
2024.09.05 (四) - 2024.09.08 (日)


  • 演出全長


  • 場次時間

    2024.09.06 (五) 19:30、2024.09.07 (六) 14:30、2024.09.08 (日) 14:30

  • 演出單位


  • 演出地點

    衛武營國家藝術文化中心-歌劇院 高雄市鳳山區三多一路1號

  • 演出團隊


  • 內容簡介

    普契尼逝世百週年  成名之作華麗鉅獻

    跨國共製  旗艦歌劇




    原著雖然有名,普契尼這部歌劇卻是得來不易,因為已有法國歌劇巨擘馬斯內改寫的經典在前,而那到今天仍是最熱門也最迷人的歌劇之一。「馬斯內以法國人的方式感受瑪儂,音樂裡充滿香粉和小步舞曲。我則以義大利人的方式去感受瑪儂,充滿絕望的激情。」幾經思考,普契尼最後仍決定勇敢挑戰同一題材。畢竟,「為什麼不能有兩部關於瑪儂的歌劇呢?瑪儂都可以有一個以上的情人了。」 所幸事實證明,普契尼和馬斯內一樣,都是最會描寫女人的作曲家,各有不凡功夫。但為避免和前輩正面交鋒,普契尼努力閃開馬斯內寫過的場景,情節也隨之調整配合,成為四幕各自宛如小天地的場景歌劇。為增強各段之間的連續性,他提升男主角戲份,筆下的瑪儂更成為有血有肉、高強度的戲劇性角色。這使《瑪儂雷斯考》每一幕都有強大張力與爆發力,情感渲染令人血脈沸騰。事後回看,《瑪儂雷斯考》的大獲成功,讓普契尼從此深諳撩撥聽眾之法,建立自成一家的音樂劇場美學,至今仍立於不敗之地。



    Renowned as the kingdom of choral and voice music, Italy boasts a rich history in operas, dating back to the Renaissance era with its earliest operatic works. However, it may come as a surprise to some music lovers that Giacomo PUCCINI, one of the most successful opera maestros born in a country which nurtured numerous beautiful melodies and arias, didn't become known to the public for his musical genius until the age of 35. With incredible confidence, patience, and extraordinary sense of dramatics, PUCCINI adeptly adopted popular writing techniques of his time, seamlessly incorporating them into his own works and thus crafting an eclectic style. Having only written 12 operas throughout his lifetime, PUCCINI wasn't the most productive composer. Nevertheless, his works have endured the test of time and continued to be among the most-performed operas to this day. His operas were featured in Hollywood blockbusters such as Quantum of Solace and Mission: Impossible—Rogue Nation as important plot devices. Like it or not, one cannot live a life without hearing PUCCINI. This year marks his 100th death anniversary, so expect to hear more of him!


    How exactly did PUCCINI earn his fame at the age of 35? The answer lies within his third opera Manon Lescaut. Premiering in 1893, the opera was based on the 1731 novel Histoire du Chevalier des Grieux et de Manon Lescaut by Abbé PRÉVOST, a famed novelist. The novel tells the story of the uninhibited lifestyles of aristocratic heirs when France was under the reign of Louis XV. The book is recognized as the most reprinted book in French literature, largely attributable to the young, frivolous, pretty, luxurious, lovely, laughable, yet pitiable Manon. Indeed, few can resist the temptation of a seductive heroine in a wild, tempestuous legend. Even the great novelist Alexandre DUMAS made a reference to Manon in A Dama das Camélias, which further cemented her status as the materialistic femme fatale in the history of literature.


    Despite how well-known the original novel is, PUCCINI's Manon Lescaut didn't come by easily, especially when the original material was already adopted into an opera by French composer Jules MASSENET, whose version is still frequently performed on stage today.

    "MASSENET felt Manon as a Frenchman, with powder and minutes. I shall feel it as an Italian, with a desperate passion," said PUCCINI, as he made the decision to "rehash" the century-old story, "Why can't there be two operas about Manon, when a woman like her can have more than one lover?"

    Like MASSENET, PUCCINI knew how to write women well, and they both excelled in their own way. To avoid head-on comparisons with his senior, PUCCINI strived to avoid scenes already written by MASSENET. He modified the plot and divided the opera into four acts, each with strikingly distinct staging. To strengthen the connection between acts, he made the role of the male lead much more significant than in the novel, while his version of Manon was the most hot-blooded and dramatic yet. Every scene from PUCCINI's Manon Lescaut is filled with tension, emotions, and passion. In hindsight, it should not come as a surprise that PUCCINI's Manon Lescaut has remained a hit for more than a century; indeed, he knew how to intrigue the audience with his unique operatic aesthetics.

    MASSENET revised his Manon countless times and so did PUCCINI with his version. For this production, we are presenting the final revision of Manon Lescaut written by PUCCINI himself. The lush, delicate orchestral accompaniment and the heartfelt arias in this version are arguably some of the best works ever penned by PUCCINI. The revered veteran tenor Plácido DOMINGO ranked PUCCINI's Manon Lescaut as one of his top six favorite operatic works of all time, indicating how much it showcases the range of a vocalist. The final scene where Manon dies of exhaustion was so imbued with emotions that few operas in the history of music can compare. The goal of this international co-production between the National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts (Weiwuying), Slovene National Theatre Maribor, and Teatro Colón Buenos Aires is to plunge the audience deep in love with not only Manon's charm and opulent lifestyle but also with the operatic genius that is PUCCINI. Whether you are an opera fan or new to the art form, join us in this production of Manon Lescaut as we celebrate the 100th death anniversary of PUCCINI.






















    Conductor|CHIEN Wen-pin

    Stage Director|Pier Francesco MAESTRINI

    Assistant Director|Tim RIBIČ

    Set Designer|Nicolas BONI

    Costume Designer|Luca DALL'ALPI, Suzana RENGEO

    Lighting Designer|Pier Francesco MAESTRINI, Nicolas BONI, Sašo BEKAFIGO

    Technical Director|Jože ŠNUDERL

    Manon Lescaut|KENG Li (Sep 5 & 7), LIN Ling-hui (Sep 6 & 8)

    Lescaut|CHEN Han-wei (Sep 5 & 7), CHAO Fang-hao (Sep 6 & 8)

    Il Cavaliere Renato des Grieux|Angelos SAMARTZIS (Sep 5 & 7), CHOI Seung-jin (Sep 6 & 8)

    Geronte di Ravoir / Un Comandante di Marina|Taihwan PARK

    Edmondo / Il maestro di ballo / Un lampionaio|Claude LIN

    L'oste / Sergente degli Arcieri|TSENG Wen-i

    Un musico|WANG Yu-hsin 


    Orchestra|Evergreen Symphony Orchestra

    Chorus|Planetesimal Vocal Art Studio



    Co-produced by National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts (Weiwuying), Slovene National Theatre Maribor, and Teatro Colón Buenos Aires. 

    預購期間:6/12(三)12:00 起 至 7/21(日)止

  • 注意事項


    9.5(四)19:00  歌劇院二樓大廳

    9.6(五)19:00  歌劇院二樓大廳

    9.7(六)14:00  歌劇院二樓大廳

    9.8(日)14:00  歌劇院二樓大廳














