屏東演藝廳-音樂廳 屏東縣屏東市民生路4之17號
立陶宛國立室內樂團The Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra (LCO)
立陶宛國立室內樂團成立於1960年,由小提琴家Saulius Sondeckis創立。樂團成立之初便以高超的音樂技藝和獨特的音樂風格蜚聲國際。1976年,LCO成為第一個在西方亮相的立陶宛樂團。此後,樂團的足跡遍佈世界各地,在柏林愛樂樂團、維也納金色大廳、倫敦皇家音樂節等著名音樂廳獻上精彩演出,贏得了廣泛讚譽。
曾與多位世界著名音樂家合作,包括鋼琴家Justus Frantz、Evgeny Kissin、Vladimir Krainev;小提琴家Tatjana Grindenko、Oleg Kagan、Gidon Kremer、Igor Oistrakh、Gil Shaham、Vladimir Spivakov;大提琴家David Geringas、Natalia Gutman、Mstislav Rostropovich;中提琴演奏家Jurij Bashmet;管風琴演奏家Jean Guillou;小號手Timofej Dokshitser、Guy Touvron;長笛演奏家Aurèle Nicolet;歌手José Van Dam等。
Founded in 1960 by Prof. Saulius Sondeckis, the LCO was among the first of Lithuanian orchestras to make its début in the West at the Echternach Festival in Luxembourg in 1976, which embarked it on an international career. The Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra has toured almost every European country, North and South Americas, Japan, Cuba, Canada, Egypt and the Republic of South Africa. They have appeared at the Berlin Philharmonic, Musikverein in Vienna, Royal Festival Hall in London, Pleyel Hall in Paris, Gewandhaus in Leipzig, Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, as well as concert halls in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and at many festivals including the Salzburg Festival and Yehudi Menuhin Festival.
Ø 立陶宛國立室內樂團官方網站:https://reurl.cc/2Yd4km
指揮|謝爾蓋·克雷洛夫 Sergei Krylov
出生於音樂世家,曾被20世紀譽為最有影響力大提琴家之一的Mstislav Leopoldovich Rostropovich (姆斯蒂斯拉夫·羅斯特羅波維奇)稱讚"是當代五位頂級小提琴家之一",目前擔任瑞士盧加諾音樂藝術大學教授。
與世界著名樂團合作演出經驗豐富,例如維也納交響樂團、英國室內樂團、聖彼得堡愛樂交響樂團、馬林斯基劇院交響樂團、俄羅斯國家交響樂團、薩爾茨堡室內樂團、東京交響樂團、黑森廣播交 響樂團、德國廣播愛樂樂團、米蘭朱塞佩 ·威爾第樂團、漢堡國家樂團愛樂樂團、 哥本哈根愛樂樂團等。
自 2008 年起擔任立陶宛室內樂團音樂總監,在從巴洛克到現代音樂的廣泛曲目中扮演獨奏者和指揮的雙重角色。
Sergei Krylov is a renowned Lithuanian violinist, conductor, and orchestra leader. He has been hailed as "one of the five top violinists in the century" by Mstislav Leopoldovich Rostropovich.
He performs with world-famous orchestras such as the Vienna Symphony Orchestra, the English Chamber Orchestra, the Symphony Orchestra of Saint Petersburg Philharmonic, the Mariinsky Theatre Symphony Orchestra, the Russian National Orchestra, Camerata Salzburg, the Chamber Orchestra “Moscow Soloists”, the Dresden Staatskapelle Symphony Orchestra, the State symphony orchestra “Novaya Rossiya”, the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra, the Beijing Symphony Orchestra, Hessischer Rundfunk, the Deutsche Radio Philharmonic, the Giuseppe Verdi Orchestra in Milan, Filarmonica Toscanini, the Hamburg State Philharmonic Orchestra, the Copenhagen Philharmonic Orchestra etc.
Since 2008 Sergej Krylov has combined his solo career with the work of conductor. He is the Chief Conductor of the Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra
Ø 謝爾蓋·克雷洛夫方網頁:https://www.facebook.com/sergej.krylov.7/
- Arvo Pärt: Fratres 阿爾沃·帕特:兄弟會
- Arvo Pärt: Tabula Rasa 阿爾沃·帕特:空白(暫譯)
- F. Latenas: Bolero 拉傑納斯:波麗路
- N. Rota: Concerto for Strings 羅塔:弦樂協奏曲
- P. Sarasate: Introduction and Tarantella 薩拉沙泰:序奏與塔朗泰拉舞曲
- P. Sarasate: Gypsy Melodies 薩拉沙泰:流浪者之歌
- + Encores 安可曲現場公布
- 進場開放時間:14:00
- 演出全長:75分鐘(不含中場休息時間)
- 字幕語言:無
- 到場注意事項:請穿著整潔服飾入場/場館內禁止飲食及攜帶花束