2025TIFA 魯多維柯.艾奧迪音樂會

2025TIFA 魯多維柯.艾奧迪音樂會
2025.04.04 (五) 19:30
國家兩廳院-國家音樂廳 臺北市中正區中山南路21-1號
On a platform in the Arctic Sea in front of a glacier, Einaudi played "Elegy for the Arctic" on the piano, which he composed to call attention to environmental crises, such as the collapsing of glaciers and melting of polar ice sheets. This performance has been viewed by more than 10 million people online. Furthermore, his iconic music featured in Oscar winning films like The Father and Nomadland exhibits his endless creativity and ability to paint scenes through music.This is Ludovico Eainaudi, the Italian brilliant minimalist musician of the generation.
Seven Days Walking records his daily walks and observations, as well as the subtle changes in his mood, while Underwater explores the boundless space below the surface of water, with purity and simplicity. This time, Einaudi combines the spirit of these two albums, interspersing them with other works such as "Elegy for the Arctic," to explore the unmasked world amid scenes from daily life.
魯多維柯.艾奧迪 Ludovico Einaudi
「如果你沒聽過他的音樂,那可能只是因為你不知道那是他寫的。」—— 《衛報》
"If you haven't heard the music of Ludovico Einaudi, then it's probably because you don't know it's by Ludovico Einaudi. "- The Guardian魯多維柯.艾奧迪是鋼琴家兼作曲家,生於義大利都靈。他的母親是位業餘鋼琴家,或許正是母親將他引領入音樂的世界,在他心中埋下了往後光輝事業的音樂種子。他在都靈音樂院開始學習音樂,之後在米蘭音樂院畢業,他曾隨貝里奧(Luciano Berio)和史托克豪森(Karlheinz Stockhausen)學習。1982年,他獲得獎學金赴美參加坦格伍德音樂節(Tanglewood Music Festival),首次接觸到美國的極簡主義音樂,自此展開了一段「走向本質的旅程」,試圖在最低限度的元素中達到最強烈的表達。
艾奧迪開始受到音樂界關注,是從1996年發行的首張鋼琴獨奏專輯《海浪》(Le Onde),靈感來自於維吉尼亞·沃爾芙的同名小說。而讓他最受國際矚目的,則是2016年,他受綠色和平組織委託創作,在北極冰川上演奏《北極輓歌》(Elegy for the Arctic)。該影片於網路上架後,立刻獲得廣大迴響,至今已累積近兩千萬次瀏覽。
2019年的《散策七日》(Seven Days Walking)則源自艾奧迪在冬日山間漫步的靈感。這項計畫推出一共七張專輯,每一張專輯代表他「如迷宮般蜿蜒的創作過程,跟隨在冰雪下去蕪存菁的形式」。儘管隨之而來的疫情讓艾奧迪的世界巡演暫停,然而《散策七日》和《元素》(Elements)當中的曲目卻透過電影傳播,並成為當年最受讚譽的兩部奧斯卡電影《游牧人生》(Nomadland,趙婷執導)與《父親》(The Father,佛羅里安.澤勒執導)中的配樂。
2025年,艾奧迪推出全新專輯《夏日描繪》(The Summer Portrait),這張專輯獻給我們無盡的夏日時光與美好回憶。
Pianist and composer Ludovico Einaudi was born in Turin on November 23rd 1955. Perhaps it was his mother, an amateur pianist, who first introduced him to music, planting the seeds for what would become an illustrious career. He began to study music at the Conservatory of Turin and graduated under Azio Corghi at the Conservatory of Milan, and then studied with Luciano Berio, becoming his assistant, and with Karlheinz Stockhausen. In 1982 his talents won him a scholarship to the Tanglewood Music Festival, where he first came into contact with American minimalism.
With the album Stanze (1992), a collection of sixteen compositions for harpist Cecilia Chailly, he set off on “a journey towards essentiality, trying to achieve the maximum expressive intensity using the minimum indispensable”. But it was with Le Onde [The Waves] (1996), his first solo album, inspired by Virginia Woolf’s novel, that he truly caught the piano world’s attention. In 2016 he performed his “Elegy for the Arctic”, commissioned by Greenpeace, on a floating platform amidst the ice in the Arctic Ocean.
Emerging from long winter walks in the mountains, Seven Days Walking is an ambitious and visionary project of seven records, released monthly from March to October 2019, representing as many variations around the same imaginary route, “following the meandering creative process as in a labyrinth, among the forms denuded by the cold, in a kind of extreme essentiality”. Performances and world tours were interrupted by the pandemic, but some of his music from Seven Days Walking and Elements continued to walk on its own, in the two most awarded films of the season: Nomadland by Chloé Zhao, (six Oscars, two Golden Globes and the Golden Lion in Venice) and The Father, by Florian Zeller.
In the summer of 2021, Einaudi took his music back to nature, in a series of eleven concerts immersed in the breathtaking scenery of national parks, nature reserves, creeks, valleys, lakes and pristine mountain meadows, reachable only on foot, at dawn, at dusk and under starry skies. An invitation to merge the musical experience with the natural landscape. But it was the experience of suspended time during the lockdown, “with the world outside quiet and silent”, that led to the new solo piano album, released in 2022 and entitled Underwater, “a metaphor for fluidity without external interference”. A fresher and more immediate approach to music, in the flow of emotions, in an intimate conversation, face to face, with the piano”.
January 31st, 2025 marks the release of The Summer Portraits, an album dedicated to all our endless summer memories, all our beautiful moments.
高雄|4.5 衛武營國家藝術文化中心 音樂廳
2024年10月28日(一) 08:00起至藝文廊道工程結束,因應工程進度並顧及行人安全,調整捷運中正紀念堂站5號出口週遭動線,請詳閱以下工程範圍、建議動線及兩廳院地面層各出入口標示。官網公告:https://pr.ntch.art/pKGqc7
Alternative Routes Between NTCH and MRT Exit 5 During Construction Time:
Starting from October 28, 2024 (Monday), the Art and Cultural Concourse is under construction. For your safety, please take alternative routes as indicated below at MRT Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall Station Exit 5. The construction scope, alternative routes, and NTCH gates are all marked in the following graph.
◎本節目提供「藝童PLAY - 演出中孩童陪伴服務」,詳見申請辦法(採報名制,演出日7天前 15:00截止報名)。