





2014年八月,納編擁有十八年表演藝術內容製作與場地管理的原「新舞台」團隊,組織酷集劇場(The Koo Company),從事表演藝術與活動製作、管理、顧問。酷集團隊曾經連年獲得文化部「文馨獎」特別獎、金獎,並屢次榮膺網路票選台北市最佳劇場服務。2011年榮獲台北市文化局「譽揚專案」表揚,將所在地巷弄命名為「新舞台巷」。該團隊並致力劇場人才之培訓與劇場管理經驗之分享。其每年舉辦的前台點工招募與後台技術人員培訓,學員遍及國內各表演廳,可謂開枝散葉,十年樹人。


<Koo Foundation, Taipei Li-yuan Peking Opera Theater>

Production House ★ Theater Management ★ Theater Consulting

C.F. Koo Foundation, Taiwan, was founded in 1987 by C. F. Koo, Honorary Chairman of Ho-hsin Group, one of the core business clusters in Taiwan. 

Dr. Chen-fu Koo (1917-2005), a respected leader of the business circle in Taiwan and founder of the ROC Economic Councils in the USA, Japan, Korea, and most of those in Asia and Europe, was later Chairman of The Strait Exchange Foundation. He and China’s Tao-han Wang opened the “Koo-Wang Talks” in Singapore in 1993, followed by the “Koo-Wang Meeting” in China in 1998. These two occasions without doubt set the corner stone for all the ensuing peace talks between Taiwan and China.

F.  Koo Foundation was in the beginning established to fulfill three missions:

1. To hold lectures and intensive courses for rising businessmen in Taiwan, inviting world-class speakers such as those who had won the Nobel Prize;

2. To conduct researches of anti-cancer drugs, which led to the launching of the first and only tertiary cancer center in Taiwan;

3. To promote traditional arts, especially Peking Opera.

Today, C. F. Koo Foundation, Taiwan, has grown into an NGO of three main business domains: Production, Theater Management, and Theater Consulting. It is the most active NGO in Taiwan’s Cultural Scenery, conducting productions and touring of Peking Opera as well as performances of all other forms, house-managing two public venues in Taipei, and giving consultation to nearly all venues in Taiwan, old and new. The Board of C. F. Koo Foundation is currently chaired by Dr. Ovid Tzeng, celebrated scholar, ex-Minister of Council for Cultural Affairs and ex-Minister of Education in Taiwan.

The lectures for future businessmen in Taiwan still take place once in a while.

The Cancer Center ( Koo Foundation Sun Yat-sen Cancer Center, Taipei, Taiwan, http://www.kfsyscc.org:8080/ ) is now one of the leading cancer centers in the Far East.

Peking Opera Promotion started in 1990 with the well-known and multi-talented Maestro Baochun Li in the lead, and has produced refined neo-classical productions to tour internationally in Europe, America, and Asia.

Koo Foundation founded its own Peking Opera Company──Taipei Li-yuan Peking Opera Theater, in 1997. With its many young and talented artists, the Company created their own brand: “Peking Opera Neo-Classics,” and often tour China for friendly cultural exchanges. Li-yuan has so far been invited many times to perform in   China Shanghai International Arts Festival, China Peking Opera Festival, Beijing Music Festival, and many other key performing arts festivals in China, receiving favorable appreciations for the refinement and creativity of is works.

A tourist theatre, TaipeiEye, was added to the Koo Foundation productions in 1999, to promote cultural tourism in Taiwan. It now produces over 200 authentic traditional performances each year, including Taiwanese acrobat performances, hand puppets shows, puppets shows, Taiwanese aboriginal songs and dances, and Chinese operas of many a different dialect. TaipeiEye is recognized by Taiwan Tourism Bureau and highly recommended by international tourism organizations.

The Foundation’s consulting team has 20 years of experiences in productions and venue management. The team, also, has accumulated multiple awards from the Taiwan Ministry of Cultural Affairs, including numerous Golden, Silver, Bronze Awards and, particularly, the Special Achievement Awards, and was voted many times for best theatre service in Taipei City online. The team continues to train professionals in theatre management, and dedicates to knowledge and experience exchanges. Each year, the team hosts front-house trainee interviews and back stage technical specialists training, and many of the trainees go on to serve in different performance venues throughout Taiwan.

