2024TIFA 國家兩廳院✕瑞士洛桑維蒂劇院——里米尼紀錄劇團《這不是個大使館》

2024TIFA 國家兩廳院✕瑞士洛桑維蒂劇院——里米尼紀錄劇團《這不是個大使館》
2024.04.12 (五) 19:30、2024.04.13 (六) 19:30、2024.04.14 (日) 14:30
國家兩廳院-國家戲劇院 臺北市中正區中山南路21-1號
演出者吳建國、演出者郭家佑、演出者王思雅、導演史蒂芬.凱吉、戲劇構作及助理導演温思妮、劇場設計Dominik Huber、影像Björn Mikko Gaestel、聲音設計Ludovic Guglielmazzi、聲音設計Polina Lapkovskaja、舞臺經理Quentin Brichet、前期田調羅尹如、攝影林伯勛、共同戲劇構作Caroline Barneaud、導演助理Kim Crofts、舞台設計助理Matthieu Stefan、製作人(歐洲)Tristan Pannatier、製作助理(歐洲)Morgane Kursner、製作人(臺灣)穆芹、製作助理(臺灣)謝佩珊、行銷統籌謝澤旻、技術統籌王瓈萱
27歲的音樂家王思雅(Debby Wang),家族是全世界最大的珍珠奶茶原料供應商,從外公經營的一個小小的酸梅湯攤位開始,她的父親讓臺灣手搖茶飲文化走向全世界。恰如八零年代許多臺灣的生意人,帶著一卡皮箱走天下,在我們外交險峻的情況下,他們以「Made in Taiwan」為臺灣創造了新的生命。
吳建國 ©Claudia Ndebele
王思雅(Debby Wang)©Claudia Ndebele
©Claudia Ndebele
Theater of diplomacy: Taiwan's unique and often misunderstood political status abroad is the subject of a play by Stefan Kaegi / Rimini Protokoll (Switzerland / Germany).
In This is not an Embassy, theater and diplomacy are brought together to portray modern Taiwan's representation abroad. The documentary play explores the island nation's current predicament vis a vis global politics, where its status as a country is constantly questioned, and most of its representations are not allowed to be officially referred to as "embassies."
A digital activist, a retired diplomat, and the heiress of a Taiwanese company that opened up the international market for bubble tea talk about their lives and simulate the opening of a "non-embassy". They perform music in a transformable film set model. With small cameras, they role play with miniatures that represent themselves in the mini-earthquakes of representation abroad.
The production is conceived by Stefan Kaegi and Rimini Protokoll, a German theater label known for using technology, creativity, and experts from outside of the theater world to examine social issues. It is made in conjunction with Taiwanese artists as part of a seven-week residency at National Theater & Concert Hall, Taipei. The performance premiers in Europe. Back in Taiwan the show reports on the diplomatic adventures of a Taiwanese "non-embassy" on big theatre stages in Berlin, Vienna and Lausanne…
With this project, Kaegi highlights three very human and local answers to big questions like: What if the theater could create a "temporary, nomadic" representation of a territory, which will exist as a country on stage, even if only for the duration of the show?
©Claudia Ndebele
主創團隊 Creative Team|里米尼紀錄劇團 Rimini Protokoll
里米尼紀錄劇團成立於2000年,由賀爾歌達.豪克(Helgard Haug)、史蒂芬.凱吉(Stefan Kaegi)及丹尼爾.威哲爾(Daniel Wetzel)共同組成。他們以獨特的觀點、寫實的創作手法反應真實世界的樣貌,擴展了劇場的定義。他們經常與劇場界以外的專業人士合作,也喜歡強調互動性及科技的運用,藉此發展不同的戲劇型式,並從日常生活各專業領域的市民中找尋素人演員——他們稱之為「日常專家」。
Helgard Haug, Stefan Kaegi and Daniel Wetzel founded the theatre-label Rimini Protokoll in 2000 and have since worked in different constellations under this name. Work by work they have expanded the means of the theatre to create new perspectives on reality. Rimini Protokoll often develop their stage-works, interventions, performative installations and audio plays together with experts who have gained their knowledge and skills beyond the theatre. Furthermore, they like to transpose rooms or social structures into theatrical formats. Many of their works feature interactivity and a playful use of technology.
概念暨導演 Concept and director|史蒂芬.凱吉 Stefan Kaegi
Stefan Kaegi creates documentary theatre plays, audio-interventions, curated formats and works in the urban environment in a diverse variety of collaborative partnerships. Using research, public auditions and conceptual processes, he often gives voice to 'experts' who are not trained actors but have something to tell. Most of his works are released under the label "Rimini Protokoll" - name of the berlin-based theatre collective he founded together with Helgard Haug and Daniel Wetzel in the beginning of the millenium.
