2024TIFA 坂本龍一《鏡:KAGAMI》

2024TIFA 坂本龍一《鏡:KAGAMI》
為服務觀眾,2024TIFA坂本龍一《鏡:KAGAMI》將於3/11 (一) 中午12:00 起將部分輪椅席及輪椅陪同席轉為一般席販售,轉售之座位票區名稱為「自由入場」,敬請留意。
藝術千秋,人生朝露。最深刻的悼念,凝聚於光影與音符之間。由坂本龍一、Tin Drum合作開發的《鏡:KAGAMI》,以展覽與MR技術,搭配知名設計師緒方慎一郎為大師量身打造的氣味,帶你走入坂本龍一最後的獨奏會現場。聽作曲家演奏與生命緊密連結的十首經典曲目,近距離觀察他纖細的觸鍵與表情,並沉浸於隨之浮現的虛擬藝術,絕對是您與大師共享永恆生命的珍貴體驗!
Since the lifespan of a human is limited, how do we ensure our music will live on after we are gone? This is a question the legendary Japanese composer and electronic music pioneer Ryuichi Sakamoto pondered as he endured cancer during the last part of his life. KAGAMI realized the answer to this question through the use of mixed reality technology.
This mixed reality recital, a collaboration between Sakamoto and Tin Drum, the world's leading mixed reality studio, features Sakamoto performing ten of his iconic pieces. Audiences are invited to come close to Sakamoto and observe his facial expressions and the delicate touch of his fingers on the piano. A fitting tribute to Ryuichi Sakamoto, KAGAMI, "mirror" in Japanese, offers a truly immersive and intimate experience with the cultural icon, and through it, actualizes the meaning of "Art is long, Life is short".
- 本演出開放演出前30分鐘,於國家戲劇院一號門驗票入場。
The performance opens for entry 30 minutes before the show at the Gate 1 of National Theater. - 若您是戴眼鏡的觀眾,請留意本頁下方注意事項。
If you are a glasses-wearing audience, please pay attention to the notification at the bottom of this page.
© Luigi and Iango
阿!但是電池到時候就沒電了! —— 坂本龍一,2023坂本龍一是音樂界的傳奇人物,身兼作曲家、鋼琴家、歌手、製作人、藝術家等多重身分,亦是熱心於環境保育與反核運動的倡議人士。
自上個世紀七零年代出道後,坂本龍一涉足了多個音樂領域,包括電子音樂、流行樂、古典音樂和電影音樂。他於1978年加入Yellow Magic Orchestra樂團(YMO),該樂團被視為日本電子音樂和合成器的先驅之一,深刻影響了日本流行文化。後續無論是坂本龍一的個人演出、電影配樂創作,都不斷挑戰多樣風格與極限,並多次獲得奧斯卡獎及葛萊美獎肯定。他的作品深得不同世代樂迷的共鳴。其中,他為《俘虜》、《末代皇帝》、《神鬼獵人》等電影所創作的配樂,更為畫面增色。此外,坂本龍一也致力於推動環保與反核議題;在日本311大地震後,他成為地震、海嘯和福島核災受害者的堅定聲音支持者。
There is, in reality, a virtual me.
This virtual me will not age, and will continue to play the piano for years, decades, centuries.
Will there be humans then?
Will the squids that will conquer the earth after humanity listen to me?
What will pianos be to them?
What about music?
Will there be empathy there?
Empathy that spans hundreds of thousands of years.
Ah, but the batteries won't last that long. —— Ryuichi Sakamoto, 2023Ryuichi Sakamoto was a composer, producer, and artist born in Tokyo. His diverse résumé includes pioneering electronic works in the legendary techno group Yellow Magic Orchestra, producing pop albums and numerous classical compositions, two operas, and nearly 45 original film/TV scores for directors, including Bernardo Bertolucci, Pedro Almodóvar, Brian De Palma, and Alejandro González Iñárritu. His film soundtracks have won prestigious awards, including an Academy Award, two Golden Globes, a Grammy, and many more.
Sakamoto made considerable contributions to the art world with both solo and collaborative installations and multi-piece exhibitions presented in galleries and museums worldwide. On January 17th, 2023, his 71st birthday, Ryuichi released "12", his 15th solo album. The new album is a collection of 12 songs selected from musical sketches Sakamoto recorded like a sound diary during his two-and-a-half-year battle with cancer.
Ryuichi Sakamoto passed away in March 2023 at the age of 71.
