2025TIFA 西尤島:《生命河流》西塔琴音吟遊現場Ex

2025.03.14 (五) - 2025.03.15 (六)

2025TIFA 西尤島:《生命河流》西塔琴音吟遊現場Ex

  • 演出全長


  • 場次時間

    2025.03.14 (五) 19:30、2025.03.15 (六) 14:30

  • 演出單位


  • 演出地點

    國家兩廳院-演奏廳 臺北市中正區中山南路21-1號

  • 演出團隊


  • 內容簡介




    The flow of life seems to originate in underground springs,

    converging to form rivers, washing the earth and its souls before finally entering the breathtaking sea.

    The distant sounds of the Indian sitar are interwoven with ceremonial songs and dances of Taiwan's indigenous Kavalan tribe into a river of life. This intersection of cultures reveals the eternality of myths.

    At the creative core of The SiyuLand project is a trio of mesmerizing musical instruments: drum kit, piano, and sitar plus lead vocals. This has been presented all over Taiwan and abroad. This time, it has been tailor-made for TIFA, integrating traditional elements of the Kavalan people and recreating the pure and simple atmosphere of indigenous rituals through solo and ensemble performances. Moreover, Indian musician Akash Dubey has been invited to play the tabla (traditional Indian hand drums) and chant. The desire is to create a profound musical landscape for all in this river of life.

    「西尤島計劃」是一個以西塔琴為主軸 並結合台灣噶瑪蘭音樂和世界音樂為主要風格的樂團。 以「上天為被,大地為床」作為創作的養分 自成立以來,一直透過作品和音樂巡演 鼓勵台灣許多年輕觀眾改變習慣方式,以不同的方式認識民族音樂讓人感受到每一種文化透過與其他文化的交織,都能帶來無限的可能性。

    西尤島計劃希望透過他們的巨大熱情和勤奮的態度 讓人們更了解亞洲文化的魅力以及上天對世界的愛。

    The SiyuLand Pj. is a band that mainly performs Sitar combined with Taiwanese Kavalan music and world music style as their unique fushion. Considering a chinese motto " the sky as their bedquilt , the earth as their bed" their creation conception, with a focus on Asian culture as their nutrition for creation, the SiyuLand since foundation has been encouraging many young audience in Taiwan, via their works and music tours , to change the ways they get used to as well as to know differently about national music. The performances of the SiyuLand make people feel that every culture through intertwining with other cultures, can lead to infinite possibilities.

    The SiyuLand hope to, via their great passion and hardworking attitudes , enable people to know more about the charisma of Asian culture as well as the love of God to the world.

    藝術總監 AZeR吳欣澤


    Director Uz AZeR

    Since foundation of the band in 2003, he has been giving many important cultural art performances on the stage. Uz AZeR traverses among music genres such as art , classics/modern and popular that impress and amaze the audience around the world, and he hopes that the band can keep improving and make progress in the future by continual music creation and performances, so as to develop the singularity and diversity of the SiyuLand Pj.







    印度鼓與拍點唸唱|艾凱旭.杜貝 Akash Dubey


    2024年10月28日(一) 08:00起至藝文廊道工程結束,因應工程進度並顧及行人安全,調整捷運中正紀念堂站5號出口週遭動線,請詳閱以下工程範圍、建議動線及兩廳院地面層各出入口標示。官網公告:https://pr.ntch.art/pKGqc7

    Alternative Routes Between NTCH and MRT Exit 5 During Construction Time:

    Starting from October 28, 2024 (Monday), the Art and Cultural Concourse is under construction. For your safety, please take alternative routes as indicated below at MRT Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall Station Exit 5. The construction scope, alternative routes, and NTCH gates are all marked in the following graph.

  • 注意事項



    ◎本節目提供「藝童PLAY - 演出中孩童陪伴服務」,詳見申請辦法(採報名制,演出日7天前 15:00截止報名)。






