
2025.05.14 (三)


  • 演出全長


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  • 演出地點

    衛武營國家藝術文化中心-表演廳 高雄市鳳山區三多一路1號

  • 演出團隊


  • 內容簡介





    Originated during the 14th century, Kyogen has a history of over 600 years. It is one of the four forms of traditional Japanese theater arts alongside noh, kabuki, and bunraku. While noh plays drew from traditional literature and kabuki and bunraku portrayed the dramas of Edo period life, kyogen developed its own niche with witty dialogue and exaggerated, humorous movements. This unique comedic style has influenced contemporary Japanese dramas and comedic performances.

    Yuki NOMURA was born into an illustrious kyogen family. His grandfather Mansaku NOMURA II has been named as a living national treasure. His father Mansai NOMURA is an interdisciplinary artist active in both film and television. He became known to audiences across Asia after portraying Abe no Seimei in the 2001 film Onmyoji. He also served as the artistic director of Setagaya Public Theatre. As the heir of an influential kyogen family, with an accomplished grandfather and multitalented father, Yuki NOMURA has faced public scrutiny since childhood. His stage debut came at the age of three in The Monkey Skin Quiver. He then embarked on the path to becoming a kyogen master. At the age of 18, he performed Sanbaso, which is considered a graduation exam for kyogen masters. After performing Trapping of the Fox at 23, he completed the NOMURA family kyogen master training that “begins with the monkey and ends with the fox.” Afterwards, Yuji NOMURA expanded his reach to other fields, trying his hand at acting in television series, starring in stage plays, and even dubbing animated films. Through these different forms of performing arts, he developed his own style and became a rising star.

    This time, Yuki NOMURA will guide Mansaku-No-Kai Kyogen Company's new generation of performers as a "little teacher" in presenting the kyogen play The Snail. With its humorous plot driven by "misunderstandings," the performance promises to be both engaging and resonant. To ensure that people won't be put off upon hearing "time-honored traditional art," the play will be performed in a simple and lighthearted manner, with performers in kimonos and traditional costumes to create a relaxed and enjoyable while showcasing the essence of kyogen.

    Let's relax together, hold our bellies, and laugh heartily alongside the kyogen masters!




    The Snail

    Servant Taro Kaja is ordered by his master to catch a snail for the master's grandfather, as eating snails is believed to prolong one's life. Taro Kaja has no idea what a snail is, so his master tells him that a snail has a "black head and a shell on its back," and it "sometimes has horns, and lives inside thickets." Taro Kaja goes to a thicket in search of snails and comes across a yamabushi (a practitioner) who fell asleep after an exhausting journey. Seeing that the yamabushi's head is black, Taro Kaja wakes him up and asks him if he's a snail. The yamabushi realizes that Taro Kaja has the wrong idea, and decides to tease him by pretending to be a snail. Taro Kaja believes the yamabushi, and requests that he goes with him to see his master. The yamabushi says he'll go only if singing and dancing is allowed. Taro Kaja then starts singing, "there's no rain, there's no wind…" while the yamabushi chants "snail, snail" and dances. The two make merry. The master is angry and reprimands Taro Kaja for returning home late, but ulti mately ends up joining the merrymakers. The three of them sing and dance as they exit to the music.


    狂言師|野村裕基、中村 修一

    Performers| Yuki NOMURA, Shuichi NAKAMURA



    生於1999年,野村萬齋的長男,師從祖父野村万作及父親。畢業於慶應大學法學院;能樂協會會員。2003年3歲時以《靱猿》初次登台,從排練到正式登場,由NHK的紀錄片節目記錄整個過程(收錄於DVD《小小狂言師的誕生—野村萬齋父子三代初次同登舞台》)。2017年首次演出《三番叟》,2018年在巴黎演出的「野村万作・萬齋・裕基×杉本博司《Divine Dance三番叟》」(Japonismes 2018的表演節目),裕基與祖父及父親每日輪流主演三番叟。2020年主演《奈須與市語》。2021年初次演出WOWWOW電視台開播30週年紀念的連續劇《所羅門的偽證》,在Netflix製作的動畫電影《光靈:武士之魂》擔任主角伊藏的配音。2022年主演《釣狐》。2023年3月,首次參與現代戲劇的演出,在舞台劇《哈姆雷特》飾演哈姆雷特一角(導演野村萬齋,世田谷公共劇場(Setagaya Public Theatre))。

    Born in 1999, he is the eldest son of Mansai NOMURA, and was trained by his grandfather Mansaku NOMURA and his father. He graduated from Keio University's Faculty of Law and is a member of the Nohgaku Performers' Association. He made his stage debut at the age of three inTsurigitsune, an event documented by NHK in a program that was later released on DVD titledThe Birth of a Little Kyogen Theatre Master—Mansai Nomura's First Performance for Three Generations. In 2017, he performed Sanbaso for the first time, and in 2018, he participated in Divine Dance Sanbaso (as part of theJaponismes 2018 program) in Paris, where he alternated daily with his grandfather and father as the lead in Sanbaso. In 2020, he starred inThe Tale of NASU no Yoichi. In 2021, he made his television acting debut in WOWOW's 30th-anniversary drama The Solomon's Perjury and voiced the lead character Izou in the Netflix animated film Bright: Samurai Soul. In 2022, he starred inTsurikitsune. In March 2023, he took on the role of Hamlet in his first modern theater performance in the play Hamlet, directed by Mansai NOMURA, at the Setagaya Public Theatre.

    中村 修一


    Born in 1989, Shuichi NAKAMURA learned Kyogen from Mansaku NOMURA and is currently a member of the Nohgaku Performers' Association. He began his Kyogen training at the age of 9 and made his stage debut in 2000 as a child actor in the play Narihira mochi. After graduating from Keio University's Faculty of Law, he performed in various notable works such as Uo no Sōhō andTaiko Mochi. In 2016, he took on leading roles inSanbaso, The Tale of Nasuno Yoichi, and Tsurikitsune. In addition to performing, he teaches Kyogen at Matsuo Juku Traditional Performing Arts School and serves as an advisor to Kyogen clubs at Waseda University, Tokyo Woman's Christian University, and Kyoritsu Women's University.

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