈和行為藝術作品,常常提出問題或觸及泰國的爭議性議題,此外,也努力質疑「劇場」本身的概念—這個詞彙在泰國的脈絡下似乎具有固定的、不可撼動的價值。

    It's a group of three theater makers from three different existing theater troupes: Wichaya Artamat of New Theatre Society, Sasapin Siriwanij of B-Floor Theatre, and Ben Busarakamwong of Crescent Moon Theatre. The collective has been continuously producing artistic works in various forms, including theater, live performance, story telling, puppetry, party, and exhibition. The three come together, as the group's name suggests, to question their own practices, as well as explore deeper into the variety of artistic forms and processes that can serve to convey social, political, gender, and religious and faith issues. For What Theatre is in a way like a playground, a laboratory, and a free space to pose questions and find answers that they have for themselves and their society.

    製作團隊 Credits

    概念發想與導演 Concept and DirectionWichaya Artamat

    文本 TextPathipon Adsavamahampong, Wichaya Artamat
    美術與技術指導 Art and Technical DirectionPornpan Arayaveerasid, Rueangrith Suntisuk
    戲劇構作 DramaturgyYuya Tsukahara
    聲音設計與執行 Sound Design and Operation|Araki Masamitsu
    機械設計與製作 Mechanics Creation|Laphonphat Duongploy 
    技術執行 Technical Operation|Piti Boonsom, Monthira Jamsri
    物件執行 Object Operation|Surat Kaewseekarm

    舞台監督 Stage ManagementPathipon Adsavamahapong
    英文翻譯 English TranslationCarina Chotirawi, Soi Squad

    專案經理 Project ManagementThongchai Pimapunsri
    製作人 ProducerSasapin Siriwanij

    Co-Produced by Kyoto Experiment, The Japan Foundation, and For What Theatre

    Supported by The Saison Foundation (International Project Support Program / Kyoto Experiment × For What Theatre Juggle & Hide [Seven Whatchamacallits in Search of a Director])


    PAR表演藝術→當代藝術 迂迴進擊,專訪泰國朱拉隆功大學戲劇系系主任Pawit Mahasarinand





    時間|11.30 (SAT.) 晚場演後


    📌2024.8.5 起,地下停車場愛國東路側入口動線調整,敬請留意公告

  • 注意事項

    ◎演後座談:11.29 (FRI.)、11.30 (SAT.) 晚場演後於國家兩廳院實驗劇場。


    ◎本節目提供「藝童PLAY - 演出中孩童陪伴服務」,詳見申請辦法(採報名制,演出日7天前 15:00截止報名)。






