2025TIFA 瑪琳.蒙泰羅.弗雷塔斯《酒神有沒有派對》(BACCHAE - PRELUDE TO A PURGE)

2025.03.07 (五) - 2025.03.09 (日)


2025TIFA 瑪琳.蒙泰羅.弗雷塔斯《酒神有沒有派對》(BACCHAE - PRELUDE TO A PURGE)

  • 演出全長


  • 場次時間

    2025.03.07 (五) 19:30、2025.03.08 (六) 19:30、2025.03.09 (日) 14:30

  • 演出單位


  • 演出地點

    國家兩廳院-國家戲劇院 臺北市中正區中山南路21-1號

  • 演出團隊

    製作團隊P.OR.K(瑪琳.蒙泰羅.弗雷塔斯的舞團Marlene Monteiro Freitas)、編舞、演出瑪琳.蒙泰羅.弗雷塔斯(Marlene Monteiro Freitas)、演出者項馨儀(Hsin-Yi Hsiang)、演出者Cláudio Silva、演出者Flora Détraz、演出者Gonçalo Marques、演出者Henri “Cookie” Lesguillier、演出者Johannes Krieger、演出者Kyle Scheurich、演出者Lander Patrick、演出者Micael Pereira、演出者Miguel Filipe、演出者Tomás Moital、演出者Yaw Tembe、燈光設計Yannick Fouassier、聲音設計Tiago Cerqueira、舞台監督André Calado、製作Carol Goulart、製作Janine Lages

  • 內容簡介

    "透過怪誕展現了精緻的瞬間,並強有力地反映了我們混亂的世界" ★ ★ ★ ★ 英國評論雜誌 VoiceMag


    "滑稽且黑暗,挑釁且有時帶著一絲溫情的愚蠢" ★ ★ ★ ★威爾士評論The Only Culture Vulture

    "蛻變和變形,展現出令人震憾的強烈美學風格" ★ ★ ★ ★Chanel Next Prize







    Based on the ancient Greek tragedy Euripides, this performance starts with an intense celebration featuring five trumpeters and eight dancers. They wildly dance, sing, and shout, recreating the joys and sorrows of Dionysus, the god of wine, and sending out enchanting invitations to this overly rational world. Let Brazilian funk guide you through this out-of-body experience in which comical clown makeup is removed and delusions and eccentricities flourish. 


    Unbridled, choreographer and dancer Marlene Monteiro Freitas creates sparks with movement, music, sound, lighting, costumes, and makeup, stimulating the senses of sight and hearing, as well as the psyche. Expressionism leads to dances that are no longer obscure or dull. Straightforward and fearless physical movements expose the true self and are on the verge of shocking. By washing away all pretense and purposely crossing lines, the shackles of etiquette and society are broken. Finally, each soul emerges naked and authentic.


    瑪琳.蒙泰羅.弗雷塔斯 Marlene Monteiro Freitas



    出生於維德角,現居里斯本,是一名舞者和編舞家,其舞蹈以誇張聞名,且深受家鄉島嶼狂歡節傳統所影響,展現出令人震憾的強烈美學風格。開放、離經叛道、風格強烈是她的作品主軸,善於呈現難以表達的姿態與文字,使觀眾以不同尋常的方式去看待事物。她透過作品探索蛻變和變形,讓觀眾正視多重自我的對立。她的文化成就得到國際上的廣泛認可,曾榮獲維德角政府授予的榮譽SPA獎(2017年)、威尼斯雙年展舞蹈銀獅獎(2018年)、 巴塞隆那藝術評論獎的最佳國際表演獎(2020年),以及香奈兒Next獎和伊文斯藝術獎(2022年)。自2020年以來,她共同策劃了(un)common ground項目,探討以色列和巴勒斯坦衝突的藝術和文化體現。


