2024TIFA 臺法共製擴增實境展演《黑》

2024TIFA 臺法共製擴增實境展演《黑》
國家兩廳院-實驗劇場 臺北市中正區中山南路21-1號
演出者桂綸鎂、演出者Tania de Montaigne、作者Tania de Montaigne、演出者Rebecca Naluyange、導演Pierre-Alain Giraud、監製Pierre-Alain Giraud、導演Stéphane Foenkinos、監製Emanuela Righi、監製黃茂昌、配樂Valgeir Sigurðsson、音效設計Nicolas Becker、場景設計Laurence Fontaine、燈光設計Philippe Berthomé、造型設計王佳惠、美術指導王誌成、錄音周震、錄音黃在恩、技術總監Mathieu Denuit、系統工程師Pierre-Luc Denuit、3D設計Louis Moreau、3D/Unity開發工程師Alban Niemaz、製作統籌陳嘉妤、製作協調游宜晨
. 3.18、3.25 (MON.) 10:30、13:30、15:00、16:30、19:30、21:00 共 12 場
. 3.19 (TUE.) — 3.22 (FRI.) 、3.26 (TUE.) — 3.29 (FRI.) 10:30 共 8 場
以上場次將於 2.15 (四) 12:00 正式啟售。敬請把握購票最後機會!1955年在阿拉巴馬州蒙哥馬利郡的公車上,15歲的克羅黛特.柯爾文(Claudette Colvin)拒絕讓座給一名白人乘客。
九個月後,羅莎.帕克斯(Rosa Parks)重複了這一反抗行為,並成為歷史至今銘記的偶像…❝ 這是一個出色的作品,無論在執行力、敘事,還是優雅且莊嚴的視覺效果上,都令人驚艷。 ❞—— Arnaud Laporte, 法國廣播電台
❝ 在巴黎龐畢度中心展出的這個情感豐沛的體驗中,我們置身在這位民權運動先驅的生命裡,身臨其境,而她同時也是非裔民權運動的少數的倖存者之一。❞——Solin Delos,《Elle》雜誌
❝ 多虧了擴增實境技術,我們得以身歷其境地融入了克羅黛特.柯爾文的日常。與她同坐在公車上、與她一同出席法庭審判、直接面對定罪她的法官,這是一種親身體驗種族隔離政策與體制的方式,無疑地也增強了我們觀影時不公平的感受。 ❞—— Muriel Maalouf,法國國際廣播電台
❝這是一項令人驚艷的混合實境體驗:身為觀眾的我們,變成了演員。這個沉浸式作品所使用的技術與以往的虛擬現實技術非常不同:在這裡,觀眾看得見彼此,可以互相交談,並遊走在真實場景和全息投影建構的空間中。觀影過程的每個發現都深深震撼了我和我的同事,它是如此迷人,叫人不安,甚至令人心神不寧。❞—— Didier Morel,法國電視台France 3 Ile-de-France
★ 入圍美國三大影展之一翠貝卡影展「沉浸式單元新銳競賽」★ 入選英國最具指標性影展之一BFI倫敦影展
臺法共製擴增實境展演《黑》是Tania de Montaigne根據克羅黛特生平改編的沉浸式作品,訴說無名英雄克羅黛特從進入民權運動到遭世人遺忘的一生,由金馬影后桂綸鎂擔任中文版說書人,穿戴高科技頭顯(HoloLens 2),帶領觀眾展開一場震撼又獨特的沉浸式之旅。此次展演將比照龐畢度中心之最高規模,呈現最完整的佈景,包括公車、監獄與教堂等場景,外加場外展牆,一一重現被隱藏的歷史,還原被遺忘的真實。
透過高科技頭顯(HoloLens 2),進入虛擬影像與實際互動得現場。
⊱• 故事大綱 •⊰
這是旅程的開始,一趟克羅黛特從進入民權運動到遭世人遺忘的旅程。 九個月後,膚色較淺的女裁縫師羅莎·帕克斯做出相同舉動。而情況卻有所不同。年輕牧師馬丁.路德.金恩為她聲援,羅莎.帕克斯成為英雄,激發了美國民權運動。歷史就此改變。但這一切,是因克羅黛特而使其成為可能,然她卻被世人所遺忘。現年83歲的她仍定居於美國。Take a deep breath, breathe in, you are now in Montgomery, Alabama in the fifties. You are now in the skin and soul of Claudette Colvin, a 15-year-old Black girl with an unremarkable life.
Revisit a pivotal moment in the Civil Rights Movement in the US during the Segregationist era using immersive VR technology.
In Montgomery, Alabama, on the 2.30 p.m. bus on 2 March 1955, 15-year-old Claudette Colvin refused to give up her seat to a White passenger. Despite threats, she remained seated. After being thrown in jail, she decided to sue the city and plead not guilty. No one had ever dared to do that. And yet, no one would remember her name. Colored is an immersive experience adapted from a biographical essay written by Tania de Montaigne, which premiered at the Centre Pompidou on 21 April 2023. The experience takes place in groups of ten people. Visitors prepare themselves with special equipment: Hololens 2 goggles, a bone conduction headset and a small backpack. They enter a 300-square-meter set that will soon be haunted by the ghosts of 1950s Alabama…
This production was directed by Pierre-Alain Giraud and Stéphane Foenkinos, and co-produced by Pierre-Alain Giraud, Emanuela Righi (Novaya – France) and Patrick Huang (Flash Forward Entertainment – Taiwan).
