
2024.05.18 (六) - 2024.05.19 (日)


  • 演出全長


  • 場次時間

    2024.05.18 (六) 14:30

  • 演出單位


  • 演出地點

    大東文化藝術中心-大東文化藝術中心演藝廳 高雄市鳳山區光遠路161號

  • 演出團隊


  • 內容簡介

    全球首次以能Noh的幽玄之美  跨文化詮釋海洋女神媽祖




    ★日本傳統能劇 ✕ 台灣信仰




    「希望此能劇作品,祈禱跨越海洋的和平。」- 片山九郎右衛門




    日本國寶級能樂大師齊聚一堂  綻放海洋女神生命的溫柔之熱


    日本傳統藝能「能劇」擁有600餘年歷史,松風幻影,獨有的幽玄之美,精緻的能面與服裝,搭配地謠與樂器,投足之間都充滿能劇的魅力風采。片山九郎右衛門獨家與高雄春天藝術節合作,於2023年赴台舉辦前導講座,為台灣觀眾帶來精彩滿點的「能」量;這齣史無前例的製作,由片山老師製作,將眾頂尖能樂師,如:野村萬齋、味方 玄、分林道治、寶生欣哉、茂山逸平等人齊聚一堂,魅力滿載的能劇,將以台灣觀眾熟悉的信仰故事呈現,迢迢千里跨越海洋,綻放海洋女神的慈悲之情,並共祈世界和平。


    For the first time in the world, Japanese Noh theatre is used to interpret Taiwan's belief in Mazu.


    A major international program at the 2024 Kaohsiung Spring Arts Festival. Japanese Noh Theatre〈MASO〉. The traditional Japanese performing art known as Noh theatre has a history of over 600 years. The unique beauty of performance and the refined masks and costumes, combined with the poetic songs and instruments, create an enigmatic beauty that captivates audiences with every move.


    KATAYAMA KUROUEMON exclusively collaborated with the Kaohsiung Spring Arts Festival, hosting a prelude lecture in Taiwan in 2023 to bring Taiwanese audiences an exciting and fulfilling Noh energy. This unprecedented production, produced by KATAYAMA KUROUEMON and featuring many top musicians, including NOMURA MANSAI, MIKATA SHIZUKA, WAKEBAYASHI MICHIHARU, HOSHO KINYA and SHIGEYAMA IPPEI will all be gathering at the event. The charming Noh theatre will present a familiar story of faith for Taiwanese audiences. Traversing the vast oceans, we will witness the compassion of the ocean goddess and pray for world peace together.


    【主創團隊介紹】 About the Creator


    企劃 製作|片山九郎右衛門



    Planning and conducting Kanze Noh performer KATAYAMA Kuroemon

    Born in Kyoto in 1964. The eldest son of the Noh Kanze performer Yusetsu Katayama (the 9th KATAYAMA Kuroemon,Living National Treasure). His old sister is the fifth generation of the Inoue School of Kyomai (Living National Treasure). Trained by his father in the childhood and by the eighth Tetsunojo Kanze (Living National Treasure) as his adulthood.


    Inherited the name as the 10th KATAYAMA Kuroemon in 2011. Currently in charge of the“KATAYAMA Regular Noh Performance”. In addition to participating in numerous performances throughout Japan, he actively participated in overseas performances in Europe. America, etc. In addition, he held school performances, produced“Noh Picture Books”, and created digital Noh stages. He was committed to various activities to popularize Noh among young people. A holder of important intangible Cultural Property (Designated Comprehensive Category). He has received numerous awards such as the Agency for Cultural Affairs Arts Festival Rookie Award, the Minster of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Newcomer Award, and the Kyoto Prefecture Culture Award. He is the president of the Kyoto Kanze Association, a public interest corporation, and the chairman of the Katayamake Nohgaku Kyomai Preservation Foundation, a public interest cooperation.






    About Katayama Family's Noh Theatre

    Noh theatre was compiled by Zeami during the Muromachi period, and it was developed into the official performance art of the shogunate during the Edo period, becoming an art exclusive to samurai. Due to the fact that Noh performers were given the same status as samurai, the position of the So family is equivalent to that of a daimyo (feudal lord), and they were entrusted with guarding the shog. In the Kanze Noh school, after So family moved from Kyoto to Edo, the Katayama family became a crucial family in unifying the Western Japan Kanze Noh school. At that time, the imperial court was located in Kyoto, and the Katayama family was responsible for the important duty of performing Noh for the emperor in the palace, The Katayama family has inherited the name 'Kuroemon' for generations, and the current head is the 10th generation Katayama Kuroemon.


    Since the marriage of the 6th generation Katayama Kuroemon in the Meiji era and Inoue Yachiyo, the 3rd generation head of the Kyomai Inoue, the Katayama family has been in a state of coexistence between two different areas of art, Noh and Kyomai Inoue. Three consecutive generations of National Treasures have emerged from the Inoue Yachiyo (4th generation), Katayama Yusetsu (9th generation Katayama Kurouemon) and to Inoue Yachiyo (5th generation). After being established as a foundation in Heisei 8 (1996), it was recognized as a public service corporation. Currently operating under the name of the Katayamake Nohgaku Kyomai Preservation Foundation, we are committed to promoting and revitalizing the Noh Kanze school and the Kyomai Inoue school.




    企        劃|片山九郎右衛門 KATAYAMA KUROUEMON
    原        作|玉岡薰 TAMAOKA KAORU
    媽        祖|片山 九郎右衛門 KATAYAMA KUROUEMON
    開天神 盤古|野村 萬齋 NOMURA MANSAI
    千  里  眼 |味方 玄 MIKATA SHIZUKA
    順  風  耳 |分林 道治 WAKEBAYASHI MICHIHARU
    鄭  芝  龍 |寶生 欣哉 HOSHO KINYA

    船       長 | 茂山 逸平 SHIGEYAMA IPPEI
    徒       弟 | 寶生 尚哉 HOSHO NAOYA
    笛       子 |竹市 學 TAKEICHI MANABU
    小       鼓 |吉阪 一郎 KICHISAKA ICHIRO
    大       鼓 |龜井 廣忠 KAMEI HIROTADA
    太       鼓 |前川 光範 MAEKAWA MITSUNORI
    後       見 |青木 道喜  河村 晴久  大江 信行
    地       謠 |浦田 保親  古橋 正邦  片山 伸吾  田茂井 廣道  橋本 忠樹  河村 和貴
    主角助理 |梅田 嘉宏  大江 廣祐 UMEDA YOSHIHIRO  OE KOSUKE
    狂言助理 |月崎 晴夫 TSUKIZAKIHARUO
    舞台總監 |大谷 綠 OHTANI MIDORI
    道      具 |松本 裕司 MATSUMOTO YUJI
    道具助理 |中辻 瑛菜 NAKATSUJI ENA
    燈      光 |樋口 由香里 HIGUCHI YUKARI
    音      響 |太田 文昭 OTA FUMIAKI
    美      術 |足立 寬 ADACHI YUTAKA
    事  務  長|駒井 潤 KOMAI JUN



    藝文支持 | (公財)日本台灣交流協會高雄事務所

  • 注意事項

    • 開放時間:14:00
    • 演出全長:110分
    • 字幕語言: 中文
    • 演前導聆: 13:50


