【2024 臺灣舞蹈平台】揚.莫蒙《舞者的奧德賽之旅》

2024.11.29 (五) - 2024.11.30 (六)


【2024 臺灣舞蹈平台】揚.莫蒙《舞者的奧德賽之旅》

  • 演出全長


  • 場次時間

    2024.11.30 (六) 20:00、2024.11.29 (五) 20:00

  • 演出單位


  • 演出團隊


  • 內容簡介




    如果我的身體可以成為我自己歷史的肖像呢?這個歷史從哪裡開始呢?關於它我將如何告訴你呢?揚.莫蒙將此作品致力於在社會脈絡下的溝通挑戰。在政治困擾、戰爭和全球大流行的時代,我們有必要將我們的歷史公諸於眾,進行討論。「我們被政治領袖統治,對我們的命運無法掌控,我們越需要對彼此講述有關我們是誰、為何存在、從何而來以及可能是什麼的故事。」-- 艾倫·瑞克曼

    A Dancer's Odyssey talks about the body as a space of history, marked by concepts of family, society, necessity and desire. It puts into question if a body could become a portraiture of its own story and where its story starts. Inspired by finishing the sentence "A Dancer's Odyssey" German choreographer Jan MÖLLMER and six dancers from the South of Taiwan invite spectators to explore their roots and stories on why they dance.


    Anchored in the center of an audience which sits in a circle the dancers move, talk and chat with them. They search to shorten the distance between performer and spectator trying to lay open their personal dance story. Using performance material created from visits to places of their own memory such as family homes, their first dance studios or birth places, they attempt to establish a space in which a true telling of their story is possible.

    The performers ask:

    What if my body could be a portraiture of my own history? And where does this history start? And how do I tell YOU about it? Jan MÖLLMER dedicates this work to challenges of communication in the social context of society. Times of political distress, wars and global pandemics make it important for us to put our histories out there and to put them to discussion. "The more we are governed by political leaders and have no control over our destinies, the more we need to tell stories to each other about who we are, why we are, where we come from, and what might be possible". -Alan Rickman








    Choreographer|Jan MÖLLMER

    Lighting Designer|Faye HUANG

    Rehearsal Assistant|CHEN Ying-chi

    Performers|WANG Yu-jie, LIN Man-ting, KE Gui-ting, KO Kai-feng, CHEN Pin-ni, HUANG Cheng-wei




    Jan MÖLLMER出生並成長於德國烏帕塔,在參與碧娜·鮑許 (Pina Bausch) 的青少年版《青春交際場》(Kontakthof) 演出後開始跳舞。他在埃森的福克旺藝術大學學習舞蹈。Jan加入福克旺舞蹈工作室,並自2013年以來一直擔任烏帕塔碧娜·鮑許舞蹈劇場的客席舞者。他隨後與劇場導演迪米特里.帕派約安努 (Dimitris Papaioannou) 合作,從2020年到2022年參演他的作品《橫向定位》(Transverse Orientation),在全球30多個城市巡演。他與臺灣編舞家田采薇共同創立了舞蹈團體Peculiar Man,在德國和海外創作並傳播他們的舞蹈作品。近十年來,Jan在德國和臺灣之間深入他的藝術研究,包括與臺灣的舞蹈和馬戲團、藝術機構和大學的合作。



    Jan MÖLLMER, born and raised in Wuppertal, Germany, began dancing after being part in the production of Kontakthof -with teenagers by Pina BAUSCH. He studied dance at the Folkwang University of the Arts in Essen. Jan joined the Folkwang Tanzstudio Company and is a guest dancer at Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch since 2013. He then collaborated with theater director Dimitris PAPAIOANNOU and performed his work Transverse Orientation from 2020 to 2022, touring over 30 cities worldwide. Together with Taiwanese choreographer TIEN Tsai-wei he founded the dance company Peculiar Man which produces and spreads their choreographic work in Germany and abroad. Since nearly 10 years Jan has deepened his artistic research between Germany and Taiwan, including collaborations with Taiwanese dance and circus companies, art institutions and universities.

  • 注意事項

    演後座談 |

    11/29(五) 演後3分鐘於樹冠大廳東側露台

    11/30(六) 演後3分鐘於樹冠大廳東側露台









