
  • 電話 04-2251-1777
  • 地址 臺中市西屯區惠來路二段 101 號


National Taichung Theater

A space created for the imagination to soar and pursue different means of artistic expression in beautiful encounters that touch the soul.
We’ve built a theater for art and life, like the light, air and water that we cannot live without.
— Joyce Chiou, Gen­eral and Artis­tic Di­rec­tor


NTT in Our Daily Lives

Apart from open­ing our stages to Tai­wan’s per­form­ing arts groups and tour­ing pro­duc­tions from abroad to pre­sent mas­ter­pieces and new works, we also con­nect with the high-tech in­dus­try em­blem­atic of cen­tral Tai­wan, trans­form­ing the NTT into a hub where dig­i­tal, vi­sual and sound­scape art­works are ex­hib­ited on both a tem­po­rary and on­go­ing basis, con­nect­ing the arts with Taichung cit­i­zens’ daily lives. We or­ga­nize such ac­tiv­i­ties as in­ter­ac­tive the­ater pro­grams for the en­tire fam­ily. Older kids can join back­stage tours to learn about tech­ni­cal as­pects of stage­craft. We also offer in-depth ar­chi­tec­tural and botan­i­cal tours of the NTT.

NTT arranges fam­ily art pro­grams, teach­ing par­tic­i­pants to craft such fes­tive ob­jects as Christ­mas wreaths, gin­ger­bread houses, dec­o­ra­tive tapes and pop-up books on week­ends and dur­ing hol­i­day pe­ri­ods. Our “Play The­ater — Youth Cre­ative Work­shop” of­fers young peo­ple an out­let to de­velop their own po­ten­tial for self-ex­pres­sion through sto­ry­telling, end­ing with a final per­for­mance in our Black Box. We pro­vide el­e­men­tary and ju­nior high school teach­ers with teach­ing guides con­cern­ing tech­nol­ogy and dig­i­tal arts. For those wish­ing to nour­ish their souls, a wide va­ri­ety of play read­ings and pre-per­for­mance talks are held at the NTT for lovers of music, the­ater and dance.



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