⊱• Synopsis •⊰
You walk out of class, you wait for the bus, you take your ticket. You have always known that being Black does not give you any rights, but it does give you a lot of duties. You know that there are White people on one side and you on the other. Once you have taken your ticket, you will go out and go up the back door. Once you are settled, you also know that if a White person does not have a seat, you will have to give up your seat. This is how it has always been in Montgomery."
But on 2 March 1955, Claudette Colvin refused to get up. Despite the threats of the driver, who was armed, and of the other White and some Black passengers, she remained seated. Better still, after being arrested and thrown in jail, she decided to attack the city and plead not guilty, a first. Yet no one would remember her name.
This was the beginning of a journey that would take Claudette Colvin from the civil rights struggle to abandonment.
When, nine months later, Rosa Parks, a lighter-skinned seamstress, made the same move as Claudette, everything changed. Soon supported by a young pastor who had recently arrived in Montgomery, Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks became a heroine, the spark that launched the civil rights movement. History was on the march.
Claudette Colvin made it all possible, but she is the one who has been forgotten. She still lives in the United States today. She is 83 years old.主創 Info
導演|史蒂芬.佛恩奇諾(Stephane Foenkinos)
導演|皮耶-阿蘭 ‧ 傑羅(Pierre-Alain Giraud)
作者|塔妮亞.德.蒙泰涅(Tania de Montaigne)
左起Stephane Foenkinos、Pierre-Alain Giraud、Tania de Montaigne。
演出 Info
英文版說書人English Version Narrator|Tania de Montaigne
中文版說書人Mandarin Version Narrator|桂綸鎂(Gwei Lun Mei)
演出Main Character|克羅黛特.科爾文(Claudette Colvin)、Rebecca Naluyange
製作團隊 Info
Novaya |一家致力於透過擴增實境技術打造沉浸式藝術體驗的法國公司。集結藝術家、工程師與電影工作者,Novaya作品以自行研發的創新技術製作,首部作品《Solastalgia》即入圍2020年日舞影展。
Novaya is a company specialized in the creation of immersive artistic experiences using augmented reality. Our strength lies in the fact that we bring together artists, engineers and film producers, allowing us to ensure both the writing of projects, the visual creation of real and virtual worlds, as well as the manufacturing of all the innovative technologies necessary for their realization (from computer development to electronic techniques and 3D printing).
Flash Forward Entertainment has been actively involved in the production of films, documentaries, animations, series, and immersive experiences. Known for its diverse themes and talent discovery, it recently achieved international recognition with the co-produced film "Tiger Stripes," which won the Grand Prize award at the 2023 Cannes Film Festival's Critics' Week section.
製作團隊 Credits
作者 Writer|Tania de Montaigne(塔妮亞.德.蒙泰涅)
導演 Directors|Pierre-Alain Giraud(皮耶-阿蘭 ‧ 傑羅)、Stéphane Foenkinos(史蒂芬.佛恩奇諾)
監製 Producers|Emanuela Righi、Pierre-Alain Giraud(皮耶-阿蘭 ‧ 傑羅)、黃茂昌(Patrick Mao Huang)
英文版說書人English Version Narrator|Tania de Montaigne(塔妮亞.德.蒙泰涅)
中文版說書人Mandarin Version Narrator|桂綸鎂(Gwei Lun Mei)
演出Main Character|克羅黛特·科爾文(Claudette Colvin)、Rebecca Naluyange
配樂 Original Music|Valgeir Sigurðsson
音效設計 Sound Design|Nicolas Becker、Valgeir Sigurðsson
場景設計 Set Designer|Laurence Fontaine
燈光設計Light Designer|Philippe Berthomé
造型設計 Costume Designer|王佳惠(Chih-Chen Wang)
美術指導Production Designer|王誌成 Chih Chen Wang
錄音Sound Recordists|周震(Cheng Chou)、黃在恩(Tsai En Huang)
技術總監Technical Director|Mathieu Denuit
系統工程師System Engineer|Pierre-Luc Denuit
3D設計3D Artist|Louis Moreau
3D/Unity開發工程師3D/Unity Developer|Alban Niemaz
製作統籌 Production Manager|陳嘉妤(Christa Chen)
製作協調 Production Coordinator|游宜晨(Alice You)
製作公司Production Companies|Novaya、前景娛樂有限公司(Flash Forward Entertainment)
合作單位 Partnership|巴黎龐畢度中心(Pompidou Center)
支持單位 Support|文化內容策進院(TAICCA)、CNC、Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and Institut Français
運算支持 Computing Support|廣達電腦、廣達研究院 Quanta Research Institute, Quanta Computer
技術支援 Technical Support|捷韻實業有限公司 JieYun Industrial CO.,LTD
◎ 節目全長約50分鐘,無中場休息。(含穿戴設備,實際體驗40分鐘)
◎ 本次體驗形式特殊,為維護最佳體驗品質與完整性,體驗開始後將無法入場,敬請準時抵達。遲到、中途離場觀眾恕無法再行退換票。
◎ 中英發音,部分中英字幕。(自行選擇)
◎ 因兒童尚在視覺發展關鍵期,建議14歲以上觀眾欣賞。
◎ 本演出為遊走式沉浸體驗,需穿戴頭顯設備和骨傳導耳機,請著舒適便鞋進場觀賞,不建議攜帶大件隨身物品。
◎ 演出中將配戴頭顯設備與,少數人在使用頭顯設備時,可能會產生頭暈、噁心症狀,若您對自身的頭顯設備耐受性有疑慮,請務必徵詢醫師等專業建議,再決定是否參與體驗。◎ 本節目提供藝童PLAY 預約服務,詳見申請辦法(採報名制,演出日7天前15:00截止報名)。
◎ 主辦單位保留節目異動權。