2025TIFA 哈希德.烏蘭登《無涯之軀》

2025TIFA 哈希德.烏蘭登《無涯之軀》
2025.03.28 (五) 19:30、2025.03.29 (六) 14:30、2025.03.30 (日) 14:30
國家兩廳院-國家戲劇院 臺北市中正區中山南路21-1號
主辦單位法國國家夏佑劇院、概念/編舞家哈希德.烏蘭登、導演哈希德.烏蘭登、攀岩者Ann Raber Cocheril、演出者Ann Raber Cocheril、走繩者Antoine Cretinon、演出者Antoine Cretinon、演出者Hamza Benlabied、演出者Airelle Caen、演出者Löric Fouchereau、演出者Peter Freeman、演出者Charlie Hession、演出者Arnau Povedano、演出者Belar San Vicente、演出者Seppe Van Looveren
「馬戲藝術與當代舞蹈的完美融合!」—— 法國《Filles de Paname》
騰雲駕霧、超脫肉體 —— 虛空背後,是無垠自由
©Pascale Cholette
The perfect fusion of circus arts and contemporary dance! – Filles de Paname, France
Experience the thrill of a performance that reaches the edge of extreme.
Soaring above the stage, transcending physical limits – behind the void is boundless freedom.
Scaling a climbing wall and flying with the help of a steel cable, rock climbers and high-wire acrobats go beyond extreme sports. Teaming up with eight acrobats on the dance stage, they fly, climb, and float, challenging physical limits and breaking through mindsets to present a liberating mind and body adventure. French choreographer Rachid Ouramdane combines extreme sports with dance, using a climbing wall and a steel cable to establish new dimensions beyond the boundaries of the theater. The steel cable is suspended above the stage and the climbing wall is sometimes transformed into a giant screen to present breathtaking natural landscapes. It is as if the performers are between heaven and earth. Complemented by the intuition of athletes and flyers in extreme situations, a moving experience and a dialogue between body and mind are created. A magnificent fantasy world appears before your eyes with thrilling mountain ridge and high-altitude adventures.
哈希德.烏蘭登在12歲時因嘻哈舞開始接觸舞蹈,隨後接受古典與現代舞的密集訓練。1990年代初,他放棄生物學研究,全職投入舞蹈,並加入法國昂熱國家現代舞中心(Centre National de Danse Contemporaine)。作為表演者和編舞家,烏蘭登的創作主題常圍繞見證和個人經驗,如難民兒童和天災受害者,編織出結構分明的舞作。自2021年4月起,擔任法國巴黎國家夏佑劇院總監,致力於推動多元包容的創作理念。
©Julien Benhamou
Conception, Choreographer|Rachid Ouramdane
At the age of twelve, Rachid Ouramdane discovered dance through hip-hop. He also took intensive courses in classical and modern dance. In the early 1990s, he dropped out of his studies in biology to devote himself fulltime to dance and joined the Centre national de danse contemporaine in Angers. As a performer and choreographer, he has worked with Meg Stuart, Odile Duboc, Hervé Robbe, Alain Buffard, Christian Rizzo, Julie Nioche and Emmanuelle Huynh. Rachid Ouramdane's creations are often marked by the seal of testimony and intimate experience (refugee children, victims of torture or natural disasters, amateur athletes, etc), from which he weaves a structured choreography. Rachid Ouramdane collaborates with circus artists (Compagnie XY), authors (Pascal Rambert, Sonia Chiambretto), visual artists (Nicolas Floch' and Mehdi Meddaci), and musicians (Jean-Baptiste Julien and Alexandre Meyer) for his own creations as well as for commissioned works and workshops. With an ambitious project based on diversity and hospitality, he has been director of Chaillot - Théâtre national de la Danse in Paris since April 2021.
攀岩者|Ann Raber Cocheril
Climber|Ann Raber Cocheril
Ann Raber grew up as a competitive gymnast in Houston, Texas, where she also trained in dance until age 16. She later took her training to the outdoors, where she quickly brought her outdoor rock climbing to a high level. For over twenty years Ann has devoted herself entirely to outdoor climbing, travelling all over the world to find small, unassuming objectives of high difficulty in the mountains and deserts. In 2019 she shifted her focus to the legandary limestone cliffs of southern France, where the tradition of long, sustained rock climbs challenges her in new ways every season. She has worked in the climbing world in many capacities throughout her career, as a guide, model, ambassador, instructor and writer. Joining Corps extrêmes in 2021 has been a perfect way to bring her acrobatic training and rock climbing together, and to share this vocabulary of movement that the natural world has prescribed in front of a wider public audience.
走繩者|Antoine Cretinon
Highliner|Antoine Cretinon
Sometimes moutain dweller, tightrope walker or ingeneer, Antoine Cretinon is first of all an Alpes lover, since he has been living in the moutains from his younger age. In his favorite playground, he became the alpinist and highliner he is now. His craziest project is to walk from a peak to another. Corps extrêmes is the only in which he performed.
製作團隊 Credits
概念/編舞家 Conception, Choreographer|哈希德.烏蘭登 Rachid Ouramdane
音樂 Music|Jean-Baptiste Julien
錄像 Video|Jean-Camille Goimard
燈光 Lighting|Stéphane Graillot
服裝 Costume|Camille Panin
編舞助理 Choreographer assistant|Mayalen Otondo
技術經理 Technical manager|Sylvain Giraudeau
音效經理 Sound manager|Laurent Lechenault
燈光經理 Light manager|Stéphane Graillot
巡演經理 Tour manager|Juliette Bones
表演者 Performed by|Hamza Benlabied、Airelle Caen、Antoine Crétinon(高空繩索行者)、Löric Fouchereau、Peter Freeman、Charlie Hession、Arnau Povedano、Ann Raber Cocheril(攀岩者)、Belar San Vicente、Seppe Van Looveren
©Pascale Cholette
◎ 演出全長約60分鐘,無中場休息。
◎ 部分法語發音,中文字幕。◎ 建議8歲以上觀眾觀賞。
◎ 演前導聆:每場演出前30分鐘於國家戲劇院大廳。
◎ 演後座談:3.29 (SAT. )演出後於國家戲劇院大廳。◎ 如為使用輪椅之觀眾,為確保您於廳內移動之便利性及安全性,請務必選購輪椅席。
◎ 本節目提供「藝童PLAY - 演出中孩童陪伴服務」,詳見申請辦法(採報名制,演出日7天前 15:00截止報名)。
◎ 國家兩廳院主辦節目之輪椅售票席及其陪同席,經參考過往平均售票率偏低,為服務更多觀眾及資源使用最大化,將於演出前一週視實際票房情形轉為一般席銷售,惟保留一組輪椅及陪同席提供購買。
◎ 持青年席位票券者,請憑證件(身分證或健保卡)入場,如無法出示相符證件之觀眾,節目當天現場不開放入場、亦不進行退/換票。
◎ 主辦單位保留節目異動權。