里米尼紀錄劇團主創成員之一、導演史蒂芬.凱吉 ©TTFotografie
表演者|吳建國 David Wu1952年(民國41年)出生於新竹湖口,政大新聞系、新聞研究所畢業,作過記者、編輯、編譯、高雄市政府新聞處處長兼發言人。服務外交工作37年,派駐過南非、越南、泰國、貝里斯、紐西蘭,擔任處長、大使、代表。可講越語與泰語,學過日文、法文、西班牙文、德文、緬甸語。熱愛中華文化,退休後在大學講授東南亞,常在報上撰文。
表演者|郭家佑 Chiayo Kuo
表演者|王思雅 Debby Wang
1996年出生,音樂家,家族經營伯思美企業,為全球最大珍珠奶茶原料供應商。曾赴奧地利國立維也納表演藝術音樂大學就學,2018年前往美國波士頓於伯克利音樂學院研讀爵士鐵琴以家爵士作曲,並為伯克利音樂學院爵士與性別公正學會(Institute of Jazz and Gender Justice)成員之一。2021年三月與美國Berklee 音樂學院協辦跨國音樂節《島嶼之火音樂節:作曲家系列》; 八月受邀於兩廳院夏日爵士演奏鐵琴獨奏。2022年帶領 Debby Wang's Mini Orchestra 於台中爵士音樂節主舞台演出,2022年榮獲義大利 Italy Percussive Arts Society 比賽作曲組第二名,爵士鐵琴組第三名。2023與民生電氣合作,攜手日本作曲家秩父英里以及藝術家峰本克子一同率領大樂團巡演 Crossing Reality,獲得廣大迴響,2024年初將發行個人首張專輯《甘 Aftertaste》。
製作團隊 Production Team
概念暨導演 Concept and director|史蒂芬.凱吉(里米尼紀錄劇團)Stefan Kaegi / Rimini Protokoll
戲劇構作及助理導演 Dramaturgy & assistant director|温思妮 Wen Szu-ni
劇場設計 Set design|Dominik Huber
影像 Video|Björn Mikko Gaestel
聲音設計 Music|Ludovic Guglielmazzi, Polina Lapkovskaja (Pollyester)
舞臺經理 Stage Manager|Quentin Brichet
前期田調 Research|羅尹如 Yinru Lo
攝影 Video shooting|林伯勛 Philip Lin
共同戲劇構作 Co-dramaturgy|Caroline Barneaud
導演助理 Assistant director|Kim Crofts (trainee)
舞台設計助理 Assistant set designer|Matthieu Stefan (trainee)
製作人(歐洲)Production Europe|Tristan Pannatier (Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne)
製作助理(歐洲)Production Assistant Europe|Morgane Kursner
表演者 With|郭家佑 Chiayo Kuo、王思雅 Debby Wang、吳建國 David Wu
製作人 Production Taiwan|穆芹 Mu Chin
製作助理 Production Assistant Taiwan|謝佩珊 Hsieh Pei-shan
行銷統籌 Marketing Project Manager|謝澤旻 Hsieh Che-Min
技術統籌 Technic Director|王瓈萱 Wang Li-hsuan
Production|National Theater & Concert Hall Taipei and Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne
共製單位 Coproduction|里米尼紀錄劇團 Rimini Protokoll、柏林藝術節 Berliner Festspiele、維也納人民劇院 Volkstheater Wien、馬德里國家戲劇中心 Centro Dramático Nacional Madrid、蘇黎世戲劇節 Zürcher Theater Spektakel、巴黎秋天藝術節 Festival d'Automne à Paris、捷克國家劇院/布拉格十字路口藝術節 National Theatre Drama / Prague Crossroads Festival
This project is a unique cooperation between Taiwanese and European teams made up of artists, experts, researchers, dramaturgs, producers... It is jointly produced by the National Theater & Concert Hall Taipei and the Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne, in co-production with Asian and European partners.
巡迴場次 Touring Information
2024.1.24-1.27 德國柏林藝術節 Berliner Festspiele
2024.3.2-3.3 奧地利維也納人民劇院 Volkstheater
2024.3.8-3.9 瑞士巴塞爾 Kaserne Basel
2024.3.14-3.24 瑞士洛桑維蒂劇院 Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne
👉專訪《遙感系列》導演_史蒂芬.凱吉 給你一場與演算法同步的虛實旅程 -
◎演後座談:4.12 (FRI.) 演後於國家戲劇院大廳。
◎錄影場:4.13 (SAT.)。
◎本節目提供藝童PLAY 預約服務,詳見申請辦法(採報名制,演出日7天前15:00截止報名)。◎國家兩廳院主辦節目之輪椅售票席及其陪同席,經參考過往平均售票率偏低,為服務更多觀眾及資源使用最大化,將於演出前一週視實際票房情形轉為一般席銷售,惟保留一組輪椅及陪同席提供購買。