C.F. Koo Foundation, Taiwan, under the leadership of Vivien Ku, CEO, looks forward to playing a key role in international cultural scenery by providing programs as well as expertise in art management and venue constructions as emblems of friendship and cultural excellence from Taiwan, which are the results of a 20-year persistent endeavor in performing arts and the sole goal for all who work untiringly in this NGO organization.









關於臺灣崑劇團 【緣起】 在行政院文化建設委員會及國立傳統藝術中心的支持下,1991至2000 年,由曾永義教授和洪惟助教授主持的「崑曲傳習計畫」,廣泛邀集中國大陸各劇團優秀的崑劇演員及教師來台教授崑曲,多年來培訓出一批專業表演者。 【創團】 為了延續此計畫的成果,2000年在洪惟助教授的帶領下,以參與該計畫的成員為基礎,組成了台灣第一個專業崑劇表演團體「臺灣崑劇團」。持續聘請中國大陸名師來台教學, 並吸收年輕演員入團學習,現有演員三十餘人,並有專業水準的伴奏樂隊。 【發展】 臺灣崑劇團行當齊全,能演劇目相當多元。這批由大陸眾多崑劇名師指導訓練出


晃晃跨幅町/ Rock Rock Crafting Collective 成立宗旨為「捕捉靈光、超越邊界的當代劇場美學實驗所」。 始終追求劇場性。創作不受時空、媒材、形式和議題侷限,突破消耗性或制式的創作類型,開拓新的美學表達及創作模式;期許開放地保持活性探索與實踐,在劇場脈絡中開展文化對話,也不斷重新評估自己及生活態度。晃晃跨幅町是以技藝跨越時空、耕耘想像的超幅度之地,在無盡的時間中細究,用技藝探勘記憶的洞窟。在不斷位移的時間和空間中搖晃既有的、鬆動固有的、鑿刻存有的,捕捉一瞬即永恆。 過往演出: 2023 TNAF臺南藝術節 晃晃跨幅町《慾望街車》 資料來源:


兒童劇劇團,2025即將演出 #小飛俠彼得潘 臺灣限定 中文配音 由日本演員 全程聽國語進行演出   客服 02-2778-5596 週一~週五8:30-17:30(例假日除外) Line ID:@warawa


以緩慢的島嶼為名,期許以藝術舒緩眾人生活步調;長期關注並創作在地性、議題性作品,常於非劇場空間演出。2021年起透過#妮妮的小祕密 親子偶戲,致力推廣幼兒身體界線議題。歡迎邀演。     慢島劇團曾將勞工及移工故事創作成大型歌舞劇《鐵工廠》(2013)、描述卡拉ok文化與女性生命故事的《月嬢》(2010)、也搬演過莎士比亞經典喜劇《仲夏夜之夢》環境劇場(2016|2019)。《雲裡的女人》(2018)、《高地來的男人》 (2020)讓更多人知道,桃園中壢一帶有許多雲南的移民,有別於大家所熟知到國民黨軍隊撤退來台路徑,他們另有一段曲折的在邊境求生續命的歷程。2021年舉辦慢島慢慢飛小


飛人集社劇團成立於2004年5月,團長為石佩玉。「飛人」取其諧音「非人」,同時意指在劇場行走各處、自由飛行的藝術創作者集合之所。製作規格定位為「以多元複合的精神製作/創作小規模、並挑戰傳統觀賞距離的表演藝術作品」。 飛人將偶的定義放到最大,希望能透過「操作」「運用」讓「沒有生命的物件(包括戲偶)」可以傳遞戲劇情感,以小寓大,以實踐「無物不成偶」之境界。 劇團草創初期以「偶」為主要創作元素,著重「人偶同台」的表演形式與「寫實空間」的運用。作品多探討女性成長過程並以成人為主要觀眾對象。該時期作品曾多次獲台新藝術獎提名。 2010年至2016年,劇團轉型進入第二階段「國內外品牌

柏格曼劇團(FC Bergman)

自2007年起創作國際的劇場與歌劇作品,總部位於比利時安特衛普。 柏格曼劇團成員史蒂夫.艾爾茨Stef Aerts、喬埃.阿格曼斯Joé Agemans、托馬斯.維斯特拉騰Thomas Verstraeten、瑪麗.芬克Marie Vinck 與德里斯.德.溫Dries De Win 、  約納斯.維米倫Jonas Vermeulen共同創作