國際共製大型音樂劇《囍宴 The Wedding Banquet 》

國際共製大型音樂劇《囍宴 The Wedding Banquet 》
2025.08.22 (五) 00:00、2025.08.23 (六) 00:00、2025.08.24 (日) 00:00、2025.08.30 (六) 00:00、2025.08.31 (日) 00:00、2025.09.04 (四) 00:00、2025.09.05 (五) 00:00、2025.09.06 (六) 00:00、2025.09.07 (日) 00:00
衛武營國家藝術文化中心-歌劇院 高雄市鳳山區三多一路1號、臺北表演藝術中心-大劇院 臺北市士林區劍潭路1號
聯合出品文化內容策進院、演員閻奕格、演員苗可麗、演員羅北安、演員聶雲、概念與劇本Welly Yang、劇本及歌詞Matt Eddy、音樂Woody Pak、部分歌詞Brian Yorkey、人聲設計AnnMarie Milazzo、導演Gordon Greenberg、編舞Eamon Foley、助理編舞張擎佳、音樂總監郭孟玫、選角指導Geoff Josselson、編曲統籌Jeongyeon Lee、混音Jeongyeon Lee、鋼琴配置Minju Park、和聲Minju Park、作曲助理 / 製譜Tzu-Yang Ho、舞台設計陳慧、燈光設計高一華、影像設計謝宣光、服裝設計謝建國、音響設計廖俊榮、妝髮統籌洪心愉、道具統籌賴映辰
國際共製音樂劇《囍宴》The Wedding Banquet: A New Musical 萬人口碑好評再演 ╳ 口碑熱潮席捲 ╳ 全球唯一加演奧斯卡名導 李安 經典電影,改編音樂劇轟動國際!
台灣限定加演,全球唯一場次! * 演出資訊 高雄場演出地點:衛武營國家藝文中心 歌劇院
臺北場演出地點:臺北表演藝術中心 大劇院
2025/09/06(六)14:30 (2025/4/16啟售)
2025/09/07(日)14:30 (2025/4/16啟售)
** 售票資訊會員預購:2025/3/10(一) 中午12:00起
華文環球藝術娛樂 HUA World Club 金卡/銀卡會員優先預購
早鳥售票:2025/3/12(三) 中午12:00起
正式售票:2025/4/16(三) 中午12:00起
* 萬人口碑見證,口碑熱潮再臨2024年首演感動無數觀眾,口碑爆棚、話題不斷,場場近乎滿座! 2025年應觀眾熱烈敲碗,限時回歸!
百老匯 X 台灣黃金陣容,國際級製作必看美國百老匯經驗創作團隊攜手台灣劇場設計大師,精緻的劇本、動人的旋律與極具魅力的舞台視覺設計,此生必看!
** 劇情簡介為了讓遠在台灣的家人安心,移居美國紐約的高偉同(Wai Tung Gao)計畫與前女友顧威威(Wei Wei Gu)假結婚,掩飾自己與男友賽門(Simon)的關係。
——— Love is Love 愛就是愛 支持你的家人 並相信家人會支持著你
* 演出卡司顧威威|閻奕格 飾
高媽媽|苗可麗 飾
高爸爸|羅北安 飾
羅醫生|聶 雲 飾
主創團隊概念與劇本| Welly Yang
劇本及歌詞| Matt Eddy
音樂| Woody Pak
部分歌詞|Brian Yorkey
人聲設計| AnnMarie Milazzo
導演| Gordon Greenberg
編舞| Eamon Foley
選角指導 (美國) | JZ Casting Geoff Josselson, CSA
編曲統籌|Jeongyeon Lee
鋼琴配置|Minju Park
配器|Jeongyeon Lee, Minjoo Lee
混音|Jeongyeon Lee
和聲|Minju Park
作曲助理 / 製譜|Tzu-Yang Ho
舞台設計|陳 慧
妝髮統籌|洪心愉 (好萊塢的秘密)
* The Wedding Banquet: A New Musical Rave Reviews from Thousands of Audience Members x Unstoppable Buzz x Exclusive Global EngagementDirected by Oscar-winning filmmaker Ang Lee, this classic film has been transformed into a sensational musical that has captivated audiences worldwide!
In 2024, the premiere in Taiwan was a sold-out success, leaving thousands of spectators laughing as they entered and departing with tears of emotion, creating a powerful response!
In 2025, due to popular demand from fans, we are thrilled to announce a highly anticipated return. If you miss it this time, you’ll have to wait for it to hit Broadway!
From award-winning film to musical stage, this classic story is reinterpreted anew. This is not just a musical; it's a dialogue about love and acceptance, an emotional experience that you cannot afford to miss!