©Ryan Muir
- Before Long
- Aoneko no Torso
- Andata
- Energy Flow
- MUJI2020
- The Seed and The Sower
- Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence
- Aqua
- The Last Emperor
- BB
It is his exquisitely haunting music which really dazzles. —— The Guardian
「令人驚艷!」——《Manchester Evening News》
Completely Astonishing. —— Manchester Evening News
「這是一個優美含蓄,充滿情感,令觀者身歷其境的沉浸體驗。」——《Manchester Confidential》
An immersive, emotional experience delivered with beautiful understatement. —— Manchester Confidential
坂本龍一、導演托德.埃克特和 Rhizomatiks 在東京參與動態立體捕捉攝影的最後一天。(攝於2020.12.16)
Tin Drum是引領全球的混合實境(MR)製作公司,2016年由托德.埃克特(Todd Eckert)成立後,於2019年推出全球首件大型MR作品,邀請藝術家Marina Abramović創作《生命》(The Life),於英國倫敦蛇形藝廊呈現。2021年推出《梅杜莎》(Medusa),與知名建築師藤本壯介及倫敦設計節合作,在英國V&A博物館展出時,萬張門票搶購一空。
在《鏡:KAGAMI》的體驗中,將使用穿戴式裝置Magic Leap 2。雖然該產品於2022下半年才上市,但Tin Drum早已使用多時,並開發出獨特的超擬真系統,讓 250 部裝置的空間聲響可同步,這項技術也是舉世首見。Magic Leap 2 可提升景深效果,同時能以視覺繪測展演空間,對於《鏡:KAGAMI》的體驗相當有幫助。
TIN DRUM is the pioneering Mixed Reality studio founded in 2016 by Todd Eckert. Tin Drum premiered the world’s first large scale MR presentation in 2019 with Marina Abramović and The Life at London's Serpentine Galleries. In 2021 the studio premiered Medusa, a collaboration with groundbreaking architect Sou Fujimoto presented with the London Design Festival for a sold out run to over 10,000 at the Victoria & Albert Museum.
KAGAMI will be presented using Magic Leap 2, expected to launch on the market in late 2022 (though already in use by Tin Drum). The studio has developed a unique and hyper authentic system to simultaneously synchronise 250 devices with spatial sound. It will be the first of its kind in the world. Magic Leap 2 offers substantial field of view to the user and has the capacity to vision map the performance space - all of which contribute to the specificity of the experience.
若您是戴眼鏡的觀眾,請特別留意 Notification for Audiences Requiring Vision Correction:
- 本節目須配戴頭顯設備觀賞MR演出,請觀眾盡量配戴隱形眼鏡觀賞。部分觀眾如穿戴眼鏡配戴頭顯設備,可能會導致部分觀眾觀賞過程不適。
Headsets used in KAGAMI will not fit comfortably over prescription eyewear. Guests requiring vision correction should wear contact lenses if able to do so. - 本節目使用 Magic Leap 2 頭顯設備(如上圖),相較一般 VR 設備較為緊貼,部分鏡框可能無法兼容頭顯設備。請觀眾仔細評估後再決定是否配戴眼鏡觀賞本演出。
Magic Leap 2, the device used in KAGAMI, will not fit when audiences are wearing larger glasses frame. Please make sure you have carefully estimated the size of your glasses before coming to the show wearing them. - 現場提供少量矯正度數頭顯設備,請注意矯正度數並不保證完美符合使用者的度數,且無法矯正近視與遠視以外的視力問題。(矯正鏡片數量有限,將依現場狀況依序出借,借完為止)
A limited number of corrective lenses will be available but these do not guarantee perfect vision correction, and can only correct myopia and presbyopia. (As they are limited, it will be first come, first served)
藝術家 ARTIST|坂本龍一 Ryuichi Sakamoto
導演 DIRECTOR|托德.埃克特 Todd Eckert
贊助單位 SPONSOR|日月光 ASE、波摩單一麥芽蘇格蘭威士忌 Bowmore Single Malt Scotch Whisky
技術支持 TECHNICAL COLLABORATOR|聚光工作坊股份有限公司 HISPOT WORKSHOP CO., LTD、唐宋企業有限公司 Topsound Co., Ltd.、城鎮事業有限公司 CHENG ZHEN STAGE CO.,LTD.
指定住宿 HOTEL|台北花園大酒店
- 本演出開放演出前30分鐘,於國家戲劇院一號門驗票入場。
◎ 節目全長約60分鐘,無中場休息。(含穿戴設備,實際體驗約55分鐘)
◎ 英文發音,中文字幕。
◎ 因兒童尚在視覺發展關鍵期,建議14歲以上觀眾欣賞。
◎ 演出中將配戴頭顯設備。少數人在使用頭顯設備時,可能會產生頭暈、噁心症狀,若您對自身的頭顯設備耐受性有疑慮,請務必徵詢醫師等專業建議,再決定是否參與體驗。
◎ 建議戴眼鏡的觀眾可配戴隱形眼鏡聆賞,以達最佳效果。如有特殊需求,現場有部分設備可調整度數(不包括其他如散光等視力狀況之處理),提醒在此狀況之下視覺呈現將可能因人而異。
◎ 本演出為遊走式體驗,建議請著輕裝便鞋參與,不建議攜帶大件隨身物品。
◎ 本演出將使用特製香氣。
◎ 如為使用輪椅之觀眾,為確保您於廳內移動之便利性及安全性,請務必選購輪椅席。
◎ 國家兩廳院主辦節目之輪椅售票席及其陪同席,經參考過往平均售票率偏低,為服務更多觀眾及資源使用最大化,將於演出前一週視實際票房情形轉為一般席銷售。
◎本節目提供藝童PLAY 預約服務,詳見申請辦法(採報名制,演出日7天前15:00截止報名)。
◎ 主辦單位保留節目異動權。