微光製造 王宇光《人之島》

2025.03.22 (六) - 2025.03.23 (日)


微光製造 王宇光《人之島》

  • 演出全長


  • 場次時間

    2025.03.22 (六) 14:30、2025.03.23 (日) 14:30

  • 演出單位


  • 演出地點

    衛武營國家藝術文化中心-戲劇院 高雄市鳳山區三多一路1號

  • 演出團隊

    舞團微光製造、共同委託製作衛武營國家藝術文化中心、共同委託製作國家表演藝術中心國家兩廳院、駐村支持城崎國際藝術中心、駐村支持倫敦The Place當代舞蹈中心、製作支持FACP - Clare C. & Friends Fellowship、編舞王宇光、演出者王宇光、演出者Danang Pamungkas、戲劇構作王世偉、舞台設計陳冠霖、燈光設計徐子涵、音樂設計林育德、排練指導李尹櫻、標準字設計小氣分分

  • 內容簡介



    從尋找自己名字的傳說啟程,王宇光前往東南方島國,與印尼舞蹈家 Danang Pamungkas 以身體和生命體驗展開對話交流,探尋身體依附土地和空氣的重量。對自身的認同像島嶼的邊界,隨潮汐而浮動。從證明自己到攜手相伴,這趟身體漂泊的旅程,我們瞥見島嶼在柔軟與堅韌之間承載人的力量。也許,到了島嶼之外,我們才開始認識了我們。


    編舞家王宇光活躍於國際舞壇,為臺灣首位同時獲日本橫濱舞蹈節暨舞蹈大賽評審團優選及藝術家支持獎的創作者,也是首位獲得英國舞蹈聖殿沙德勒之井劇院—國際玫瑰舞蹈獎新興編舞家入圍決選的臺灣編舞家。《人之島》自2019年雲門流浪者計畫啟程,2022年於衛武營「臺灣舞蹈平台」發表前期創作(前名:《去你的島》),獲FACP 亞洲文化推展聯盟 (Clare C. & Friends Fellowship)雙獎項肯定,2024年10月於國家兩廳院「秋天藝術節」首演與11月英國The Place巡演後大獲好評,備受國際矚目,2025年重返島嶼之南,繼續吟唱這個屬於你我的島國謳歌。

    A Dual Encounter Between Two Islands

    The Legend of a Fisherman Seeking His True Self

    On a quest to unearth the story of his own name, WANG Yeu-kwn sets sail for the southeastern island nations, where he engages Indonesian dancer Danang Pamungkas in a dialogue through body and life experiences. They explore the weight of bodies anchored to land and air, where identity, like the shifting shores, ebbs and flows with the tides. From solitary striving to kindred companions, we glimpse the island's strength that carries its people with a balance of gentleness and resilience. Perhaps, only when we venture beyond the island do we begin to know ourselves.

    WANG Yeu-kwn is a prominent figure on the international dance scene, and the first Taiwanese artist to simultaneously win both the Jury Prize and the Architanz Artist Support Prize at the Yokohama Dance Collection in Japan. He is also the first Taiwanese choreographer to be shortlisted for the prestigious Emerging Choreographer category of The Sadler's Wells Rose International Dance Prize in London. Islands began its journey in 2019 as part of Cloud Gate's Wanderer Project and presented its early-stage work (formerly titled Island Of ____) in 2022 at the Taiwan Dance Platform in Weiwuying, earning dual recognition from the Federation for Asian Cultural Promotion (FACP) under the Clare C. & Friends Fellowship. Following its highly acclaimed premiere at the 2024 Artquake In Autumn festival at the National Theater and Concert Hall, the piece garnered international attention. In 2025, it returns to the southern island to continue this remarkable journey.






    Shimmering Production

    Shimmering Production was founded in 2019 by WANG Yeu-kwn and LEE Yin-ying, with two main focuses: creating contemporary experimental works, and building up movement workshops, "Hand in Hand, We Dance," for the general public. The Company's dance piece, Beings, the first episode of WANG Yeu-kwn's "A Trilogy – Quest of Relationships," has received international acclaim, touring in countries such as Greece, Germany, Japan, Spain, and Portugal in recent years.


    編舞及概念:王宇光/演出:王宇光、Danang Pamungkas/戲劇構作:王世偉/舞台設計:陳冠霖/燈光設計:徐子涵/音樂設計:林育德/排練指導:李尹櫻/標準字設計:小氣分分 X 藝術報國有限公司

    Choreographer and Concept:WANG Yeu-kwn / Performers:WANG Yeu-kwn, Danang Pamungkas / Dramaturgy:WANG Shih-wei / Stage Designer:CHEN Guan-lin / Light Designer:Joanne SHYUE / Music Designer:LIN Yu-de / Rehearsal Director:LEE Yin-ying  / Logotype Design:xiao chi fen fen X Ars Association Ltd.



    駐村支持|城崎國際藝術中心、倫敦The Place當代舞蹈中心

    製作支持|FACP - Clare C. & Friends Fellowship

    Co-commissioned by the National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts (Weiwuying), National Theater & Concert Hall

    Residency Support:Kinosaki International Arts Center, The Place 

    Production Support:FACP - Clare C. & Friends Fellowship

  • 注意事項

    演後座談 Post-talk

    3.22 (六) 演出結束後於戲劇院觀眾席

    After performance at Playhouse Auditorium

    3.23 (日) 演出結束後於戲劇院觀眾席

    After performance at Playhouse Auditorium













