KSAF 春藝小劇場 翃舞製作《推拉》

KSAF 春藝小劇場 翃舞製作《推拉》
2025.06.07 (六) 19:30、2025.06.08 (日) 14:30
翃舞製作 Hung Dance
駁二藝術特區-駁二正港小劇場 高雄市鹽埕區大勇路1號
舞團翃舞製作 Hung Dance、藝術總監暨編舞家賴翃中、演出者賴翃中、表演者盧瀅潔、表演者李冠霖、排練總監鄭伊涵、排練助理吳欣潔、表演者吳欣潔、教育場表演者邱柏盛、技術總監暨燈光設計蔡詔羽、音樂設計郭瑜、音場設計鍾仰哲、平面暨主視覺設計張閔涵、文案設計李昀諭、主視覺照片拍攝王志偉、演出劇照拍攝劉人豪、演出錄影陳冠宇、營運總監王璽、舞團經理暨執行製作陳元瑜、製作統籌陳雯真
翃舞製作 唯美雙人舞作《推拉》
HUNG DANCE Presents Push and Pull為我們的疲憊編一首舞——
| 演出團隊介紹 |
| 編舞者介紹 |
“One of the best of the young choreographers working in Taiwan today.“ — Taipei Times, 2020
| 演出製作團隊 |
藝術總監暨編舞家 Artistic Director & Choreographer|賴翃中 LAI Hung-chung
燈光暨服裝概念 Lighting & Costume Concept|賴翃中 LAI Hung-chung
表演者 Performers|盧瀅潔 LU Ying-chieh、李冠霖 LEE Kuan-ling
排練總監 Rehearsal Director|鄭伊涵 CHENG I-han
排練助理 Reheasal Assistant|吳欣潔 WU Shin-jie
教育場表演者 Performers|吳欣潔 WU Shin-jie、邱柏盛 CHIU Po-sheng
技術總監暨燈光設計 Technical Director & Lighting Designer|蔡詔羽 TSAI Chao-yu
音樂設計 Music Designer|郭瑜 KUO Yu
音場設計 Sound System Designer|鍾仰哲 CHUNG Yang-che
平面暨主視覺設計 Graphic & Visual Designer|張閔涵 CHANG Min-han
文案設計 Copywriter|李昀諭 Fion LEE
主視覺照片拍攝 Visual Photographer|王志偉 Franco Wang
演出劇照拍攝 Performance Photography|劉人豪 LIU Ren-haur
演出錄影 Performance Recording|陳冠宇 CHEN Kuan-yu
營運總監 Chief Operating Officer|王璽 Damon WANG
舞團經理暨執行製作 Company Manager & Executive Prodction Coordinator|陳元瑜 CHEN Yuan-yu
製作統籌 Production Coordination|陳雯真 Sandy CHEN
主辦單位 Organizer|高雄市政府文化局 Bureau of Cultural Affairs, Kaohsiung City Government、翃舞製作 HUNG DANCE
贊助單位 Sponsor|財團法人菁霖文化藝術基金會 ChinLin Foundation for Culture and Arts
Push and Pull: The Tug-of-War in the Adult World
Pushing away and pulling closer—two movements as familiar to our bodies and souls as breathing. As we enter adulthood, we experience countless moments of push and pull: in relationships, in our careers, within families, and even in our ties to our hometowns. Each setting becomes an arena where emotions and intentions engage in a constant tug-of-war.
Through these simplest of actions, we face the hardest of choices. And in those difficult decisions, we struggle to become the clearest versions of ourselves.
HUNG DANCE proudly presents Push and Pull, the newest and most captivating duet of 2025. This production is the result of a powerhouse collaboration: choreographer LAI Hung-chung, who has risen from southern Taiwan to shine on the global stage and is known for uncovering profound meaning in everyday life, joins forces with two acclaimed dancers, LEE Kuan-ling and LU Ying-chieh—both veterans of the world’s top performing arts festivals. Together, they craft a masterpiece that captures the tension of conflict and the intimacy of connection in every push-and-pull moment.|Hung Dance|
Founded in 2017 under the artistic direction of choreographer Lai Hung-chung, Hung Dance is a Taiwanese contemporary dance company whose name embodies the concept of "soaring." The company focuses on three core areas: annual productions, international co-productions, and international touring, having presented over 200 performances worldwide. Through its Stray Birds Dance Platform, Hung Dance actively nurtures emerging choreographers and facilitates international collaborations. -
- 開放時間:演出前30分鐘 開放入場
- 本場演出全長約50分鐘,無中場休息。為維護演出品質,遲到觀眾須於場外等候,並遵循工作人員指示入場。演出前30分鐘開放觀眾入場,敬請提早到場,感謝您的理解與配合!