英國Wise Children劇團《咆哮山莊》

2025.03.07 (五) - 2025.03.09 (日)


英國Wise Children劇團《咆哮山莊》

  • 演出全長


  • 場次時間

    2025.03.07 (五) 19:30、2025.03.08 (六) 14:00、2025.03.08 (六) 19:30、2025.03.09 (日) 14:00

  • 演出單位


  • 演出地點

    衛武營國家藝術文化中心-戲劇院 高雄市鳳山區三多一路1號

  • 演出團隊

    共製單位英國國家劇院、共製單位Wise Children、共製單位布里斯托老維克劇院、共製單位約克皇家劇院、導演艾瑪.萊斯、演出者艾瑪.萊斯、音樂設計伊恩.羅斯、演出者伊恩.羅斯、舞台暨服裝設計維琪.莫蒂默、演出者維琪.莫蒂默、音效暨影像設計賽門.貝克、演出者賽門.貝克、燈光設計賈伊.莫嘉利亞、演出者賈伊.莫嘉利亞、編舞艾塔.默菲特、演出者艾塔.默菲特

  • 內容簡介







    Emma RICE, former Artistic Director of Shakespeare's Globe in London, adapted the classic novel Wuthering Heights, captivating the audience from the start with its compelling story, imaginative physical performances, smooth mise-en-scène, actors playing multiple roles, and engaging music and dance. This transformation of Emily BRONTË's masterpiece takes audiences on a powerful and uniquely theatrical journey. The plot revolves around Heathcliff, an orphan who returned home wealthy only to discover that his childhood love, Catherine, was married to another man, resulting in a series of vengeful acts spanning three generations.

    Wuthering Heights is a co-production of the National Theatre, Bristol Old Vic, and York Theatre Royal that premiered at the end of 2021. It has since been invited to perform in New York and at the Holland Festival. The New York Times reviewed it: "Emma RICE's glorious stage adaptation of Emily BRONTË's novel is a feat of storytelling, with a singing and dancing chorus embodying the moors."


    Don't miss this Asia tour's lone stop in Taiwan, at Weiwuying!




    Based on the Novel by Emily BRONTË / Adaptation & DirectionEmma RICE / MusicIan ROSS / Set & Costume DesignerVicki MORTIMER / Sound & Video DesignerSimon BAKER / Lighting DesignerJai MORJARIA / Choreography:Etta MURFITT 

    共製單位:英國國家劇院、Wise Children、布里斯托老維克劇院、約克皇家劇院

    Co-Production: National Theatre, Wise Children, Bristol Old Vic, York Theatre Royal


    英國Wise Children劇團

    Wise Children的創辦人及領導者是屢獲殊榮的導演艾瑪.萊斯。成立於2018年,也是英格蘭藝術委員會的國家選定組織。Wise Children以發源地索美塞特郡為起點,與傑出的藝術家攜手打造具開創性的作品,並在英國與世界各地巡迴演出。 

    除了演出之外,Wise Children也開展獨特的專業發展計畫,針對更多元的新一代戲劇從業者進行培訓。由艾瑪及其獲獎無數的合作者負責領導該計畫,為無所畏懼且想法自由的劇場製作人及新成立的團隊提供工作坊、課程與其他機會。 

    Wise Children

    Wise Children is a theatre company created and led by multi-award-winning director, Emma RICE. Founded in 2018 they are an Arts Council England National Portfolio organisation. From their home in Somerset, they make ground-breaking work with exceptional artists and tour across the UK and internationally. 

    Alongside their shows, they run a unique professional development programme, training a new and more diverse generation of theatre practitioners. Led by Emma and her award-winning collaborators, the programme includes workshops, courses and other opportunities for fearless, free-thinking theatre makers and emerging companies.



    艾瑪.萊斯是Wise Children引以為傲的藝術總監,也是一名在國際上備受尊重的劇場製作人兼導演。艾瑪為Wise Children改編並執導了多部作品,包含《郊區佛陀》、《藍鬍子》、《賣火柴的小女孩以及快樂故事》、《咆哮山莊》、《巴格達咖啡館》、《愛情的完美配方》、伊妮德.布萊頓《馬洛里塔》與安潔拉.卡特《明智的孩子》等。




    Adaptation & DirectionEmma RICE

    Emma RICE is the proud Artistic Director of her company, Wise Children, and an internationally respected theatre-maker and director. For Wise Children, Emma has adapted and directed the productions The Buddha of Suburbia, Blue Beard, The Little Matchgirl and Happier Tales, Wuthering Heights, Bagdad Cafe, Romantics Anonymous, Enid BLYTON's Malory Towers and Angela CARTER's Wise Children.

    As Artistic Director of Shakespeare's Globe: Romantics Anonymous, Twelfth Night, A Midsummer Night's Dream and The Little Matchgirl (and Other Happier Tales). As joint Artistic Director of Kneehigh: The Flying Lovers of Vitebsk, Tristan & Yseult, 946: The Amazing Story of Adolphus Tips, The Wild Bride, The Red Shoes, The Wooden Frock, The Bacchae, Cymbeline (in association with RSC), A Matter of Life and Death (in association with National Theatre), Rapunzel (in association with Battersea Arts Centre); Brief Encounter (in association with David Pugh and Dafydd Rogers Productions); Don John (in association with the RSC and Bristol Old Vic); Wah! Wah! Girls (in association with Sadler's Wells and Theatre Royal Stratford East for World Stages); and Steptoe and Son. Emma received the Outstanding Contribution to British Theatre award at the 2019 UK Theatre Awards and in 2022 was named one of Sky Arts' "50 most influential British artists of the last 50 years." 

  • 注意事項


    3.7  Fri.   19:00  戲劇院二樓大廳 Playhouse 2F Lobby

    3.8  Sat.   13:30  戲劇院二樓大廳 Playhouse 2F Lobby

    3.8  Sat.   19:00  戲劇院二樓大廳 Playhouse 2F Lobby

    3.9  Sun.   13:30  戲劇院二樓大廳 Playhouse 2F Lobby