Exclusive Engagement in Taiwan - One-Time Only! Performance Information Kaohsiung PerformancesVenue: Weiwuying National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts – Opera House
- August 22, 2025 (Fri) 19:30
- August 23, 2025 (Sat) 19:30
- August 24, 2025 (Sun) 14:30 Taipei Performances
- August 30, 2025 (Sat) 14:30
- August 31, 2025 (Sun) 14:30
- September 5, 2025 (Thu) 19:30
- September 6, 2025 (Fri) 19:30
- September 6, 2025 (Sat) 14:30 (Officially Open for Sale)
- September 7, 2025 (Sun) 14:30 (Officially Open for Sale) Ticket Information
- Member Pre-Sale: March 10, 2025 (Mon) | From 12:00 PM (HUA World Club Gold/Silver Members Only)
Venue: Taipei Performing Arts Center – Grand Theater
Early Bird Sale: March 12, 2025 (Wed) | From 12:00 PM
General Ticket Sales: April 16, 2025 (Wed) | From 12:00 PM
A Phenomenon Witnessed by Thousands – The Acclaimed Sensation Returns!
In 2024, the premiere of The Wedding Banquet touched countless hearts, received rave reviews, and became the talk of the town—selling out nearly every show! Due to overwhelming demand, it returns in 2025 for a limited-time engagement!
Broadway Meets Taiwan’s Finest – A World-Class Production You Can’t MissAn exceptional collaboration between Broadway’s elite creative team and Taiwan’s top theatrical designers, this production features a refined script, a mesmerizing score, and stunning stage visuals. A must-see theatrical masterpiece!
Laughter and Tears – A Journey That Stays with YouA fake wedding unravels deep emotions, sparking a powerful conversation about family, love, and cultural identity. Both hilarious and profoundly moving, this is a reflection of life that resonates with everyone.
Pop × Electronic × Broadway – A Musical BreakthroughA fusion of pop melodies, electronic beats, and classic Broadway compositions, this show delivers a soul-stirring musical experience. As captivating as a concert, as cinematic as a film score, this is an unforgettable performance like no other.
Taiwan Exclusive – A Special Engagement Before BroadwayFollowing its Taiwan run, The Wedding Banquet will head to the U.S. for further development on its path to Broadway. This is a rare chance for Taiwanese audiences to witness history in the making!
Adapted from Ang Lee’s Oscar-nominated film, The Wedding Banquet musical is meticulously crafted by an international creative team, offering a feast of laughter and tears. From Broadway-style music to a story filled with dramatic tension, this production not only maintains the emotional depth of the film but elevates the themes of "Love and Acceptance" through stunning music and visual design, guiding audiences into a world of emotional resonance.
The story revolves around a faux wedding that unveils the raw realities of family and self-conflict. With humor intertwined with deep emotional entanglements, you will experience the complexity and profundity of life in laughter. Each character is richly layered, allowing the audience to find resonance not just in laughter but in tears. Whether you’re a fan of the film, the theater, or stories that touch the heart, this musical promises an unparalleled experience.
Plot SummaryTo ease his family’s worries, Wai Tung Gao plans to have a sham wedding with his ex-girlfriend Wei Wei Gu in New York, concealing his relationship with his boyfriend Simon.
Unexpectedly, his parents fly in from Taiwan, turning the faux wedding into an uncontrollable event! As the lies pile up, the three characters find their situations spiraling out of control…
What starts as a seemingly perfect wedding banquet transforms into a test of love, family, and self-identity. As familial bonds and cultural ties surface, and differing values clash intensely, how will Wai Tung and those around him choose?
"Love is Love" is a story filled with conflict and warmth, a soulful journey of self-discovery, familial understanding, and breaking tradition that will touch your heart with laughter and tears, creating unforgettable moments of emotion. CastWei Wei Gu | Janice Yan
Kao Papa | Teddy Lo
Kao Mama | Keli Miao
Dr. Luo | Dennis Nieh
(Full cast will be announced at the official ticket launch—stay tuned!)
Creative TeamConcept and Book | Welly Yang
Book and Lyrics | Matt Eddy
Music | Woody Pak
Additional Lyrics | Brian Yorkey
Vocal Designer | AnnMarie Milazzo
Director | Gordon Greenberg
Choreographer | Eamon Foley
Assistant Choreographer | Ching-Jia Chang
Music Director | Meng-Mei Kuo
Casting Director (U.S.) | JZ Casting, Geoff Josselson, CSA
Orchestration | Jeongyeon Lee, Minjoo Lee
Music Coordinator | Jeongyeon Lee
Mixing | Jeongyeon Lee
Scoring | Minju Park
Conductor piano arrange | Minju Park
Composer Assistant / Transcriber | Tzu-Yang Ho
Set Design | Hui Chen
Lighting Design | I-Hua Kao
Projection Design | Hsien-Kuang Hsieh
Costume Design | Jeffy Hsieh
Sound Design | Jun-Rong Liao
Hair and Makeup Supervisor | Hsin-Yu Hung
Props Supervisor | Ying-Chen Lai
Production TeamProduced by | HUA Universal Arts Entertainment Inc.
Co-Produced by | Taiwan Creative Content Agency
Organized by | Taipei Performing Arts Center (Taipei Performance)