畢業於美國紐約 Actors Studio Drama School at The New School University 表演創作藝術碩士班,因熱愛表演藝術,自1990年參與蘭陵劇坊為期一年的學員訓練後,即開始從事劇場工作,2001年創立同黨劇團,持續為推動台灣現代劇場藝術而努力。數十年表演經驗,參與百餘部作品演出,專長編、導、演及偶戲。除舞台劇編創、演出外,亦常獲邀參與電影、電視劇的演出,同時擔任表演藝術指導工作。編劇及演出作品《飛天行動》入圍第七屆台新藝術獎年度表演藝術獎,演出作品《白色說書人》入圍第十六屆台新藝術獎年度表演藝術獎。
Father Mother
After finding an old photograph of his biological father among his adoptive father's belongings, fifty-year-old A-Wen embarks on a journey across Taiwan to find the man. Delving into a half-century of history and politics, A-Wen's search not only details the evolution of Taiwan's glove puppet theater, but also depicts his personal evolution as he solves the mystery of his biological father's identity while grappling with his son's sexual orientation. Featuring a talented cast of six actors portraying thirty-six characters and having received enthusiastic reviews last year, Father Mother is a surprise hit that cannot be missed this summer!
Depicting moments from Taiwan's Japanese colonial period, its White Terror martial law era under Chiang Kai-shek's Kuomintang regime, and the nation's 2018 same-sex marriage referendum, Father Motherexamines the relationship between and transformation of national identity and self-identity through the context of budaixi, traditional Chinese glove puppet theater, as it has evolved in Taiwan. Budaixi's adaptations to changing times mirroring those of ordinary people trying to survive Taiwan's turbulent history, the play unfolds a delicate yet brave story of the uniquely Taiwanese struggle for freedom of self-expression and social justice.
The Party Theater Group
Founded in 2001, The Party Theater Group stages experimental theater productions of both acclaimed Western and original Taiwanese plays—often with minority themes—that are socially relevant, topical, enlightening, and entertaining. By combining actors, puppets, masks, and multimedia in theatrically innovative, thought-provoking ways and including the talents of artists from around the world, the group's performances aim to deliver novel experiences to theatergoers in Taipei, across Taiwan, and at international theater festivals.
Over the years, The Party Theater Group has been recognized in many ways. Most recently, in 2017, the inaugural run of White Storyteller, a play about one family's ruin resulting from Taiwan's White Terror, was nominated as one of the top performing arts productions by the 16th Taishin Arts Awards. Past awards included the 7th Taishin Arts Awards' selection of another original Taiwanese play, The Sky Crisis, as one of the top ten performing arts productions in 2008 and Guling Street Avant-garde Theater's Best Performance Award for Child of God in 2009. In addition, since 2013, The Party Theater Group has been a recipient of a grant from Taiwan's Ministry of Culture in recognition of its work. Finally, at the request of the Taipei Arts Festival, the group collaborated with a French theater company to present the show Europe Connexion in both Taiwan and France in 2016.
An-Chen Chiu, Taiwan
An-Chen Chiu graduated from Actors Studio Drama School in New York City. Currently, he is the artistic director of The Party Theater Group in Taipei, Taiwan. An-Chen Chiu's career in the theater spans nearly 35 years and includes work as an actor and playwright.
Director: Sue, Yung-Cheun
Playwright: Chiu, An-Chen
Actor: Wu, Shih-Wei
Actor: Lin, Zi-Heng
Actor: Wei, Yi-Cheng
Actor: Hsu, Hao-Chung
Actor: Gusion
Actor: Chiu, An-Chen
演後座談:9.6 (五)19:30演後於藍盒子、9.7 (六)14:30演後於藍盒子
◎ 120 mins, no intermission
◎ In Taiwanese Hokkien and Mandarin,
Mandarin surtitles.
◎ Latecomers and re-entry subject to
◎ Contains strong language.
◎ Post-discussion: after 9.6 (FRI.) 19:30 performance,
after 9.7 (SAT.) 14:30 performance