2024 桃園電影節:義守《蘇芯語改名字、甘榜男孩、馬來亞虎》
8/04(日)-8/15(四)早鳥票每張 85 元
2024 桃園電影節:義守《蘇芯語改名字、甘榜男孩、馬來亞虎》
★ 8/25(日)場次為映後座談場!
《蘇芯語改名字》:姜姿含 Tzu-Han CHIANG|臺灣 Taiwan|2023|DCP|Color|27min
《甘榜男孩》:傅啓榮 POO Qi Rong|臺灣 Taiwan|2024|DCP|Color|24min
《馬來亞虎》:蘇智雄 Bennial SOO|臺灣 Taiwan|2024|DCP|Color|25min
《蘇芯語改名字》My Name Is…
Chen Si-yu, a junior high school girl, took her mother's surname after her parents divorced. But this completely unfamiliar name "Su Xin Yu" makes her uncomfortable and antipathy. The rapid changes in her family life have left her at a loss, and she has come to understand the complexities of the adult world, is only to discover that she is not looking for a superficial name, but a longing for a "perfect home."
《甘榜男孩》Ali Akau
Through two children of different races growing up in an intergenerational family, the film explores the racial stereotypes that have been buried in Malaysia for many years. In the midst of the clash of racial prejudices, only can a child's pure empathy be exchanged for a redemptive power.
《馬來亞虎》A Misfit Tiger
A father from Malaysia, came to Taiwan to investigate the reason for his son's disappearance. He discovered that the pressures his son faced in Taiwan had gradually caused him lose his humanity. When confronted with a corpse so disfigured it was unrecognizable, his grief reached its peak, he decided to venture into the forest where wild beasts roamed.
◎影片放映前 10 分鐘進場,若入場人數較多,本中心得視情況提前開放入場;影片開演 20 分鐘後禁止入場(特殊場次將另行公告,不在此限)。
◎未滿 2 歲且不佔位之幼童,無需購票,但應出示相關證明文件,且每位幼童需由一位已購票之成人陪伴。未滿 2 歲之幼童僅得觀賞普遍級之影片。
◎ 2 歲至 12 歲之孩童,請購買孩童票入場,必要時須由已購票之監護人、親友或師長陪伴,並應遵守電影分級制度入場。