
導演Tupakula Jaganath、編舞Tupakula Jaganath、劇本Tupakula Jaganath、佈景設計Tupakula Jaganath、劇本黃正琪、佈景設計黃正琪、視覺傳達設計Lavudya Gopal Nayak、技術統籌劉彥廷、燈光技術指導王凱莉、音響技術指導陳天奇、技術人員李育昇、主持人謝語姍、舞者謝語姍、舞者陳宥蓁、舞者謝宛芳、舞者王蜀蕎、舞者林真亦、舞者葉篥縈、舞者鄧季姍、舞者李淑華、舞者譚永霞、舞者李秀枝、舞者黃正琪、舞者Anusha、舞者Akhila、舞者Akhila(s)、舞者鄭琪藍、舞者Master Reda Mego、舞者邱郁晴、舞者張瑜晏、舞者蔡璦琦、舞者顏金保、舞者劉玥緹、舞者張庭瑀、樂手若池敏弘、樂手林華勁、樂手張瑛蘭、樂手史孟航
導演 編舞家介紹
這部舞劇由Tupakula Jaganath編導,他常年在海外從事舞蹈藝術創作,編舞獨樹一格,他的許多學生都以Master Jagan稱呼他。Master Jagan來自於藝術家的家庭,在11歲時學習印度古典卡薩克舞蹈 ,他同時是古典及⺠俗舞蹈舞者,在印度和多個國家都有非常多精彩的演出。他也是一位非常有經驗的老師,教授多種不同形式的舞蹈,現在他在首席異國風情舞教室及淡水社大、桃園社大各地推廣印度舞及寶萊鄔舞蹈並不斷的創作,也帶領Master Jagan表演藝術團隊在台灣參與各項表演藝術的演出活動。
Introduction to director and choreographer
This dance drama is choreographed and directed by Tupakula Jaganath. He has been engaged in dance art creation overseas all year round and has a unique style of choreography. Many of his students call him Master Jagan. Master Jagan comes from a family of artists. He learned Indian classical Kathak dance at the age of 11. He is also a classical and folk dance dancer and has given many wonderful performances in India and many other countries. He is also a very experienced teacher who teaches many different forms of dance. Now he promotes Indian dance and Bollywood dance in the chief exotic dance studio, Tamsui Community University and Taoyuan Community University and continues to create, and also leads Master Jagan’s performing arts team participates in various performing arts performances in Taiwan.
Master Jagan表演藝術團隊簡介
由來自南印海德拉巴的Tupakula Jaganath所帶領的臺、印、港、日舞者及樂手表演團隊,用舞蹈及舞劇傳達藝術不分國界的理念,最重要的是享受舞蹈的樂趣,他在印度樂舞中加入不同的文化元素,充分表現多國文化交流的新面貌。
Master Jagan’s Performing Arts Team Introduction
A performance team of dancers and musicians from Taiwan, India, Hong Kong and Japan, led by Tupakula Jaganath from Hyderabad, South India, uses dance and dance drama to convey the concept that art knows no borders. The most important thing is to enjoy the fun of dance. Different cultural elements are added to Indian music and dance to fully express the new look of cultural exchanges between countries.
Bulbul Sings樂團
由印度音樂演奏家若池敏弘、爵士演奏為主的吉他手林華勁、長笛手張瑛蘭及世界擊樂手史孟航共組,Bulbul Sings以印度音樂為基,結合西方音樂和聲以及其他世界音樂的啟發,融合出全新印度之聲。他們將為舞劇帶來傳統與現代截然不同的曲風詮釋。
Bulbul Sings Formed by Indian music performer Waka, jazz-oriented guitarist Lin Huajin, flutist Ing Lan Chang, and world-class percussionist Menghang Shih, Bulbul Sings is based on Indian music, combining Western music harmony and other world music. Inspired by a new Indian voice. They will bring completely different interpretations of traditional and modern styles to the dance drama.
Program introduction:
The little peacock said goodbye to the peacock mother to explore the world, she saw the beauty of the world, but also encountered the cruelty of the world, on the way to meet the fierce snake, after fighting, she was killed by the snake, the peacock mother was sad and angry revenge. The little peacock and the snake were reborn as human beings, and the two met again with different nationalities of Taiwan and India, will they be friends or enemies this time?
導演編舞| Tupakula Jaganath
主持人 | 謝語姍
舞蹈演出|Master Jagan表演藝術團隊;首席異國風情舞教室
舞者 |Master Jagan 、陳宥蓁、謝宛芳、王蜀蕎、林真亦、葉篥縈、鄧季姍、李淑華、譚永霞、李秀枝、黃正琪、Anusha、Akhila、Akhila(s)、鄭琪藍 ;
Master Reda Mego、謝語姍、邱郁晴、張瑜晏、蔡璦琦、顏金保、劉玥緹、張庭瑀
樂團 | Bulbul Sings樂團|若池敏弘、林華勁、張瑛蘭、史孟航
劇本 |Tupakula Jaganath、黃正琪
佈景設計|Tupakula Jaganath、黃正琪
視覺傳達設計|Lavudya Gopal Nayak
Sponsored by: Department of Cultural Affairs,Taoyuan, Spread Love Art Studio
Co-organizer|Barn 169 Theater
Director Choreographer | Tupakula Jaganath
Host | Irene
Dance Performance|Master Jagan Performing Arts Team; Chief Exotic Dance Studio
Dancers | Master Jagan, Ariel , Wanfang, Joyce, Diane , Irene, Rachel, Shuhua, Asha, Joan, Sophia, Anusha, Akhila, Akhila(s), Joy, Master Reda Mego ,Hsieh Yushan, Erica Chiou, Yu Yen Chang, Ai Chi Tsai, YEN CHIN PAO, Liu Yuehti, Deana Chang
Orchestra | Bulbul Sings Orchestra | Waka, Huajin Lin, Ing Lan Chang, Menghang Shih
Script|Tupakula Jaganath, Sophia
Set Design|Tupakula Jaganath, Sophia
Visual Communication Design|Lavudya Gopal Nayak
Technical coordinator| Yen-Ting Liu
Lighting technical director|Kai-Li Wang
Sound technical director| Tien-Chi Chen
Technical staff| LI-YU SHENG