    MARLENE MONTEIRO FREITAS studied dance at P.A.R.T.S. (Brussels), at ESD and Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (Lisbon). She worked with choreographers such as Loïc Touzé, Emmanuelle Huynh, Tânia Carvalho and Boris Charmatz. Among others, her creations include Canine Jaunâtre 3 (2024, for Opéra National de Lyon), LULU (2023, with Theater and der Wien e WienerFestwochen), RI TE (2022; with Israel Galván), ÔSS (2022; for Dançando com a Diferença), the performance Idiota and the exibition X AND (2022; around the painting of Alex Silva), Pierrot Lunaire (2021; with Klangforum Wien and Ingo Metzmacher), Mal-Embriaguez Divina (2020). The common denominator of these works is openness, hybridism, impurity and intensity. In 2015, in Lisbon, she co-founded, P.OR.K, the structure that since then has been producing her work. In 2017, Jaguar was awarded the SPA prize for choreography and the Cape Verde government distinguished her cultural achievements. In 2018, she was awarded a Silver Lion by the Venice Biennale, in 2020, Bacchae was awarded the Prize for the Best International Performance by Les Prémis de la Critica d’Arts Escèniques of Barcelona, in 2022 she was awarded the Chanel Next Prize and the Evens Arts Prize. Since 2020, she co-curates the project (un)common ground, on the artistic and cultural inscription of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

    ©Ferreira Santos

    製作團隊 Credits

    編舞、服裝設計、道具設計、音樂設計Choreography, Costumes, Props & Music  | Marlene Monteiro Freitas

    演出者With  | Cláudio Silva, Flora Détraz, Gonçalo Marques, Henri “Cookie” Lesguillier, Hsin- Yi Hsiang, Johannes Krieger, Kyle Scheurich, Lander Patrick, Marlene Monteiro Freitas, Micael Pereira, Miguel Filipe, Tomás Moital, Yaw Tembe

    燈光暨空間設計Light & Space  | Yannick Fouassier

    椅凳設計Stools  | João Francisco Figueira, Luís Miguel Figueira

    聲音設計Sound  | Tiago Cerqueira

    舞台監督Stage manager  | André Calado

    研究人員Research  | MMF, João Francisco Figueira

    製作Production  | P.OR.K (Lisbon, PT) Carol Goulart, Janine Lages

    劇照Stills | Laurent Philippe

    巡演Distribution  | Key Performance (Stockholm, SE), Koen Vanhove

    共同製作Co-production  | TNDMII (Lisbon, PT); Kunstenfestivaldesarts (Brussels, BE), steirischer herbst festival (Graz, AT) & Alkantara (Lisbon, PT) with the support of the NXTSTP- Culture Programme of the European Union; NorrlandsOperan (Umeå, SE); Festival Montpellier Danse 2017 (Montpellier, FR); Bonlieu Scène nationale Annecy (Annecy, FR) & La Bâtie-Festival de Genève (Geneva, CH) in the framework of FEDER - programme Interreg France-Suisse 2014-2020; Teatro Municipal do Porto (Porto, PT); Le Cuvier – Centre de Développement Chorégraphique (Nouvelle-Aquitaine, FR); HAU Hebbel am Ufer (Berlin, DE); International Summer Festival Kampnagel (Hamburg, DE); Athens and Epidaurus Festival (Athens, GR); Münchner Kammerspiele (Munich, DE), Kurtheater Baden (Baden, CH); SPRING Performing Arts Festival (Utrecht, NL); Zürcher Theater Spektakel (Zurich, CH); Nouveau Théâtre de

    Montreuil – centre dramatique national (Montreuil, FR); Les Spectacles Vivants / Centre Pompidou (Paris, FR)

    駐村支持單位Residency support  | Polo Cultural Gaivotas | Boavista (Lisbon, PT) ; O Espaço do Tempo (Montemor-o-Novo, PT); Montpellier Danse à l´Agora, cité internationale de la danse ; ICI - centre chorégraphique national Montpellier - Occitanie / Pyrénées-Méditerranée / Direction Christian Rizzo - dans le cadre du programme de résidence Par/ICI (Montpellier, FR)

    特別感謝 Acknowledgements | Cristina Neves; Alain Micas; Bruno Coelho; Christophe Jullian; Louis Le Risbé; Manu Protopopoff; ACCCA – Companhia Clara Andermatt (Lisbon, PT); ESMAE (Lisbon, PT); ESTC (Lisbon, PT) P.OR.K Associação Cultural is funded by Governo de Portugal – Ministério da Cultura / Direção-Geral das Artes.

  • 注意事項

    ◎演後座談:3/9 (Sun.) 演出後於國家戲劇院大廳。


    ◎本節目提供「藝童PLAY - 演出中孩童陪伴服務」,詳見申請辦法(採報名制,演出日7天前 15:00截止報名)。







